Successful People And The Use Of Cosmic Ordering

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Improving one's lifestyle is a concern that has affected most of us in these recent times. The quest to lead a fulfilling life and enjoying every moment is perhaps what you have always desired to do. There are many available options that promise you a gratifying life, and one popular concept is that of cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering refers to a spiritual process in which the universe will give to you what you ask from it. You ask or order for something and it will be given to you. Although it is a spiritual process you need not be a saint and always do good deeds to get what you ask for. It is a benefit for sure but not a necessity.

Cosmic ordering entails the fulfillment of your desires and objectives. You have to 'order' whatever you desire from the universe and in a spiritual manner those needs shall be fulfilled. There might be a rearrangement in your lifestyle or your environment that shall suffice your needs!

According to Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer, to place an order with the universe you must be in, what they call the "field of intent." This is an energy field, that is obviously invisible, but it is where our spirit connects to the universe and then returns conscious desires.

There is a high probability that cosmic ordering is something you have done without knowing that you are doing it. Think of all the times you have really wanted something and the wish has come true. You probably thought it was a coincidence. But actually it was cosmic ordering at work.

For cosmic ordering to work, you must have the power of intention, that is, you must really believe that what you are asking for is what you deserve.

Merely saying that you want a new car or that you want a promotion is not enough. You must believe deep down in your heart that you deserve them. If you don't believe or don't put in any effort, in all likelihood you will not be getting them.

This is not too hard to grasp, is it? It doesn't involve strenuous spiritual exercises, but asks for self confidence. If you place your confidence in positive things, that positive change will influence your life. However if you meditate solely on negative aspects, the effects shall be adverse.

For example, if you think and believe that you are going to get fired, you probably will. So think positively and focus on what you really want.

Most people spend so many years in an unhappy state of mind that it is difficult for them to believe that they deserve good things and a change of circumstance.

Your subconscious ming might try to deny the effects of positive thinking, but the message of positive thoughts must be sent across to it.

For real success at cosmic ordering your subconscious mind needs to be prepared beforehand to accept that it is okay for you to change your life and receive everything you want.

To do this, try a bit of meditation or self hypnosis. And believe in yourself!

The time has come for you to change your life as well. Use cosmic ordering and live the life you have always dreamt about.

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How To Play A Faster Game Of Golf

By Rosendo Schehr

Because an 18-hole round of golf can last five to six hours, taking a whole day out of a busy schedule, many golfers get frustrated and are looking for tips to help them speed up their game.

If this is one of your frustrations, there are some solutions to the problem.

The first thing you need to find out is what is taking your golf game so long. Is it you? Are you taking too many practice swings? Are your spending too much time looking for lost balls? Or are you taking too long to putt?

If you have any of the slow habits above you might need to overcome them by golf tips, golf putting tips and golf practice tips.

Let's take a look at some tips that I've found useful in helping me play a game that is not only less time consuming, but more enjoyable as well.

Locate an exclusive country club that is rarely crowded and join.

Playing a course that allows five-somes will definitely slow down your game, so don't play them.

Try to play during the week if you have a flexible schedule.

See what the golf schedule is so that you can be one of the first players out on the course, even it means have a tee time in the wee hours of the morning.

If you live in a metropolitan area, you might have to drive an hour out of town to find a less crowded course. It could be very well worth the drive with your friends.

Remember these golf tips if you want to play a more enjoyable game of golf and not have to wait 10 or 15 minutes on every hole because of slow play.

One reason that many people don't play golf is because it can take up so much time. A leisurely enjoyable game of golf shouldn't take much over 4 hours for 18 holes so remember these tips and you'll be able to play a lot more golf a lot faster.

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Common Sports Betting Futures Mistakes To Avoid

By Ross Everett

Sports betting futures wagers can be an entertaining and profitable investment, but there are a number of pitfalls. These are some things to avoid:

Don't bet at the first place you look: In other words, shop around for the best price. This is essential to all aspects of sports betting, but especially important with futures wagers. You'll find more disparity between prices from book to book on futures than any other betting proposition. From a theoretical standpoint, a little work can yield much better value. From a practical standpoint, that means a higher payout should you win. The reason for this is that individual sportsbooks' aren't as worried about what the other guys are doing as they are with most other bets. Once the futures "market" is set books move the lines almost exclusively on their own financial position. The market simply doesn't respond as quickly to futures wagers as it does to individual game lines so it is essential to do the extra work to get the best price on your proposition.

Don't try to pick the winner in a competitive marketplace: This may sound sort of counter intuitive since the general idea of betting on futures is to determine the actual winner but it's really not. Like everything else, its essential to always be mindful of the value you're getting. In a futures market with several legitimate contenders at the top the price offered is seldom high enough to properly compensate for the risk you're assuming. Here's an example: in a hypothetical NCAA hoops tournament Duke is +200 to win the national championship. They've certainly got a shot, but at a payback of only 2/1 its hard to justify a wager at this point with the potential for so many interceding events that can make a championship more problematic. Such events as injuries, a tough tournament draw or even just going into a slump at the wrong time can happen to any team but when you bet a higher priced team--a 'dark horse mid major at 15/1 for example--you're getting "compensation" for assuming the "risks" of betting on a proposition with so many unknown variables.

To put this in more theoretical terms, the "true odds" of Duke winning the NCAA Championship are almost certainly higher than the price we're getting. Obviously, determining the "true odds", or actual probability of a future event is an inexact science but think of it this way: if the NCAA tournament was played 100 times would Duke wind up winning 50 of those? Given the number of other good teams and the propensity for upsets along the way, its doubtful. For the sake of argument, lets say that Duke has a 33% chance to win the tournament. That means that I wouldn't consider a bet on Duke to be a good value unless I was getting a price that a) accurately reflected the true probability of their winning and b) gave me some compensation for assuming the "risk of the unknown" inherent in taking the position so far in advance. At +500 I might be interested, but at +200 the value just isn't there.

In a less competitive field, there can be instances where even a big favorite is a good value. For example, lets say a book was to take action on a bikini contest between a Victoria's Secret supermodel and three members of the Pittsburgh Penguins. The model would essentially be a 100% probability to win the contest, meaning that even a high chalk price would be a good value. Risking a lot of money to win a little is a tough thing to justify, however, even if the math makes sense.

Don't get seduced by big underdogs: Sports betting is not a place to make the "big killing". It may happen occasionally, but more often it doesn't. While a sports book might offer a huge price on a cellar dwelling team to win the World Series, the big payback does not mean its a good value. On a practical level, there's probably nothing wrong with throwing a few bucks on a wager like this with a huge payback if the impossible occurs. My only problem with this is that making too many bets like this just perpetuates bad sports betting habits. If you're strictly a recreational player, no big deal. If you aspire to bet professionally, or at least want to pursue it with some degree of seriousness I've always maintained that you need to develop discipline that's not situational. In other words, if you want to be a serious sports bettor you need to approach it with a consistent level of seriousness at all times. If you want to chase a huge, life altering jackpot go to Las Vegas and play the Megabucks slots or buy a Powerball ticket.

Wagering value is just as important at the bottom of the barrel as it is at the top. Just because you're getting a huge potential payback on a big dog doesn't make it a good value. Make sure that the payback you're getting presents an overlay situation--even on a huge underdog.

Don't bet one sided props: Sometimes sports books will offer silly bets just to get publicity or in some cases just to be funny. While there may be life on other planets, the 'true odds' of a Martian being named to President Obama's cabinet wouldn't justify a +5000 line that it would occur.

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The Interior Designer Of Toronto

By Henry Liska

A qualified interior designer has completed a two to four year course at a professional design school associated with a university or college. Once they are awarded a degree or certificate of completion, they are then eligible to work as an assistant to an established Toronto interior designer or enter a formal apprenticeship program.

Areas of specialization may require even further training. A combination of education and experience in the field is required in order to take an official licensing test that grants the designer the title of Registered, Certified, or Licensed Interior Designer.

The job of an interior designer in Toronto is to plan interior space of homes or buildings. This usually requires knowing how to use computer aided design software and a basic knowledge of architecture and engineering so the designer is able to conform to local safety and building codes.

The interior designer can choose a specialized area such as becoming a developer of green space with rooftop gardens or the use of green flooring and wall coverings can seek after specialized areas. Ergonomic specialists for workspace designs are also a priority of employers today.

There are many opportunities for an interior designer in the residential area too. Here, she can specialize in bath or kitchen design, lighting, landscaping, or energy design. In order to be in high demand, an interior designer needs to have smart ideas, an eye for design, and be on top of changing trends in Toronto and around the world.

The designer is well acquainted with the various tools, products, and materials used to furnish a home or office as well. Color, lighting, texture, and structural considerations must all be taken into account when creating a pleasing aesthetic environment. Technical, electrical, and safety factors must also be kept in mind to keep the project within Toronto code guidelines.

Management strategies are regular goals that have to be met by interior designers. Planning, timing and project management abilities are necessary in order to meet deadlines and rework client suggestions. Proposals and presentations have to be informative and persuasive.

Interior designers also work closely with other Toronto professionals like contractors, service providers, and architects. Therefore excellent interpersonal communications are needed. Problem solving and negotiation will also be required throughout the course of a project.

The role of an interior designer is ever expanding as the world and society changes with it. The future will bring the need for interior designers to merge with the healthcare industry as the population ages and more attention is brought to the care of the elderly in Toronto. Designers will be called upon to create home-like living environments for seniors that are also medically sensitive.

An interior design career in Toronto is more than simply designing space according to a client's wishes. Today specializations like ergonomics, green design, and environmental concerns also come into play. This has resulted in an opportunity for advancement and expression that enriches the job of a designer and makes this a job that offers a sense of pride and accomplishment.

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Why Clean Water Is Vital To Health?

By Chandrasekaran Rajamani

People attach more importance to clean food than clean drinking water because we take water for granted. Water is essential for the survival of all forms of life and human beings are not an exception. Our health depends on the water we drink and we can not live without water for more than a few days. About 70% of the body is made up of water so it is an important factor that decides our health.

Unlike some plant species that can store water, animals including humans can not store water hence need frequent replenishment. The body loses water due to sweating, urination and even breathing. If this water loss is not made good, the body suffers dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration are lethargy, headaches, mood changes, slow responses, dry or cracked lips, dry nasal passage, dark-colored urine, weakness, tiredness, confusion and hallucinations. Prolonged dehydration if not treated, becomes life threatening and may lead to death.

The body not only loses water during urination but also water soluble vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin C, B complex vitamins and other important body fluids. Whenever you consume alcohol, make sure you consume more water than usual. A healthy body needs 8 glasses of water per day to meet it's needs. This differs slightly from person to person depending on climate, activity level, type of food intake and situation such as pregnancy. Consumption alcohol and other beverages increases urine output since these drinks stimulate kidneys to produce more urine contributing to the loss of body water.

Every cell in the body needs water for it's survival. Water is the main ingredient of body fluids that are used for transportation of nutrients to the individual cells and also for the removal of waste products from the cells. Without water, these cells will starve affecting their function and choke in their own excrement. With proper water intake these, cells are nourished and function to their full capacity thereby improving the overall health of the body.

It helps in keeping the blood fit enough to flow through blood vessels and also helps in removing the waste byproducts of the body's metabolism. Water also helps to flush out toxins, lubricate and cushion joints, regulate body temperature through sweating, and carry nutrients and oxygen to the body's cells. So water is crucial in maintaining the health and the functioning of every cell in the body.

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The Secret To The Secret Of Creating Abundance Wealth And Money In Your Life

By Sylvia Mackley

In the past few years there has been a great deal of attention surrounding and law of attraction and creating abundance in your life. Books, movies and talk shows have brought these topics to the forefront and given millions of people a glimpse of what ancient philosophies have taught for thousands of years. You create your own reality. For many, this translates to finding a workable formula for creating abundance wealth and money.

The law of attraction says that like attracts like. To prove this, take a tuning fork in the A-440 pitch and hold it close to the strings of a properly tuned guitar after striking the fork to set it vibrating. You'll notice that the A -string on the guitar will also start to vibrate as though it was plucked itself.

Or, you can take two tuning forks of the same pitch, strike one and then hold it close to the other. You'll see the second fork start to vibrate also, seemingly of its own volition. This is called sympathetic vibration, and it doesn't work with just tuning forks and guitars, but everything else too. Like attracts like.

As you may have learned in school or in your own studies, the Universe is in a constant state of vibration, down to the smallest subatomic particle. Nothing is static. Everything is moving. Even a rock lying on the ground, which may appear inert to the naked eye, is composed of particles constantly in flux. Vibration is the nature of reality.

By tuning into a certain vibration, you are able to achieve sympathy with it. Like the tuning forks mentioned above. Similar to the way a radio of a television set tunes into a particular wavelength frequency to produce certain sounds and pictures, your mind is capable of this and much more. Your environment is a reflection of the frequencies to which you've been tuning. If you don't like the picture, change the channel.

Tens of thousands of people across the world have found success in applying the truths promulgated in the various books and programs concerning the law of attraction and how to create abundance in one's life. One particular book, later made into a movie, which significantly changed the landscape of how people regard this subject is called 'The Secret'. Unfortunately, however, many millions who have tried to use the methods described in these programs of self-development have been unfulfilled, disappointed at their failure and given up. If the law of attraction works, as it seems to have worked for so many, why doesn't it work for everyone? Good question.

The answer is this. There is a secret to the secret and success depends on knowing this. Manifesting abundance into your life requires strong desire and determination, yes, but there's more. It has to do with the subconscious mind, which is responsible for making the vibrational connection.

The subconscious mind must 'give you permission' before you will be able to create abundance wealth and money into your reality. If you've been needy all your life, for example, your subconscious mind treats this as the status quo and is reluctant to alter this reality. But it's a simple thing to reprogram the subconscious to allow the objects of your desire. It works and it can work for you.

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Ways Of Online Free Sell Concept

By Alex Wu

In the online market world, free ad space for a business is vitally important. Mostly, new businesses don't have huge funds to use on advertising expense. In fact, they usually work on limited budget. However, online free add space can come to their rescue. Through free classified ad sites, companies can use free add space and increase and enhance their business. Especially smaller businessmen can now easily promote their business and service with free online classified ads.

Online free classifieds have the ability to promote your business in the most effective manner. Through online classified sites you can expect targeted responses by using free add space. All this is possible because these free online classifieds are no frill and to the point advertisements. These sites are usually viewed by people who are interested in a particular advertised product or service. Thus, classified ads that sell free ad space increase the response rate for your business. There are many benefits that are involved with free online classifieds sites that sell free add space. The benefits are as follows:

1) Cost effective:

Free classified ads are very beneficial to business owners, especially to new and small time businessmen. They operate with a limited budget. Hence, free ad space concept is like a blessing for your business.

2) Search Engine friendly:

The free ad space opportunities that you get in online free classified sites can be found in search results via various search engines. This can help your site to get optimized as per search engine guidelines.

3) Provides link building capabilities:

The free ad that you place in these free classified sites, act as a form of link building for your site. Mostly, the websites that offer free ad postings have a high page rank and you can expect a link back from these free ad based websites to your website or blog. These features will help in increasing the SEO rankings of your blog.

4) Provides website traffic:

The free ad that you place on the free based websites helps in enhancing your website. Thus, you get a lot of traffic towards your site.

By now, you may have realized the importance of a free ad being placed on free based sites. Thus, in my opinion, no one should underestimate the power of free add concept. It not only saves your money on advertising expense but also helps you to increase your customer base. There are many types of free online classified ad websites that are available online. However, you need to do your own research, in order to find out which free classified websites are genuine and effective enough to get targeted visitors for your website. You should opt for those websites which are well established and already popular with customers.

When you place an ad on a website that offers free ad facility, you increase your online presence. There are many people who visit free based websites in order to look out for advertisements, dealing with jobs, business or some promotional offers. Every free ad that you place on the website is definitely going to be accessed by some person because they are in need of it.

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Police Records Searchable Via Online

By Justine Leggs

When there is a civil trouble or problem, people would usually turn to those policemen for the solution or perhaps to gather information about that event. That is why it is not hard for people to trust on the reliability of these Police Records if there's a need to check on the background of a particular person to find out if he had bad records or none.

You will learn more about a person when you search for these police records. In this record, you will know both the crimes and violations that were committed by an individual as well as those other incidents in which a person has dealing with a certain police for certain reasons like permits, traffic accidents, domestic incidents, and other unusual cases in the society. Every police matter has a police record.

Public records are those records that are accessible by the public. Therefore, Are Police Reports Public Record? Different states will provide you different answers to such questions. There are states that are not strict when it comes to providing access to these records by the public for free while others act the opposite way. These other states are strict in the sense that the said information won't be released to you unless you have brought with you an authorization.

Police records are public records, but there are several restrictions now when you use the information that you have obtained from it. Harassment, discrimination, unfair treatment and employment inconsistencies are some of those acts that are unlawful and are therefore restricted by the law. So that you won't trespass such law, you better try consulting about this matter from professionals and lawyers.

Why do people search for Police Arrest Records? First of all, this police records is a good source of information for employment screening. Although it serves such purpose, it is still a must that you ask the permission of the job applicant or the employee if he or she would agree to be the subject for such search. Aside from that, this police record reveals a person's conduct and it can be used as an official clearance document of someone. The certification of such conduct can be used abroad for further studies, adopting a child, employment, and residency too.

Nowadays, several ways in searching for police record make it an easy task to do already. One of the ways in which you can search for these records without any cost is through your local police department. However, you have to remember that it might not be simple to do it that way since there are several procedures that you have to undergo and it will be much harder if there are several police departments that are involved. You don't have to worry, though, because it can be made easier now with the use of the Internet. Professional providers are now available online. As long as you choose the best provider that fits your needs, searching should then be easy.

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Past Life Regression - Future Happiness!

By Jon J Collings

Only a total of twenty five percent of the population believe in reincarnation. However, this does not prove it does not exist. Were you ever inclined towards something or perhaps had an ability or talent and maybe wondered where that 'something' came from? Im sure you have an idea what Im referring too. At time during the day, we may feel a strong connection to something and havent got a clue why. Perhaps it was something that was important to you in your past life.

Many people, unfortunately, tend to overlook or ignore the possibility and its validity, therefore missing out on an opportunity to expand personally. Maybe even to find out why they are, who they are, today. By ignoring your past life information it would be easy to impede your personal growth and success achievements.

As a matter of fact extensive research has shown that past life regression is a very powerful tool in helping people with emotional problems.

The clearing and healing trauma, is a very common benefit of life regression. We have two choices when trauma happens and we can either try to change it of face it straight on. As we talk of life regression and of facing trauma, the option to rescue the past and help the individual (him or her) to continue to move ahead and get into a position where the trauma will be available for viewing by a higher self, as a whole.

Past life regression can also help in contacting our creative side. There isn't a person out there that doesnt have a mix of talents and attributes that help guide them through life towards certain choices over others. A past life regression can help you go back through one or more lives where we can bring the attribute or the past life to act as an inner guide.

A past life transgression can be rewritten with the help of past life regression. Karma, the full circle of life, means whatever you do, good or bad, will eventually come back to haunt you. If an another individual is involved it may be a contract or promise made in a past life and you have a need to become free of this agreement or contract. To do this you need to go back to that time period of agreement or contract was made. You can go back with the help of an inner guide and decide to either atone or see if the contract can be modified to help with your present situation.

There is a benefit to going back to a past life using regression and its significant. It is the affirmation and grounding of ones self.

It is not uncommon for people who go through past life regression to feel more grounded, more aware of who they are as a person. This is due to the fact that they now know why they have certain characteristics, talents, connections, desires and passions. Having the information that explains why enables them to embrace who they are as a person and live a more complete balanced life.

When experts in the field of past life regression are asked, they agree that a person can enhance and improve their life when they practice past life regression. They will remember theses past lives and start to fulfill their ambitions and live a more complete life in the present.

Believe it or not, even if you think the events and feelings you have are simply figments of your imagination there is a catharsis that will take place and open your mind and breakdown the walls that are blocking you from achieving what you want in life.

Lets recap briefly the benefits to you from life regression, including the ability to deal with traumatic situations of the past, enabling the move forward in the present. By dealing with the issues of past lives enables you to better deal with making better decisions presently, using experience we have had in the past.

If you know the history of your past lives, you can avoid making the same mistakes in the present. Its a worldwide truth and also of your personal life. Knowing if you have been dishonest and have paid the price, this can also help you change your bad (old) habits and improve your present life for the better.

However, the most beneficial part of past life regression is the knowledge you will obtain. A better understanding who and what you are and the reason you are who you are. You have the opportunity to now live a more balanced and complete life today, in the present. You can now also live to your fullest potential utilizing all your talents, skills and abilities you had never known you possessed.

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Cincinnati Wins Low Scoring NFL Preseason Battle At New England

By Ross Everett

When the biggest play of a NFL football game is an extra point, there's a good chance it was a dull contest. Such was the case in rainy Foxboro, Massachusetts as the Cincinnati Bengals edged the New England Patriots by a 7-6 score. The big play of the game? A point after touchdown by the Bengals backup kicker, none other than wide receiver Chad Ochocinco.

After the game, the always entertaining Chad Ochocinco talked about his love for European soccer:

"'Esteban' Ochocinco is back, the most interesting footballer in the world. Everyone has to remember, I've always said that soccer is my No. 1 sport. I think Ronaldinho would be proud of me right now."

To punctuate his fondness for the sport known as football in the rest of the world, Ochocinco whipped out his iPhone to display a picture of him with former England captain David Beckham. He then continued his comedy routine:

"Soccer's my first love, Kicking's easy ... like riding a bike. I can kick them from 50, 60 yards, left or right hash mark. ... I kicked all through high school."

Ochocinco was pressed into service as a placekicker when Shane Graham complained of a sore groin in pregame warm-ups. Rather than take any chances, head coach Marvin Lewis let Ochocinco take his place. Ochocinco also played a few series at his usual position, catching three passes for 69 yards.

Patriots wide receiver Wes Welker, another emergency placekicker, wasnt buying Ochocincos talk about kicking being easy:

"It's not easy. To kick that is something, and he got real good height on it."

The Patriots could only manage two FGs, while Cincinnati scored their only touchdown on JT OSullivans 24 yard pass to Chris Henry. OSullivan was also amused by Ochocinco's PAT, but emphasized that his receivers athletic versatility is no joke:

"Nothing surprises me. All joking aside, he still kicked the ball through the uprights and it ended up winning the game. Some people might think its funny, but it's important."

Cincinnati will kick off their NFL regular season schedule on Sunday, September 13th as they host the Denver Broncos. The Patriots will get their campaign underway on Monday, September 14th as they play the Buffalo Bills at home.

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If You Think Your Spouse Might Be Cheating,Here's How To Find Out

By Phil Burnett

If you think there is a chance that your spouse might be cheating on you, I want to show you a quick and easy way to find out for sure. Dealing with this type of suspicion can grate on your nerves - you deserve to know the truth about whether or not your partner is being faithful.

Private investigators are getting more and more clients that are hiring them to spy on their spouse's and find out if they are cheating. Trust me - you don't have to go to such lengths to get the truth! We always recommend using the following tactic as your first step towards finding out whether or not your partner is cheating.

This method is quick, incredibly simple and will barely cost you a dime. There are only three steps you need to follow so let's go over each of them one-by-one.

Step #1 - How To Catch A Cheating Spouse

Ready to play detective?!? In this first step you are going to need to get a hold of your spouse's cell phone for around 15 minutes. Make sure you have enough time to look at it without worrying about getting "caught".

Pick your time wisely! Maybe your spouse just went out to the store or went to work without their phone. You just need to make sure you have about 15 minutes to "borrow" their phone.

When you have their phone you are going to write down every phone number that appears on both their incoming and outgoing call history lists. Most phones will keep track of the last 100 calls - write them all down.

While you are doing this you can leave off any phone number that you recognize for sure off your list. You just need to note down every phone number that doesn't ring a bell.

When you are done, put the phone back and move on to the next step.

Step #2 - How To Find Out If Your Spouse Is Cheating

Now it's time to find out exactly who your spouse has been chatting with. There's a way that you can find out someone's full name, address and background information by having nothing but their phone number.

There are companies that specialize in gathering phone records and building databases that have information on the owner of any phone number (including cell phones and unlisted numbers). Different people including detective agencies and law enforcement will then use their databases to run a search on various phone numbers.

This type of service is available online to the general public. It's called a "reverse phone search" and will instantly how you the person's name and details right on your computer screen.

We included a link at the bottom of this article so that you can try a free sample search to see how it works. Have a try and bookmark the page if you don't have your list with you.

There is a fee for using this type of service, but it isn't expensive. Make sure you look for a company that offers unlimited searches for a one-time only fee. Your list will most likely have more than one or two phone numbers so you don't want to have to pay for each individual search you use.

Run down your entire list and conduct a search on each phone number. Make sure to write down the information you find out about each one on the same piece of paper.

Once you are done this step, you can move on to the last step.

Step #3 - How To Find Out If Your Spouse Is Cheating

Now you have a list of all the people that your partner has been chatting with (and how often). This information makes it easy to spot any suspicious patterns about whether or not your spouse is cheating.

Pay attention to the names that you see on your list. There are many times that people will suspect that their spouse is seeing someone else in particular - if this fits your situation, does that person's name show up?

Once you know exactly who your spouse has been talking to it's incredibly easy to spot if anything "fishy" is going on. This is a quick and easy way for you to find out if your spouse is cheating and whether you are with a person who is treated you with the respect you deserve.

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Understanding Telepathic Communication

By Alex J Gould

It's a well known fact that humans only use around 10% of their brains. The function of other 90% remains a mystery to most people.

What most of us aren't aware of is that we're all born with the innate ability to communicate with each other without having to speak a word out loud or even move a muscle physically.

We are trained from childhood to conform to our parent's expectations and the boundaries of society. The true powers of our minds are not explored as we are not encouraged or trained to think outside the box for fear of ridicule.

We push our natural abilities aside, but it still crops up sometimes when we somehow know who is calling when the phone rings or what someone is going to say before they say it.

Are we being warned about events that are soon to happen by a superior being or are we receiving these signals from others when they are thinking about us?

There are many instances in our daily lives where we communicate with other people on a subconscious level. But did you know you it is possible to train your mind to communicate consciously as well?

The natural ability to interact using telepathy is undeveloped in most people. It is not used or recognized as we go through day-to-day life. Most do not think they have this power or know how to use it. A person has to focus on contacting another for it to be effective.

According to scientists our thoughts have a certain frequency, somewhat like radio frequencies. This frequency can be measured. Directing these thoughts to a targeted area is the key to using your mind as a means of communication.

Ways to develop your telepathic powers

*Get relaxed - You need to put yourself into a trance like mode, this will allow your mind to receive messages that others are trying to send you or if you want to connect with someone. When your mind and body are relaxed you are open to send and receive telepathic messages.

If you're working on your telepathic ability alone then spend some time learning how to bring yourself into a trance state.

*Get focused - Select a nice quiet dark room. Get yourself relaxed and think happy thoughts about the person you want to hear from. Form the message you want this person to receive, imagine they are receiving it as you picture them in your mind. Let him or her know you want to be contacted. Stay confident that this person will respond with a message.

*Believe - You have to believe in what you are doing and have an open mind about it. As you grow your telepathic ability, always believe the person will get the message.

*End Your Projection - Rather than let your mind trail off onto other things, simply withdraw your thoughts back into yourself and stop projecting. The reason for this is quite simple.

You must release your thoughts and feelings about this person. This has the effect of the person missing you more and thus increasing their desire to talk to you. The person should contact you very soon.

If you're practicing alone, this technique can be a great way to learn to focus your mind and your innate telepathic ability. There are equally powerful ways to learn to focus using two people.

A quick way to practice with two people.

*One Sends and One Receives - Determine who wants to be the sender and who will be the receiver. We will start with you being the sender.

Your friend, the receiver will need to write down anything that flows into his or her mind. Get a note pad and a pen ready and go over the necessity of writing it all down with your friend. Assure him or her that if it is thought it is not made up, this will help make sure it is all wrote down.

*Visualization - The person sending should pre-arrange some clear, simple images that are easy to pick up. Choose items that most people know easily, like red apples, yellow bananas or a white moon. These are concise simple images to project and maintain your focus.

*Transmission - Lie back and focus on connecting with your receiver. Imagine the two of you are connected and thoughts are flowing through a wire or cord back and forth. You can visualize this in a way that works for you as long as it represents a connection.

Visually place the object you want to send on or in the line you have visualized and then send it. Follow it all the way to your receiver and picture it clearly as you watch it going to its destination.

The art of visualizing and focusing is the best way to get your message out to the one you need to reach.

*End message - Stop sending when you have seen the object reach the receiver. Stop thinking about it, this is an important step as it lets the receiver see the image appear. He or she will also have time to write it all down

*Receive - The receiver needs to approach this with an open mind and want to receive messages. It all needs to be written down as a record to refer to later. It is important to relax and let the message flow in.

We all see have things flowing through or mind when we relax and are receptive to it. A receiver should write anything down that he or she sees, even if it is believed to be a random thought.

*The verdict - When you are done with the training exercise, check and see if the images you sent were well received. Even someone with undeveloped powers will receive some images from the sender. Do not expect all of them to come through clearly at first. It will take some practice to get better at it.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

About the Author:

Customize And Purchase Your Dream Car - At Click Of A Mouse

By William Blake

Today, Internet has become a one of its kind market where car lovers can choose from a host of options and choices to get their dream car, the way they want it. A virtual space over the online platform, enables car buyers and car sellers to finalize a successful deal after negotiating, interacting and understanding each other. is set to change the way cars are purchased today. With a rich graphics led configurator, anyone can now create a virtual car with all the options which you always desired for. With this unique feature, it not necessary to visit a showroom and ask for the customizations. Just visit the configurator and pick the car which you wish to buy. Analyze and compare the different models to discover the most suitable car, which can pass all your expectations. Change the color of the body, shade and the interior colors as per your requirements. Finally post this customized car into your profile. There are several car dealers who will quote their price for this customized virtual car of yours. You always have the option of being anonymous and continue the negotiations, hitting hard for the most economical price. If you are content with the asking price and the features of the car, then just go ahead and buy that car. Besides this, you will receive updated information and current news regarding the automobile world.

A huge collection of most popular cars from the popular brands like Nissan, Honda, Hyundai, Jeep Chevrolet, Mitsubishi and many others are available here. You can also look into luxurious and exotic names like Audi, Jaguar, Hummer, Infiniti, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin and lot more.

The best part of this whole process is that, will not ask for any fee, or deposit from you. All that you need is, chose a car, customize it and post it. You just need to pay the price of the car, directly to the car dealer. Everything transaction and negotiation is transparent, with no hidden charge.

Purchasing a Used Car:

If you think that purchasing a used car related to tension, time-wastage and bad deals, then you should rethink. presents you exceptionally fair platform to purchase used car, without any problem. There are numerous used cars exhibited on here, with full blown photos and features of the selected car along the display. In this section, you can easily refine your search as per the needs. In the price option, you can choose the cars between $1000 to $5000 and in the year section, you can select cars from 1960s to 1990s and so on. The results for the used cars will only depend on the zip code you have entered plus the make and the model of the car you wish to buy. Just browse through the search results and select the car which fits your budget.

Once the car has been finally selected, you need to fill out a form where you can mention your contact details. The car dealers who are selling that particular car will soon call you up for further action. It is certainly an easy way of purchasing used car.

Browse through the extensive selection of the most trusted brands or configure that customized car that you always dreamed of. Visit Now!

About the Author:

A Weddings Band Your Wedding - The Perfect Alternative

By Jessica Hemmings

Your wedding day is very special and as such the occasion should be perfect. Attention needs to be paid to every detail so as an alternative to doing what most people do and booking a local DJ to entertain those attending your wedding, why not enjoy the sounds of a weddings band?

Let's face it - you and your guests will want to remember the event for years to come and a weddings band may be just what you are looking for to ensure your wedding day is a great success.

As with many people, the one thing about weddings bands playing at your wedding which may have put you off, is the cost associated with hiring the complete band.

Your first thoughts may be that the cost is considerably more than what you would pay the old faithful DJ. Of course, the cost is relative and as a band usually consists of two to six players who all need paying for their part, this is going to be the case. You do, after all, get what you pay for.

Each individual member of the band will actually earn less than the DJ because the fee you pay has to be equally divided amongst the musicians. Of course, there is also more musical equipment involved with a band - not simply a mobile disco system. The higher overall cost is, therefore, representative of the musical entertainment provided.

For weddings requiring a more formal appearance, a weddings band is often seen to be suitably professional. Style can be adapted to suit any occasion so whether you are looking for dance music or simply background mood setting melodies, the exact atmosphere you need can be created.

If you decide to go ahead and get a band for your wedding how would you go about it? Good question. The first thing you should do is go online and search for wedding bands and select the ones you like according to style of music. Select ones with a website or a social networking page that has songs or videos you can listen to accompanied by good testimonials. This should now help you choose your preferred band.

You can find almost for sure how a good a band is for yourself if you go to one of their local gigs. The locations are normally posted on their website if not just ring them up and ask them. You are your best judge when it comes to the music you want played at your wedding.

Lastly, don't let the day be ruined by not checking the minor details. For example, the venue you choose for your wedding is required to hold a live music license for weddings bands to be able to play, so check that this is in order prior to booking the band for your wedding.

About the Author:

Wireless Alarm Home Security System--Stay Safe!

By Rezat B Embstun

I never dreamt I would be living in a huge ten-room house with an Olympic size swimming pool, gazebo, and six-car garage. No, it was not my house, but I was tasked to oversee its upkeep while my bachelor boss travelled abroad to take care of a multinational business.

I sleep soundly at night, thanks to the Home Safe Wireless Home Security System. I did not have to worry about burglars and trespassers.

There are two watchdogs freely walking around, but I did not trust in their barks and bites. I reckoned that a security system must be in place. My employer gave the go-signal and so I started to search for the best.

The yellow pages did not really give me a good list of wireless alarm systems so I searched online. It is where I knew of Home Safe Wireless Home Security System and how it could safeguard homes.

It came with a wireless window or door sensor that worked within 250 feet. In addition, motion can be detected within eight yards. Its remote control is easy to use with the panic button to activate or deactivate the alarm.

I forgot to bring the main door key when I went out one night. I had to climb up to the second floor and enter the house through my bedroom window. I was startled out of my wits when the loud alarm went off as I pried open the window.

My mobile phone rang and the recorded message informed me about the triggered alarm that I was still hearing loud and clear. What a way to test the effectiveness of Home Safe Wireless Home Security System!

Asked if the home alarm system I bought was good, I told my employer that I had the first-hand experience of how effective it was. With the Home Safe Wireless Home Security System, I don't care if the Dobermans get lazy.

About the Author:

All Clad, Calphalon And Cuisinart - A Must In Every Kitchen!

By Dennis Hoffman

Your specific needs are important when choosing the right cookware, no matter whether you are just starting out cooking or have been doing your own cooking for a number of years. Some of the things that matter to all cooks are ease of cleaning, even cooking and appearance. Probably the most important are the Brand Name and cost.

One of the brands that many cooks are familiar with for high quality is the Calphalon Cookware Set. The Calphalon One Infused Anodized Cookware is an eight piece set that offers the easy clean up that saves you time. It is made from heavy-gauge, infused-anodized aluminum that makes this a durable set of cookware that is resistant to stains and helps keep foods from sticking. For those cooks who need more equipment for their cooking, the Calphalon Tri Ply Stainless Cookware Set comes with 13 pieces of quality cookware including a pasta insert that gives you more options. It is both strong and striking with its 18/10 stainless steel construction.

The 10 piece Calphalon Contemporary Non stick Cookware gives you the option of a stainless steel cookware set with a tri ply construction and aluminum core to improve cooking and provide an even heat distribution, or a cookware set with hard anodized exteriors and interiors to prevent sticking. These cookware sets are appealing to many cooks because of the clear glass lids and stay cool handles.

If you are looking for a professional looking cookware set that is affordable, the All Clad Cookware Set by Calphalon can be purchased in 7 or 9 pieces. The pots and pans of this cookware set are made of 18/10 stainless steel with a tri ply bonded construction. The All Clad cookware sets are the All Clad Master Chef 2, the All Clad Copper Core and the All Clad Stainless Steel cookware sets.

Cuisinart Cookware is a very good choice, offering a professional look while still fitting in your budget. The Cuisinart Multiclad Pro Stainless Steel 12 piece set is a very good bargain. This cookware set lasts along time due to its construction of stainless steel that is combined with aluminum for strength. The Cuisinart 12 piece Multiclad Cookware Set features the ArmourGuard hard anodized exterior with a stainless steel interior giving any cook an optimum surface for cooking. For the big jobs, the Cuisinart Chef's Classic Non stick Hard Anodized Cookware Set with 17 pieces can get the job done.

Finding great deals on cookware should start with understanding your needs and the features that matter most to you. Then you can find great deals on cookware that is high quality, great looking and affordable.

About the Author:

Remote Viewing - An Overview

By Peter J Minks

Whether you know it or not, you have the ability to use remote viewing. This is a psychic ability which is latent in every human being and lets you to see places and things, even people who you would be unable to perceive with the five senses. Learning to use remote viewing lets you get a visual of anywhere you want to see, no matter how distant.

Unlike astral travel and some other psychic abilities, while remote viewing your spiritual and physical body will stay in the same place. You are able to see any place, person or thing you wish while your body, mind and spirit stay at home.

Remote viewing is something like dowsing in that you use your psychic powers to seek out the object of your remote viewing. It's a form of extra sensory perception where you can view any place in the world.

All of us possess psychic abilities which we have not yet developed. We use only about 10% of our brains; meaning that there's a lot of untapped potential which we can do many things with if we can learn to use these undeveloped abilities.

Imagine being able to reach out and just know that your children are okay while they're away from family. The security and peace of mind that comes with being able to use remote viewing for beneficial needs is priceless.

What makes remote viewing different to other forms of psychic abilities is that anyone can learn how to do it. Studies on many non-psychic people have shown that once these people had been taught to enter into a sufficient trance-like state, they were able to engage in remote viewing with high levels of accuracy.

To start developing your remote viewing abilities, use these methods:

*Always practice your remote viewing in a quiet place where you'll be free from distractions and where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and start relaxing your body before trying to remote view.

*Breathe deep, regular breaths through your nose. Hold your tongue against the roof of your mouth to get more control over your breaths and prevent yawning.

*Believe in yourself and your remote viewing abilities. You need to tell yourself that you can and will be able to remotely view things which your senses would not let you normally perceive.

*Begin with a simple remote viewing target to show your mind that you are capable of achieving this kind of psychic seeking. Perhaps begin by viewing yourself from a place in front of you, as though you were looking back at your relaxed body as you sit there through a mirror. It can be a little difficult at first to allow your mind to view yourself from an opposite perspective, but be patient. When you do see yourself from the angle that others see you, you'll be in for a wonderful surprise.

*Once you're able to see yourself while remote viewing, you need to begin looking at places which are farther away. Start with a place which you are already familiar with, such as the house where you grew up. Best of all is to remote view a friend or relative's home. Keep an eye out for details and when you're finished remote viewing, call and compare notes; find out if the details you saw while remote viewing are really there. This exercise lets you assess your progress as a remote viewer.

The next step is to try something a little more challenging. Try having a friend or family member in the next room repeating a motion while you try to remotely view them. Once you're done, see if you could perceive what they were doing. This exercise can tell you if you're really advancing in the development of your remote viewing abilities.

With practice and patience, your ability to remote view will steadily improve and it will become ever easier for you to achieve the trance state needed for remote viewing. Much like a hypnotic state, your body will be completely relaxed, but you will still be aware and your subconscious will be able to start working towards its potential.

It is in the subconscious that our psychic abilities are found; but with practice, remote viewing will be something you'll be able to do at will.

About the Author:

Who Can Help Me Save My Marriage?

By Robert Hardy

Wondering "who can help me save my marriage"? When you have gone through all of the choices on your own, it typically can be exasperating knowing where to turn. You have taken the right step by seeking out more alternatives. This article presents some concepts that can hopefully aid you.

Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling is one of the first places that one thinks of when looking for help on how to save a marriage. Marriage counselors are taught to assist you and your partner in resolving conflicts and getting your marriage back on track. However, unless both partners are dedicated to the counseling, it can be difficult to achieve success. It should also be worth noting that the typical success rate for marriage counselors is only about 30%.

The Internet

The internet offers hundreds of online forums and websites devoted to resolving marriage problems. You can ask a question and expect to receive one or more responses. You must be alert, on the other hand, when considering any suggestion received from people you don't know. Due to the anonymous nature of online forums, you can't always be confident of the reliability of the source.


If you know of friends that have been through potential breakups and successfully resolved their problems, they will be a smart resource for advice. Presumably, they will gladly discuss how they worked through their issues and offer advice to you. Keep in mind, however, that they will be discussing their own perspective and trials that might not apply to your situation.

Self Help Books

If you have spent any time on the web searching for "save my marriage", you will have little doubt run across self help books or ebooks giving a "formula" for resolving your marriage difficulties. Many of these books are written by counselors or individuals who have successfully saved their marriage. In most cases, they provide a step-by-step method that is surprisingly successful.

In summary, these are some places you'll be able to turn to when seeking assistance on saving your marriage. You may use some of them or all of them. But whatever you do, take action promptly!

About the Author:

Try These Simple Astral Projection Techniques

By Carl J Wilkins

As is to be expected, there are many different astral projection techniques which people can use in order to help them astral project. Of course, because all people are different, it only stands to reason that while a certain technique may work for one person, it may not work for everybody. Strangely enough, most people who experience difficulty, do so because they are unable to relax sufficiently, rather than because of the techniques not working.

One thing you need to bear in mind right from the very beginning, is that total relaxation is essential, irrespective of which technique you choose to use. Unfortunately, because there are still many misconceptions regarding astral projection, many newcomers experience a certain degree of fear and this in itself prevents them from being able to relax. Contrary to what you may have heard, one cannot be harmed and neither can you die from astral projection. In fact, the Canterbury institute even went as far as doing some research involving 2,000 people, in order to squash such fears.

With 2,000 participants, all of whom participated in astral projection, the Canterbury institute determined that not even one person suffered any harm. Furthermore, all participants were then monitored for a period of three years and during this time none of them came forward with any complaints or reports of problems.

Okay, now that we've managed to get rid of some of the fears and concerns, let's go ahead and take a look at a few techniques. These techniques which are discussed are all relatively easy and have helped many people succeed. The first technique which consists of seven main steps, is known as the 'Monroe Technique'.

* Relaxing your mind and body is essential. There are of course numerous relaxation techniques which one can use, but the easiest and the most popular one involves deep breathing and the relaxing of your muscles. This requires you to inhale and exhale deeply and also to tense and release your muscles one at a time starting at your toes.

* Reaching a hypnotic state. Essentially you need to reach a point where your mind and body is just on the verge of going to sleep, although of course you don't want to actually fall asleep. This can be achieved by using the gazing method. Simply lie on your bed and begin staring at something until such time that your eyes close and yet you're still able to see the object.

* When you reach a point where you can still see the object even though your eyes are closed, then you need to deepen your current state of mind even more. This can be done by looking around the room while your eyes remain closed. Amongst other things, you may very well begin to see some light patterns and even a sort of purplish haze inside the room. This is perfectly normal and there is no need for you to pay much attention to it. Instead, once the light is no longer visible you can take that as a sign that you've entered a deeper state. In all probability you will be so relaxed by this stage that you'll hardly be aware of your physical body at all. It should be mentioned that according to the Monroe technique, this is extremely important.

* Likewise, this next step is also to vital according to Monroe. Here you will need to enter into what is known as,'the state of vibration'. Interestingly enough, most people who practice astral projection claim to feel the vibrations at an early stage of the projection. In fact, most of these people believe that these vibrations occur just as your astral body begins to separate from your physical body. Once again, this is perfectly normal so there is no reason to be alarmed when it happens.

* Controlling your state of vibration. You can control the vibrations in such a way that they move through your body. By using your mind you can direct these vibrations so that you can feel them all over as if there were waves washing over you. However, it will require a certain amount of practice before you are able to bring on these waves at will. Once you can create these ways at will, you're ready to leave your body.

* One of the most important factors with regards to astral projection, is having the ability to control your mind so that it's your mind that is in power. Interestingly enough, Monroe suggests that you first practice partial separation in order to strengthen this control. Even though you should continue to focus on the idea of leaving your body, you should only allow a foot or hand of the astral body to go. Ideally, you should attempt to stretch them towards an object which is near you, and when you reach that object you should push your hand or foot straight through it. Once you manage to do this successfully, allow your hand or foot to return to your physical body and then begin to slow down the vibrations in order to end your session.

* This last step is where you actually get to leave your physical body. Once again, you can follow all the previous steps but now, rather than only allowing a hand or foot to leave from the physical body, you're going to allow complete separation. In order to do this, you need to focus on just how weightless your body really is. In fact you can even try to imagine that your body is made up of feathers which are being blown around by the wind. At this point, your astral body should be starting to leave your physical body and this will become apparent as you begin to feel as though you are floating.

Other popular methods include techniques such as the gazing method, the anchor method, and the rope technique. Ideally, one should spend some time experimenting with the different techniques in order to establish which technique suits you the most.

One should bear in mind that it may not be possible to astral project instantly, irrespective of which technique you use.

Thanks to modern sound technology, those wishing to astral project can now make use of a shortcut. There is currently a new technique being used in order to induce a meditative state of mind which is necessary for actual projection. This technique aims to synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain by means of binaural beats. Basically, binaural beats consists of sound waves being played into each ear using different frequencies.

One can also enter into a suitable state of mind by a listing to hypnosis recordings which have been specifically designed for astral projection. In essence, these recordings simply reinforce the idea that it is acceptable for your astral body to separate from your physical body.

One thing you can be sure of; astral projection is a life change inexperience, and the beauty of it is, anyone can do it, especially if you use some of the techniques mentioned.

About the Author:

A Guide To Flipping Houses

By Sven Makowal

We have all seen them, the late night infomercials that promise to make you a millionaire in a few short months by investing in real estate. Happy couples are excited to tell you all about how they turned their lives around by following the secret formula that you can have for only $39.95, with a money-back guarantee! Want the secret formula without paying the $39.95? Read on.

The secret to making money in real estate is a technique called 'flipping houses'. The principle is simple - buy a house that needs minor repairs for a low price, fix it up, & sell it for thousands of dollars profit. That is the meat of the secret - buy low, fix up, sell high. Require more particulars? A few of the tricks to getting ready are listed below:

Know what you can afford. Before you ever look at a house, find a lender to pre-approve (not pre-qualify) a loan for you. Having your loan (or funds) in hand is a powerful bargaining chip when you are ready to buy.

Look in the right places. Read the newspapers for foreclosure sales & the legal notices for tax foreclosure properties. Buy foreclosures, HUD, auctions directly from Governments & banks (find the bargain homes here!). Look around for a real estate agent that knows the kind of house you are looking for; establish a relationship with them.

Find the right house. Avoid houses that need cosmetic repairs. You want a neglected house that is structurally sound with no major plumbing, structural or electrical issues.

Make sure you read the ads right. In real estate listings, look for words like 'Handyman's Special' or 'Fixer-upper'. Others tell that you'll get a lovely bargain: 'Motivated Buyer', 'Must Sell!', 'Quick Closing' all mean that the buyer is anxious to sell, and will likely lower the price.

Focus on the highest yield improvements. Kitchen & bath spruce-ups will give you back the most for your time & money. If you can only 'do' six rooms, be sure to make one of them the kitchen.

Paint it, cover it up. Start with the basics: paint, paper & floors.

Stick with neutrals. You need to generate a backdrop for the buyer's imagination, the more neutral the canvas, the easier it is for them to see their own furniture against it.

Sell it yourself. Why pay a realtor's commission fee now?

Have all the receipts & materials warranties for any repairs & work that you did ready to hand over. Knowing that their home is 'protected' can help make a sale.

Know your market & loan options. Lots of buyers won't. If you can help steer them toward loan sources, it will help your sale.

Be ready to close. Have your inspection & appraisal papers ready in order to keep away from delays.

Aren't you glad that you didn't pay for this "get-rich-quick" secret? Flipping houses is a viable way to invest & become profitable, on the condition that you are truly willing to put time & hard work into the technique.

About the Author:

Jay's En-Lightening Experience

By Barbara Langdon

I met Jay in June 1977 when he came to our home to meet my husband, a well known certified hypnotherapist. Jay was hoping to be able to study under him. As an astrologer, I asked him for his date, time and place of birth so I could do him a chart. After about a minute I made a startling discovery and returned to tell him what I had found. I think Jay found this a little strange but I said to him, something special is going to happen to you soon. You will be guided there and this experience will change your life and someone you know will be there to observe.

Eventually, Jay met my husband and they worked together for some time. Jay had some blood pressure and stress issues so they did three hypnosis sessions together to sort the problem. Afterwards, they started to study together and Lee gave Jay perhaps seven to ten books per week to read; ever expanding Jays mind on cultures and beliefs, mind sciences and cult influences, and much more. He also recommended classes; the Loving Relationship Training by Sondra Lee and a series by Theta Courses on Metaphysics.

Jay began to attend a class called Spiritual Psychology taught by a husband and wife team from Missouri. They had been into natural healing, natural childbirth with doctors and absolutely unique notions for a period in time.

Most of Jays friends thought he was crazy to be attending classes like that on weekends when he could have been water skiing, boating, enjoying life, playing with women at bars, or just getting drunk like some of his clients. But, Jay was happy with studying Metaphysics and Healing.

It was at the second Theta Seminar that the special event occurred. It was August 1977 and Jay was in the classroom which was in a loft on 22nd Street in New York City. In the class, they had discussed the cycles of birth and death and its influence on the soul. They did some breathing, meditation and thinking about their own birth.

Jay remembered that his life was traumatic, as his mother had gone into a coma and he was born two months premature. Then, he suddenly realized that he was meant to be born early; his weight was already 8 lbs. 15 ounces and his mother was too tiny at 411 to handle the Big Guy coming into the world.

He was able to forgive himself for wearing out his mother at birth with his size and weight. He forgave his mother for being unconscious at his birth and missing his first two weeks of life on Earth. What an experience it was for him. Feeling the forgiveness made Jay feel lighter.

The next part of the class was the chanting and rocking session. Jay was still feeling that lightness as the group of six in his team began elevating and rocking him to music and chants. One at a time, the team was lifting each person up and then rocking the fully elevated person before slowly returning them to the ground.

Back then Jay weighed 280 pounds and there they were, trying to get him up in the air. He felt as light as a feather, totally relaxed as he was rocked back and forth. During the session the window was open and suddenly a strange cool-damp breeze came through into the room, exactly where they were rocking Jay. A bolt of what appeared to be lightning hit Jay at the top of his head. The group pulled their hands away and he floated down to the ground.

Jay slowly opened his eyes and touched the top of his head. It felt warm. As he sat up, he was surprised to see me standing over him, looking at him. He remembered what I had said to him when we first met, And someone you know will be there to observe. Jay closed his eyes and his head was filled with ideas and formulas and concepts and the words just know that you know.

Then since that moment, he knew the past, present and the future. He foresaw floods, tornados, the economic crisis of 2007- on ... he was frightened, but understood. He knew about others just by looking at their faces, their eyes or from their handwriting. And there is so much more that he knew he would come know.

The question for Jay in all of this is, if there is so much that he knows, then how can he use it to help everyone throughout the rest of his life?

About the Author:

Effective Methods In Hair Removal

By Christian Lewis

Many people face the issue of unwanted hair and struggle to get results even after experimenting with various techniques of hair removal. A number of factors such as the area and density of hair growth, your skin sensitivity and your skin type can determine the hair removal method best suited for you.

The most common way of getting rid of unwanted hair is shaving. While shaving is effective and inexpensive, it isn't permanent and you need to do it regularly to look hair-free. For example, men normally shave their facial hair daily. Shaving is also popular for the removal of chest hair and leg hair.

Another alternative is waxing hair off the body. It is a complicated process, which usually cannot conveniently be done at home on your own. The advantage of waxing is that the hair is extracted from the root, and it takes twelve to fifteen days to reappear, ensuring freedom from unwanted hair for a longer time. But remember that waxing is a painful process of hair removal and should not be done on sensitive body parts.

The third process is making use of a hair removal cream, which is simple to apply and can be used without external assistance. While this is free from pain, the hair grows back quicker than in the method of waxing. There is an additional danger that your skin may be sensitive to the chemicals in the cream, resulting in a rash.

Those who have uneven hair growth on their bodies can go for hair transplant from the areas with more growth to the areas with lesser growth. This is a complex procedure and should be applied only if there are no other options.

The last technique, also the costliest of all, is laser hair removal treatment. Everlasting freedom from hair is the best advantage of laser treatment. However it must be conducted by a trained professional in order to prevent accidents and skin injury.

About the Author:

The Advantages Of Having A New Office Fitout

By Tony Black

Providing the best working environment, has proved itself as the best way in improving the working outcome in almost every domain. That is why many employers all over the globe, interested in having the best outcome out of their employees, would invest a huge deal of money to provide them with a cozy and a familial environment in work places. Office fitout is a great trend that has developed in the past years and helped a lot of enterprises, while spending a certain sum of money, increase their work force and in the end make much more gains out of the employees.

In the past, companies used to lock hundreds of employees in small rooms and in crowded buildings. This has proved a big deal of failure, both when it comes to the activity and productivity of the individual workers and in the enterprises success by the end of each quarter.

The use of the old cubicle design used in almost all offices and banks is not considered successful anymore. Every employee can talk for hours about the boring time he spends every day stuck in a matchbox like cubicle while staring at his paper work for hours. The boredom that attacks these employees will lead to less overall outcome and activity of each individual. In the end, it will be a global loss for almost everybody in this work place. Another disadvantage concerning this system, is that people will tend to be lonelier, the group activity and team work will certainly decline.

The psychological aspect of every work place has proved itself as a very important factor for the success of any enterprise. Many projects have been made to ensure better office design, as a large number of office designers and fit out specialized personnel have produced many methods and various designs to ensure the best looking and the most successful fit outs that would lead to the best outcome from the work force.

Almost all parts of the office or your work place will be regarded in the fit out missions. You will get a total makeover of every single part of the place starting from the ceilings, the flooring, the furniture, the computer cabling, dining rooms and even fun areas.

When you consult an office fit out designer, you will get different types of ideas to choose from. They will tell you about many different options, from which you will pick the one that would suit your work the most. Once you do so, you will be provided by a picture like or a paper form design of the theme you picked.

Once you have reached this point, you will start facing the step of having the change live and in action. The service providers will make sure that you actually know the time it will take to have the exact changes around. They will make sure that your work can run smoothly in the same time the changes are being done.

Office fit out is a great thing you can do to your work place. This way your office will not only look great and new, but your production and success will be guaranteed. In the mean time, all employees will be happy and feeling comfortable.

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Take A Company Public - S1 Filing - Powerful Investor Relations - Globalization Strategies

By James Scott

For those of you who have reached the point in your company's evolution where it's time to take your company public there is often a lot of confusion centering around the services that a corporation needs in order to go public at a solid price, hold it's position and grow steadily.

The solution is to bring on a consulting firm steeped in a solid history of creating solid corporate foundations so that building on that foundation is simple and streamlined. Below is what you can expect to pay and the services you'll need for a solid public offering on an exchange like the OTCBB that will help your company eventually qualify for the NASDAQ.

Of course there are many consulting firms out there who will do reverse mergers into public shells or charge $400k+ for the process of going public but the truth is, your company can get a premium grade public offering solutions without having to pay even remotely close to that much.

For a solid, top tier consulting firm to come into your company and provide everything from A to Z, the below is what you can expect to get and pay from reputable consulting sources.

For a full turnkey solution, the costs involved and solutions provided would look something like this: 1. Retainer ($25k to $35k)+ equity distribution 2. Business plan and Private Placement Memorandum authoring 3. Company Valuation by top tier analyst 4. Board of directors selection and evaluation 5. Advisory board selection and evaluation 6. C level executive evaluation and recruitment initiation (if needed) 7. Strategic Alliance search and facilitation 8. First round of funding offered to our investor network (and your investor contacts) 9. PCAOB audit 10. $50k fee from proceeds raised paid to Consultant 11. S1 filed by PCS legal team through SEC comments stage to SEC approval 12. Market Maker attachment, 15c211 filing with FINRA and final payment of $50k is made to Consultant from capital raised 13. Trading symbol issued to company by FINRA 14. Company is up and trading on OTCBB 15. Consultant brings in first phase Investor Relations strategies to create market and trading volume activity 16. National Public Relations strategy begins by having C level executives placed on top tier radio and TV programs as Expert Panel participants for industry 17. Ongoing acquisitions identification, corporate expansion strategies and Investor Relations consulting by Consultant to assist company with growth.

You don't need to overpay for a service as intricate as going public. Just find a turn-key consultant who understands your company and what you're trying to achieve and take it from there.

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Florida Holds Off Mississippi State To Remain Undefeated

By Ross Everett

Despite a subpar game from quarterback Tim Tebow and a determined effort from the host Mississippi State Bulldogs, the Florida Gators remained undefeated by scrapping out a 29-19 victory. Florida led by only 3 points at halftime before pulling away in the fourth quarter. The usually efficient and accurate Tebow had two touchdowns returned for interceptions and passed for only 127 yards with no touchdowns. Florida improved to 7-0 while Mississippi State dropped to 3-5.

College football betting enthusiasts who took the +22' with Mississippi State as a home underdog enjoyed an easy pointspread cover. The Bulldogs improved their ATS record to 4-3 with the cover, while Florida evened their college football pointspread record to 3-3. The 48 combined points scored just managed to stay UNDER the posted total of 50. Florida has gone UNDER in five of six lined games this season while Mississippi State has gone UNDER in 4 of their seven games.

Head coach Urban Meyer accepted much of the blame for his team's substandard performance:

"I did not coach well tonight. I put Tim in some tough situations. As an offense, we're not well right now. Tim's not trying to be a hero. But we might be asking him to do too much."

The Gators' are 76th in the nation in red zone efficiency, and Meyer took the blame for that fact as well:

"The problem is they've got a coach that wants to score so damn bad that he's pressing them and some of those guys aren't ready for that."

Defensive end Pernell McPhee gave Tebow fits all night and talked about his team's effort after the game:

"We knew they liked to get the ball to Tebow there. I felt like we frustrated them and made them do some new things they did not usually do tonight. They got in the I formation tonight and that is the first time I have ever seen them do that."

Florida led by only 3 points heading into the final quarter but used a Chris Raney 8 yard rush and a Dustin Doe interception return for a touchdown to open up some breathing room. Jonathan Banks cut into the lead for Mississippi State late in the game with an interception return for touchdown of his own.

The Gators face a tough challenge next weekend as they enter into their matchup against University of Georgia-what used to be known as 'The World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party'. Florida is a -16 favorite in the contest. They'll face Vanderbilt the next week before heading to Columbia, SC for a game against the University of South Carolina and their longtime coach Steve Spurrier. Mississippi State will play at Kentucky as+3' road underdogs next weekend before a bye week. They'll return to action on November--th at home against the University of Alabama.

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The Bench Press: A Yardstick To Measure Strength?

By Aaron Miller

The bench press is arguably the most famed of the weight lifting exercises, with even couch potatoes knowing what it seems like in a general way. It is hip with many bodybuilders, and traditionally employed by football coaches as a yardstick by which to guess a candidate's strength. Yet, a comeback is developing against the overemphasis, especially in the preferred culture, of the bench press. Many sports pros have abandoned it as a benchmark because there are other lifts that might better measure overall strength than the bench press, which measures only chest and shoulders strength.

There are actually a few differing kinds of bench presses. What the majority mean by the term bench press likely alludes to the flat bench press, its technical name, derived from the angle-less position of the bench. Decline bench presses involve a bench at an angle such that the lifter's head is closer to the ground than his or her feet, while incline bench presses involve a bench with an angle which has the lifter sitting up anywhere from forty-five to 60 or so degrees, depending on personal tastes ( incline bench press benches are often somewhat adjustable ).

The bench press could be a fatal exercise if not performed properly under correct conditions. Each year someone dies from it, though each death has been avoidable as victims were usually working out alone. It's very important to use a spotter, a coaching partner who is able to physically assist with failed lifts or with forced reps. Having such help is useful as the muscles find out how to overcome weird amounts of resistance.

If one must exercise alone, care needs to be taken to use a power rack. This is due to obvious safety reasons first and foremost, but the power rack is a superb piece of gear that also allows for multiple exercises like squats and dead-lifts. Practicing the overhead lift is most efficient with a power rack, particularly for beginners.

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