Successful People And The Use Of Cosmic Ordering

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Improving one's lifestyle is a concern that has affected most of us in these recent times. The quest to lead a fulfilling life and enjoying every moment is perhaps what you have always desired to do. There are many available options that promise you a gratifying life, and one popular concept is that of cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering refers to a spiritual process in which the universe will give to you what you ask from it. You ask or order for something and it will be given to you. Although it is a spiritual process you need not be a saint and always do good deeds to get what you ask for. It is a benefit for sure but not a necessity.

Cosmic ordering entails the fulfillment of your desires and objectives. You have to 'order' whatever you desire from the universe and in a spiritual manner those needs shall be fulfilled. There might be a rearrangement in your lifestyle or your environment that shall suffice your needs!

According to Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer, to place an order with the universe you must be in, what they call the "field of intent." This is an energy field, that is obviously invisible, but it is where our spirit connects to the universe and then returns conscious desires.

There is a high probability that cosmic ordering is something you have done without knowing that you are doing it. Think of all the times you have really wanted something and the wish has come true. You probably thought it was a coincidence. But actually it was cosmic ordering at work.

For cosmic ordering to work, you must have the power of intention, that is, you must really believe that what you are asking for is what you deserve.

Merely saying that you want a new car or that you want a promotion is not enough. You must believe deep down in your heart that you deserve them. If you don't believe or don't put in any effort, in all likelihood you will not be getting them.

This is not too hard to grasp, is it? It doesn't involve strenuous spiritual exercises, but asks for self confidence. If you place your confidence in positive things, that positive change will influence your life. However if you meditate solely on negative aspects, the effects shall be adverse.

For example, if you think and believe that you are going to get fired, you probably will. So think positively and focus on what you really want.

Most people spend so many years in an unhappy state of mind that it is difficult for them to believe that they deserve good things and a change of circumstance.

Your subconscious ming might try to deny the effects of positive thinking, but the message of positive thoughts must be sent across to it.

For real success at cosmic ordering your subconscious mind needs to be prepared beforehand to accept that it is okay for you to change your life and receive everything you want.

To do this, try a bit of meditation or self hypnosis. And believe in yourself!

The time has come for you to change your life as well. Use cosmic ordering and live the life you have always dreamt about.

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How To Play A Faster Game Of Golf

By Rosendo Schehr

Because an 18-hole round of golf can last five to six hours, taking a whole day out of a busy schedule, many golfers get frustrated and are looking for tips to help them speed up their game.

If this is one of your frustrations, there are some solutions to the problem.

The first thing you need to find out is what is taking your golf game so long. Is it you? Are you taking too many practice swings? Are your spending too much time looking for lost balls? Or are you taking too long to putt?

If you have any of the slow habits above you might need to overcome them by golf tips, golf putting tips and golf practice tips.

Let's take a look at some tips that I've found useful in helping me play a game that is not only less time consuming, but more enjoyable as well.

Locate an exclusive country club that is rarely crowded and join.

Playing a course that allows five-somes will definitely slow down your game, so don't play them.

Try to play during the week if you have a flexible schedule.

See what the golf schedule is so that you can be one of the first players out on the course, even it means have a tee time in the wee hours of the morning.

If you live in a metropolitan area, you might have to drive an hour out of town to find a less crowded course. It could be very well worth the drive with your friends.

Remember these golf tips if you want to play a more enjoyable game of golf and not have to wait 10 or 15 minutes on every hole because of slow play.

One reason that many people don't play golf is because it can take up so much time. A leisurely enjoyable game of golf shouldn't take much over 4 hours for 18 holes so remember these tips and you'll be able to play a lot more golf a lot faster.

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Common Sports Betting Futures Mistakes To Avoid

By Ross Everett

Sports betting futures wagers can be an entertaining and profitable investment, but there are a number of pitfalls. These are some things to avoid:

Don't bet at the first place you look: In other words, shop around for the best price. This is essential to all aspects of sports betting, but especially important with futures wagers. You'll find more disparity between prices from book to book on futures than any other betting proposition. From a theoretical standpoint, a little work can yield much better value. From a practical standpoint, that means a higher payout should you win. The reason for this is that individual sportsbooks' aren't as worried about what the other guys are doing as they are with most other bets. Once the futures "market" is set books move the lines almost exclusively on their own financial position. The market simply doesn't respond as quickly to futures wagers as it does to individual game lines so it is essential to do the extra work to get the best price on your proposition.

Don't try to pick the winner in a competitive marketplace: This may sound sort of counter intuitive since the general idea of betting on futures is to determine the actual winner but it's really not. Like everything else, its essential to always be mindful of the value you're getting. In a futures market with several legitimate contenders at the top the price offered is seldom high enough to properly compensate for the risk you're assuming. Here's an example: in a hypothetical NCAA hoops tournament Duke is +200 to win the national championship. They've certainly got a shot, but at a payback of only 2/1 its hard to justify a wager at this point with the potential for so many interceding events that can make a championship more problematic. Such events as injuries, a tough tournament draw or even just going into a slump at the wrong time can happen to any team but when you bet a higher priced team--a 'dark horse mid major at 15/1 for example--you're getting "compensation" for assuming the "risks" of betting on a proposition with so many unknown variables.

To put this in more theoretical terms, the "true odds" of Duke winning the NCAA Championship are almost certainly higher than the price we're getting. Obviously, determining the "true odds", or actual probability of a future event is an inexact science but think of it this way: if the NCAA tournament was played 100 times would Duke wind up winning 50 of those? Given the number of other good teams and the propensity for upsets along the way, its doubtful. For the sake of argument, lets say that Duke has a 33% chance to win the tournament. That means that I wouldn't consider a bet on Duke to be a good value unless I was getting a price that a) accurately reflected the true probability of their winning and b) gave me some compensation for assuming the "risk of the unknown" inherent in taking the position so far in advance. At +500 I might be interested, but at +200 the value just isn't there.

In a less competitive field, there can be instances where even a big favorite is a good value. For example, lets say a book was to take action on a bikini contest between a Victoria's Secret supermodel and three members of the Pittsburgh Penguins. The model would essentially be a 100% probability to win the contest, meaning that even a high chalk price would be a good value. Risking a lot of money to win a little is a tough thing to justify, however, even if the math makes sense.

Don't get seduced by big underdogs: Sports betting is not a place to make the "big killing". It may happen occasionally, but more often it doesn't. While a sports book might offer a huge price on a cellar dwelling team to win the World Series, the big payback does not mean its a good value. On a practical level, there's probably nothing wrong with throwing a few bucks on a wager like this with a huge payback if the impossible occurs. My only problem with this is that making too many bets like this just perpetuates bad sports betting habits. If you're strictly a recreational player, no big deal. If you aspire to bet professionally, or at least want to pursue it with some degree of seriousness I've always maintained that you need to develop discipline that's not situational. In other words, if you want to be a serious sports bettor you need to approach it with a consistent level of seriousness at all times. If you want to chase a huge, life altering jackpot go to Las Vegas and play the Megabucks slots or buy a Powerball ticket.

Wagering value is just as important at the bottom of the barrel as it is at the top. Just because you're getting a huge potential payback on a big dog doesn't make it a good value. Make sure that the payback you're getting presents an overlay situation--even on a huge underdog.

Don't bet one sided props: Sometimes sports books will offer silly bets just to get publicity or in some cases just to be funny. While there may be life on other planets, the 'true odds' of a Martian being named to President Obama's cabinet wouldn't justify a +5000 line that it would occur.

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The Interior Designer Of Toronto

By Henry Liska

A qualified interior designer has completed a two to four year course at a professional design school associated with a university or college. Once they are awarded a degree or certificate of completion, they are then eligible to work as an assistant to an established Toronto interior designer or enter a formal apprenticeship program.

Areas of specialization may require even further training. A combination of education and experience in the field is required in order to take an official licensing test that grants the designer the title of Registered, Certified, or Licensed Interior Designer.

The job of an interior designer in Toronto is to plan interior space of homes or buildings. This usually requires knowing how to use computer aided design software and a basic knowledge of architecture and engineering so the designer is able to conform to local safety and building codes.

The interior designer can choose a specialized area such as becoming a developer of green space with rooftop gardens or the use of green flooring and wall coverings can seek after specialized areas. Ergonomic specialists for workspace designs are also a priority of employers today.

There are many opportunities for an interior designer in the residential area too. Here, she can specialize in bath or kitchen design, lighting, landscaping, or energy design. In order to be in high demand, an interior designer needs to have smart ideas, an eye for design, and be on top of changing trends in Toronto and around the world.

The designer is well acquainted with the various tools, products, and materials used to furnish a home or office as well. Color, lighting, texture, and structural considerations must all be taken into account when creating a pleasing aesthetic environment. Technical, electrical, and safety factors must also be kept in mind to keep the project within Toronto code guidelines.

Management strategies are regular goals that have to be met by interior designers. Planning, timing and project management abilities are necessary in order to meet deadlines and rework client suggestions. Proposals and presentations have to be informative and persuasive.

Interior designers also work closely with other Toronto professionals like contractors, service providers, and architects. Therefore excellent interpersonal communications are needed. Problem solving and negotiation will also be required throughout the course of a project.

The role of an interior designer is ever expanding as the world and society changes with it. The future will bring the need for interior designers to merge with the healthcare industry as the population ages and more attention is brought to the care of the elderly in Toronto. Designers will be called upon to create home-like living environments for seniors that are also medically sensitive.

An interior design career in Toronto is more than simply designing space according to a client's wishes. Today specializations like ergonomics, green design, and environmental concerns also come into play. This has resulted in an opportunity for advancement and expression that enriches the job of a designer and makes this a job that offers a sense of pride and accomplishment.

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Why Clean Water Is Vital To Health?

By Chandrasekaran Rajamani

People attach more importance to clean food than clean drinking water because we take water for granted. Water is essential for the survival of all forms of life and human beings are not an exception. Our health depends on the water we drink and we can not live without water for more than a few days. About 70% of the body is made up of water so it is an important factor that decides our health.

Unlike some plant species that can store water, animals including humans can not store water hence need frequent replenishment. The body loses water due to sweating, urination and even breathing. If this water loss is not made good, the body suffers dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration are lethargy, headaches, mood changes, slow responses, dry or cracked lips, dry nasal passage, dark-colored urine, weakness, tiredness, confusion and hallucinations. Prolonged dehydration if not treated, becomes life threatening and may lead to death.

The body not only loses water during urination but also water soluble vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin C, B complex vitamins and other important body fluids. Whenever you consume alcohol, make sure you consume more water than usual. A healthy body needs 8 glasses of water per day to meet it's needs. This differs slightly from person to person depending on climate, activity level, type of food intake and situation such as pregnancy. Consumption alcohol and other beverages increases urine output since these drinks stimulate kidneys to produce more urine contributing to the loss of body water.

Every cell in the body needs water for it's survival. Water is the main ingredient of body fluids that are used for transportation of nutrients to the individual cells and also for the removal of waste products from the cells. Without water, these cells will starve affecting their function and choke in their own excrement. With proper water intake these, cells are nourished and function to their full capacity thereby improving the overall health of the body.

It helps in keeping the blood fit enough to flow through blood vessels and also helps in removing the waste byproducts of the body's metabolism. Water also helps to flush out toxins, lubricate and cushion joints, regulate body temperature through sweating, and carry nutrients and oxygen to the body's cells. So water is crucial in maintaining the health and the functioning of every cell in the body.

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