Shade Sails Provide Heat Relief for Children at Play

By Lisa Shade

Small children are constantly playing outside, and it can be difficult to try and keep them safe from all dangers. Parents make sure that they have perimeter fences and gates set up, and will even place barriers around areas that are dangerous, such as pools and wells. They even buy swing-sets and play equipment that receives high ratings for safety. Still there is something crucial that is being overlooked. The sun and heat that children are exposed to can be very dangerous and this is why products like shade sails and outdoor umbrellas are necessary.

Some people do not realize that the overhead sun can elevate the surface temperature on playground equipment to levels that can burn a childs skin. Metal surfaces are particularly vulnerable to the suns power. When a sliding board reaches a temperature that exceeds 100 degrees F it will feel uncomfortable to the touch alone. However, if a child tries to slide on this surface the combination of friction and high surface temperature can create a painful burn.

The best way to prevent such problems is by making sure the outdoor play equipment your child uses can stay cool, even on the hottest days. Take a few moments to browse through the variety of shade sails and outdoor umbrellas that are available. You do not have to get the largest or most expensive models. A modest shade covering can keep both your child and outdoor play equipment cool and comfortable.

It is not only young kids, but everyone in the family, who will enjoy the benefits of this cooling shade. Now you will not have to worry about hot metal surfaces inflicting injury on your child once you install a shade sail as a canopy. In fact outdoor umbrellas or shade sails provide you with a way to produce cooling cover in any part of your yard.

You may wonder how many ways a shade sail can be used. These devices are portable and can be placed where they are the most needed. They can become canopy covers for playgrounds, swimming pools, decks or outdoor eating areas. If you have a section of the yard where people like to sit and congregate you can make it more comfortable by adding one of these shade sails. The suns rays can burn your childrens skins even underwater so think of the difference that it would make if the pool had an area that was sheltered by a shade sail.

You will also find that shade sails come in every color of the rainbow. Not only are you going to be able to protect your children from the harsh rays of the sun, you will also be able to add some visual interest to your yard.

You should measure some of the areas in your outdoor living space to give you an idea of what you will need. This way you will be able to decide what size umbrellas and shade sails are needed. With a little thought and planning you will be able to determine where and how to use these products for the maximum healthy benefits.

Why not give some thought to the benefits and comfort shade sails can bring to your own back yard?

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