How to Get That Number One Google Position.

By Owen Jones

If you haven't automated your article submission, it can only mean one of three things:

1. You simply already have enough free traffic to your website,

2. You haven't seen my previous articles, or

3. You still haven't been able to realize the power and incredible value of this system. that is, how this will dramatically boost your sales.

If you fall into the first category, then please move on to the next article, this one just doesn't apply to you.

Otherwise, please take a minute to read this article thoroughly, as it really could mean the difference between success and failure for your Internet business this year. You see, people love to make things complicated, but making money online is actually quite simple. It does not matter whether you are selling your own product, promoting affiliate links, or making money from Adsense or "click flipping", it all boils down to just two things:

Conversion and Traffic.

Conversion comes first. You need to have an offer that people want. That "offer" might be a product, or it might be an enticing advert (e.g. Google Adsense) that people want to click on. And you need some kind of presentation (such as a sales letter) that encourages them to take the action that you want them to take (eg buy the product or click on the advert).

In many ways this is the easiest part. Most people can put together a half decent website or sales letter that will make at least some money from their visitors.

But then you need Traffic. Loads of it. The more people that come by your site, the more money you will make - especially if that traffic is highly targeted. But, given the number of websites out there - all competing for the same traffic, just how do you get more visitors to your site?

Well, there are just three ways that visitors come to your site:

1. People type your URL straight into their browser. That comes from some sort of offline promotion - it might be your business card, a radio advert, an article in a magazine or a conversation with a friend.

2. People click on a link somewhere. It might be in an email they received (eg from a friend or from an ezine they subscribed to), or it might be on another website they have visited.

3. Or they do a search in a search engine, see your website in the listings, and click on the link to visit you.

And that is it, period. There are no other ways for them to get to your website.

So, if we know that, how do we get more traffic? Easy:

1. Make sure you are promoting your online presence in all your offline promotional materials.

2. Get lots of people to place a link to you, and lots of people to send out emails with your link in it.

3. Get a top position in the search engines.

Yes.., sounds simple doesn't it, but maybe it is not so easy in practice? Just how do you achieve steps 2 and 3 without spending bucketsful of cash or getting your site banned by the search engines?

To understand this, we need to work out how the search engines operate. Once again, this is much easier than people think.

All search engines want lots of people to use them. In order to achieve that, they try to deliver relevant and up-to-date content to people who do a search on them. But how do they determine what is relevant to the search?

There are only two ways that they can achieve that:

1. They look at your site. Using very sophisticated algorithms they determine what the subject matter of your site is. They also look how new, or old it is, how recently it has changed, and so on. These are all known as on-page or on-site factors. You have direct control over many of these when you set up your website.

2. They 'consider' what other people write about your website. In doing that, they look at two factors: how many people have links to your site (and what those links say) and also how important are the sites that link to your site. An important site of 'authority' that points to you is worth more than a whole list of unimportant sites. They also consider how old the links that point to you are, and a number of other factors about the value of the link and the context in which it is used.

At the same time, the search engines are constantly on the look out for websites that attempt to fool them into thinking that they are more relevant or more popular than they actually are. Which is why the so-called 'black-hat' techniques quickly lose their effectiveness.

Therefore, to get to the top of the search engine lists you need to do two things:

1. You can optimize your on-page factors. There is plenty of information on the Internet and off it about how to do that. It is not difficult but, in itself, it is also not enough.

2. Get lots of high quality, one-way, relevant links to your website from as many other websites as possible.

How do you get people to link to you?

1. Have a fantastic product so that they just, spontaneously, want to tell others about your site.

2. Pay them to link to you - buy a text link, or offer an affiliate program.

3. Exchange links with other sites - but reciprocal links are clearly not worth as much as one-way back-links and it is a lot of work to do this effectively anyway.

4. Provide them with fresh, unique content that adds value to their site in return for which they agree to post a back-link to you. Many sites are constantly looking for fresh, unique content. They get this content by traipsing through the article directories or by subscribing to article submission services.

Therefore, if you distribute articles to these directories, your articles will end up on both the directories themselves AND on the niche sites that pick up and use these articles. AND some of these sites are likely to be valuable "authority"-type sites. Of course, whether the article is used and by whom, depends on the quality of your article.

So, there you have it, the last method is the simplest and most effective. It gives you hundreds or thousands of one way back-links, from relevant, niche sites, all for free. All you need is some way to get different, unique, articles to each of those directories and ezine publishers, which is, of course, exactly what our software does.

But wait! We don't stop there. The real power behind this method comes when you use it regularly. Preferably at least once a week. Imagine getting 200 to 1800 new permanent one way links every week! By the end of a year, you could easily have 50,000 or more relevant, quality, one-way links to your site! And you can connect the submission process to a timer to put everything on autopilot!

That is the power of this system and that is why it beats every other traffic generation and SEO system there is.

So, unless you don't have an online presence at all, isn't it time you harnessed this power for your own business? Click on our link below now to get the early-bird discount and get a fantastic bunch of bonuses:

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