How to Do On Page SEO

By Lily White

Building a website is not an easy task and it takes a lot of work. Often people think that the moment they publish, that flocks of people are going to arrive at their site. Unfortunately it doesn't happen that way ,and that's what makes search engine optimization so very important. After all, the higher up you get in page rankings, the more likely your site will get noticed. SEO is the way the search engines learn about your website and determine what is important about them.

One thing you need to remember is to stay consistent. The search engines crawl over every page of your website. So you must be sure each one is presented properly for SEO.

The following are the few of the techniques of On Page SEO web design optimization:

Everyone one of your pages should have a title. Google will scan the title, and wants to be able to see only the most pertinent key words related to the content of the page. The more important that Google feels that the keyword is, the higher the page rank they will give it.

Add Keywords in H1 header tags: The H1 header tag should be as far towards the top of the page as possible. You can think of an H1 header tag as a title for whatever content you have on your page.

For the sub heading H2you want to get your second most important key word in. This too should be as close to the top as possible.

How often your keywords show on a page is important. That doesn't mean that you can plaster them all over the page at random. Google will not approve of this. Key word density is dependant on how often the keyword shows in conjunction with the total number of words. The keywords must read as if they naturally belongs in the text.

Bold or italicized keyword text: Bold is used as strong and italics are used as emphasis tags in the body copy of the blog posts. This will help the search engines like Yahoo which words/phrases should be given more weight.

How you prepare your image tags is important as well. These are ALT and they are the description for the search engine to know what the image is. Without overdoing it try and get the keyword into the image description as well.

The tech that appears in your click on links is known as the anchor text.

Don't neglect URLS. The search engines don't. They take into account the words contained in them as well so it is an ideal place to get your keywords into it.

Link structure: If the navigation menu of a website is structured then the visitors will navigate the website with just few clicks. It is necessary for the consumer. This also helps the search spiders to get several links to follow.

There is some speculation that Search Engine Optimization on page is not as apt to achieve the same results as off page SEO.

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