Bengals Make Short Work of Bears

By Ross Everett

Former Chicago Bears running back Cedric Benson got revenge on the team that let him go in the best possible way. Benson amassed 189 yards rushing and led his new team, the Cincinnati Bengals, to a 45-10 rout over the visiting Bears on Sunday. Carson Palmer threw for five touchdowns with no interceptions in the blowout victory.

The Bengals also made short work of the NFL pointspread, easily covering as +1' home underdogs. Cincinnati improved to 4-3 against the number while Chicago evened their ATS mark at 3-3. The 55 combined points sailed OVER the posted total of 42'. The Bengals have gone OVER in four of seven games this year while the Bears evened their NFL totals mark at 3-3.

A smug Benson described his feelings after the win:

"Everybody knew it was going to be an emotional day. Everybody knew. What a wonderful day and a wonderful thing, to go out there and strut your stuff."

Despite the evidence to the contrary, Benson downplayed the motive of revenge:

"I continue to be as graceful as I can be. I'm not shoving anything in anybody's face. Like I say, it wasn't a revenge day for me. I just wanted to take advantage of the opportunities."

He said his biggest problem was trying to keep his emotions in check and play under control:

"There were a few times where I may have gotten a little too hyped up, a little too antsy. A couple of drives, I found myself having to calm myself down and gather my emotions to stay poised. Once I got past that, we were good to go. Keep it rolling."

Bengals' receiver Chad Ochocinco had 10 catches for 118 yards and two touchdowns. He shared his thoughts postgame:

"I don't understand why it went this way today and why it didn't go that way last week or the week before that. The offensive line played unbelievable. For Ced to run the way he did today and for us to be able to throw, we could have done what we wanted to do."

Chicago gave up more points than in any game all season, a fact that left defensive end Alex Brown looking for answers:

"That was pretty embarrassing. It's embarrassing to come out and play like that. I tip my hat to their whole team. Cedric ran the ball like crazy. They did whatever they wanted to do."

The Bengals will enjoy a bye week before hosting the Baltimore Ravens on November 8. They'll then play two games on the road at Pittsburgh and Oakland. Chicago will try to get back on track this Sunday as they host the Cleveland Browns. The Bears are -13' home favorites with the total set at 40.

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Effective Ways to Find Housekeeper Jobs

By Alice Sy

By looking at online sites and classified ads, it can be easy having to find housekeeper jobs. You will be able to find homes and small companies looking for janitorial services. Before long, you will find a vacancy that matches your skills. These tips will help you find the job you are searching for.

* First off, you need to market yourself effectively. You can post an ad in various publications, whether in traditional print or on the web. On the internet, you will be able to find sites where you can advertise your services free of charge. As long as you offer your services, prospective employers will contact you soon.

* Try looking for any listings which are looking for housekeepers. Also verify where the job is located, and if it is within your vicinity, you can reply to the post. Make sure however that you are qualified enough.

* You can also try getting the services of agencies, since these companies have a selection of listings or vacancies on specific housekeeping jobs. Furthermore, many employers seek the assistance of agencies in order to find skillful housekeepers. Since these agencies have already interviewed the applicants and have gone through their documents, employers don't need to do the assessment themselves. This set-up is highly favored by employers which is why you will most likely get a job through agencies.

* In order to find housekeeper jobs, you can also try offering business cards to interested people or even to random individuals who can then pass the contact cards to their colleagues and friends. Even random strangers can prove helpful to anyone looking for a housekeeping job.

* Finally, never underestimate the benefits of referrals. From your past clients or employers to your trusted friends, you will never really know who is going to need a housekeeping job. The names of your past employers can serve as excellent references when you plan on to find housekeeper jobs in the future.

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Hong Kong Maid Agency - A Guide For Domestic Helpers

By Alice Sy

Because of the continuing crisis, women are seeking greener pastures abroad. They want to be able to provide for the needs of their children so they agree to work as domestic helpers in a foreign land. If you are considering of working as a domestic helper, too, you must look for a reliable Hong Kong maid agency because job hunting abroad can be an overwhelming experience, especially for a first timer.

Even professionals themselves have to give up practicing their profession in their mother country to pursue a job that pays higher; it does not matter if the job does not exactly match their educational attainment. What they're after is not the kind of job they will be doing, but how much they will be earning.

Lots of people choose to go to Hong Kong to work as a domestic helper; why, because besides being one with many job opportunities for domestic helpers, Hong Kong is people-friendly, especially to those who come from foreign lands. Still, it helps to look for a reliable maid agency as there exist a number of illegal recruiters. Take time to browse the World Wide Web for reviews, articles, and testimonials from those who have tried and tested the agency.

A reliable Hong Kong maid agency is able to properly place you with the right employer. It knows how to match your skills with the client's requirements, and you can almost be certain that you will be assigned to a good employer, one who will not maltreat you or anything.

The kind of maid agency you approach is crucial to your own safety and protection. So be prudent enough to know if you are dealing with a legal recruitment agency or not.

By using the services of a good and reliable Hong Kong maid agency, you and your children can be hopeful of a better tomorrow.

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How Does Car Insurance Work When Driving Other People's Car?

By Adriana Noton

Auto insurance is insurance purchased for cars. Its principal objective is to provide protection against losses incurred due to traffic accidents and liabilities subjected to accidents and car thefts. The majority of jurisdictions across the globe make it imperative to have assurance auto coverage before driving the vehicle on the public road. Insurance for both car and driver is mandatory by most governments of the world. Does that mean in occurrence of an accidental injury, your insurance policy will pay for your loss or someone else's? How does car insurance actually work when driving other people's car? This article aims at answering a pertinent question, which many of us seek to find answers to when stuck in a controversial situation.

A Personal Auto Insurance policy will cover the damages and medical liabilities of an uninsured motorist, operating your personal vehicle. In certain cases your personal insurance will cover the property damage as well. However, it will "not" provide cover for the operation of a hired business or commercial use vehicle.

It should be noted, that the car is insured, and not the driver. In case of a "personal" vehicle being driven, which has an adequate active coverage, the policy will be liable for the auto damage and the medical liability of the driver. However, if the "personal" vehicle insurance stands inadequate, then a part of the driver's own active insurance policy will provide the medical benefits or the damage cover. The degree of coverage depends on factors like rentals, loaners, local or state regulations and reasons driving the other vehicle.

The assurance auto Montreal policy in force will cover the vehicle damage only if the driver had the owner's "permission" to drive. Hence also covering the liabilities of the other parties involved. The insurance will also follow the driver, if they are mentioned in the policy of the car owner.

Insurance coverage varies with state. While, in some states, the policy will cover both the vehicle and the driver, whether or not the driver is enlisted in the policy of the car owner. Simultaneously, the car owner's policy will provide coverage for him when he's in the driver's seat of another owner's "personal" vehicle.

Most auto insurance policies will cover any driver of the insured vehicle, unless that driver has been excluded from the policy or unless the driver has stolen the vehicle. This would require the owner to press his situation, by providing a copy of the filed theft report or the filed exclusion report.

Since auto insurance follows the vehicle, if you're driving a borrowed car and get involved in an accident, the lender's insurance policy will cover the liabilities, your medical expense and the other vehicle's damages. But, if the lender has no insurance or his insurance is inadequate, then the borrower's insurance will step-in and cover all of the losses.

Car insurance companies offer "Drive Other Cars" advantage on the owner's insurance policy to combat such situations. This policy provides comprehensive coverage on a driver who has the owner's permission, as well as third party coverage for any injured individual in case of unexpected accidents. Different insurance companies provide different terms and conditions in order to receive "drive other car" benefits, and some may not even provide this advantage. Therefore, it's advisable that you call your insurance company before lending or borrowing a car.

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Angel Investor Mind Control: Is This Process Real?

By James Scott

Discovering the 'thumbscrews' of investors is crucial to getting them to take action. In over a decade of dealing with global investors there are several elements that I've discovered to be universal truths about the mind of the private investor (angel investor, accredited investor).

When talking to an investor for the first time, it's more important to listen than to speak. It's more important to ask questions than answer them. It's more important to discover their needs and wants than to exclaim your own. Your first conversation with an investor should be all about piercing the armor and finding the trigger points that prompt a reaction that gets to the center of their 'childlike' state.

What I mean by this is, investors, just like anyone else, has insecurities that are rooted in their childhood and what they are outwardly today, is typically a polar opposite of what they are on the inside. For example, an arrogant, chest beater seems proud and obnoxious on the outside but the reality is that they are over compensating for an insecurity that is rooted in an individual or collection of childhood incidents.

Maybe they were made fun of as a child, maybe they're father was verbally abusive, maybe their teachers would single them out in class opening them up to playground mockery. When talking to these individuals it's important to listen to their voice and intonation when the conversation topic changes. Take notes on their psychological adjustments to the conversation. After you feel you have discovered the triggers that induce the 'pleasurable' responses, end the call, and set your second phone appointment with them.

On that second call, you want to have your conversation ready to go using the triggers you found in the first conversation. Play off of those insecurities that you found, become their best friend without being chummy but it is your mission on this call to be the "guy that understand me" to the investor. You want the overall tone of this conversation to have the response from your target along the theme of, "wow, this guy gets me" , "I can see investing in this company".

By using this method and not coming across as 'fake', you have become an investment opportunity and a shrink all rolled into one. You want to be the one person that this investor can lower his guard to because everything he says, you seem to be the one person who understands him at his deepest level. You seem to naturally be tuned into his insecurities, emotions, needs and wants. Sound strange? Try this out on the next investor you talk to, I guaranty you will be shocked with the results.

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Need Corporate Capital Fast? Your First Call Should Be To A Turnaround Consultant

By James Scott

Most companies who are on the venture capital trail are not set up properly to attract investors. When an investor looks at your business plan and private placement memorandum they are looking for certain things. Of course funding sources look for the obvious, a solid business model, positive cash flow, industry genre with solid future growth, recession proof business (if there even is such a thing) and minimal debt.

Countless companies are turned down for funding because they lack the basics such as: an advisory board, board of directors, solid executive staff with a well groomed pedigree, reasonable share price, business plan and PPM that spell out the risks for the investor and an original marketing strategy that covers all the angles. These are just a few of the most common mistakes that companies make out of naivety and by not taking the time to hire an expert to properly structure them to make the entity appeal to investors.

Seasoned expansion and turn-around consultants can step into a company and immediately zone in on the issues that will hinder a client's investment magnetism. Often times it only takes 2 to 3 weeks to completely reorganize a company to make it stand out like a beacon in the turbulent finance industry. If you are seriously considering the idea of raising capital with a private placement memorandum, traditional institutional loans, venture capital or a public offering don't be penny wise and dollar foolish.

Spend some money and hire a consultant who is completely submerged in the finance industry to take control of the elements of your corporation that are seen as 'black eyes' to investors so that you can achieve the capital you're seeking.

The reality is, raising capital for your company is easy and straight forward if you've taken the time to examine your business objectively and sought out the expert analysis of an industry expert consultant who will run your company through a formula and make the necessary changes to increase your ability to raise capital.

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NFL Preseason Handicapping Basics

By Ross Everett

Betting preseason NFL games never fails to elicit an irreconcilable difference of opinion among sports betting enthusiasts. Some consider it a very poor wagering opportunity, while others maintain that there's no better moneymaking opportunity in sports than pro football's preseason. The truth is probably somewhere between the two extremes--NFL preseason betting must be approached with caution and discipline, but offers the potential to make a tidy profit before the regular season kicks off.

The most compelling argument against preseason wagering is simply that the games don't count. While there are often spots during the regular season where teams may seem more or less motivated, in theory they all want to win. That's not something that can be taken as a 'given' during the preseason, however, as the individual agendas of NFL coaching staffs can very widely. Some might want to win games to establish a winning attitude, others might put a greater focus on working in a new offensive or defensive scheme. Others may prioritize evaluating talent at key positions, while others may simply want to make it through to the regular season without any significant injuries. With all of the uncertainty swirling around preseason football, handicapping wins and losses against the pointspread can be exceedingly difficult.

The preseason NFL betting enthusiast would suggest, however, that it is the uncertainty that characterizes these games that makes for such a strong wagering opportunity. For example, in a matchup between a championship level team and a losing team you often see strongly divergent approaches to the game. Successful teams have more to worry about in terms of player injuries, fewer areas in which they need to evaluate talent, and more continuity in the areas of coaching and team chemistry. They often view preseason games as a chore, and have little interest in their outcome as long as they keep their superstars healthy.

On the other hand, consider the 'lesser' team in a preseason matchup. They often have a number of key starting positions they need to fill, along with backup positions up for grabs. They may have new coaching staffs that players want to impress, new offensive or defensive schemes to implement. Most significantly, 'lesser' teams often view the preseason as an opportunity to build team chemistry or create a winning attitude. A team trying to rebuild can benefit from winning *any* games, regardless of whether or not they count in the standings. For a league doormat, a win over an elite level opponent can serve as a rare highlight of a losing season.

While some teams could care less about the result of preseason games, few want to enter the regular season having lost them all. In light of this fact, a successful preseason situation that has stood the test of time is to bet on teams that lost their first two exhibition games outright. This situation has produced a winning percentage right around 60%.

The philosophy of a NFL head coach is arguably the single most important factor contributing to preseason success. Some coaches always want to win, even if the games don't count in the standings. Other coaches place a much greater importance on evaluating personnel and giving backups playing time they won't have the opportunity to get during the regular season. The coaches that have a strong desire to win in the preseason often result in their team's pointspreads being inflated somewhat, but a motivated team is always worth consideration for a wager.

One of the best tools that a handicapper has at his disposal during the preseason is the Internet. Actually, it's a great tool year round but during the preseason it is invaluable. The best source of information on coaching philosophies, game plans, injuries, lineup changes, etc, are the local sports pages of NFL teams. Basically, the situation during preseason is that there is a lot of interest in the team and a lot of anxious beat writers looking to write stories. The problem is that there is little in the way of real news, and for that reason you'll find the sort of minutiae on teams and players from which you can often extract relevant handicapping information. Even if there aren't any nuggets of handicapping gold, you can at least get a feel for the coach's goals for the game and the amount of playing time that key players will see. Sometimes coaches will come right out and say who will play at what juncture of the game, and will occasionally go on record that personnel decisions like evaluating all of the guys they're considering for the backup defensive secondary jobs are more important than winning. Clearly, operating with this knowledge is a distinct advantage and operating without it can be fatal. There's nothing more frustrating than betting on a team only to have them look like they could care less whether or not they win the game. During the preseason, however, it can frequently be prevented with some simple research and analysis.

The bottom line is that while the NFL preseason does offer some solid moneymaking opportunities, its not a 'free cash grab'. It's best viewed as an opportunity to grind out a small profit, but as always its essential to maintain the same degree of discipline in handicapping and money management as at any other time during the pro football season.

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Easily Find Angel Investors, Private Investors, Hard Money Lenders and Venture Capital Firms

By James Scott

How To Find All The Angel Investors And Venture Capital Financing You'll Ever Need! The once definitive line that would separate hard money and private/angel financing has merged into a hybrid of sorts in the past few years. As the economy has taken a dive and structured private lending firms have felt the crunch we are finding many of these lending solutions closing its doors and re-opening as privately owned and managed funding options with an interest in both lending and seed investment.

Approval decisions that were once made by a group are not being made by an individual or duo with an eye toward optimal capitalization with both short term and long term agendas. As investors are, now more than ever, trying to get as much bang out of their buck, entrepreneurs are in the precarious position of accepting funding from virtually any and every enterprise that is making an offering. That said, it is more important now than ever to swing open your mind to the possibilities of mass exposure of your opportunity to the investment world.

The best way to do this is to simply put your business in constant and automated 'introduction' mode so that you can be found by the moneymen. The best way to do this is to heavily investigate the venture capital industry for executives who have created offshoot programs that have deviated their process from the traditional path of simply approving or declining a transaction.

There are many VC professionals who want to capitalize off of the projects that their firm cannot accept due to underwriting criteria and industrial genre specialization so they are starting these small but well managed financial source databases where members can place their transaction directly in front of thousands upon thousands of angel investors, private investors, hard money lenders, venture capital firms, private equity firms and other alternative finance solutions.

These websites are now the hottest thing in the capital markets and will continue to grow because of the high success rate of individual executives and entrepreneurs who are able to find multiple streams of financing options with the click of a button.

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Student Residences Located In Canterbury - Four Reasons To Rent With A Private Landlord

By Perry Stonning

There are advantages as well as disadvantages whether you make use of a letting agency or go direct to a private landlord as part of your quest for a student residence. Below are 4 reasons to lease a privately owned property, that should help you in your hunt:

1. The total rent should always be reduced for equivalent housing

In just about any business area an agency would make its income from charging a percentage for getting and sending business to some business or person. This is the same within the rental market and because of this your rent may well end up being higher when making use of an agency compared to the rates you'll usually pay out with a private landlord. This is really a comparison preferably made on a 'like for like' basis, where the houses would most likely be of the equivalent quality.

2. Zero administration service fees to pay out

Rental companies will impose an administration charge for processing your case, whilst you should not be billed an administration payment by the actual landlord for organising the tenancy in the property she or he are the owners of. This carries the likelihood of saving you a lot of cash, maybe 100s of pounds.

3. Create a much better relationship with the landlord

Whenever working with an agency, you are ultimately a name in a file along with part of the procedure. When you deal specifically with the landlord, you are much more likely to build a connection with them, mainly because you may see them in person and talk to them on the phone. This tends to make a much better tenant/landlord rapport as well as trust between both people.

4. Landlords may be much more open to your own ideas

Generally speaking, independent landlords can be a lot more flexible in dealing together with you plus any suggestions you might have with regards to your tenancy along with the residence itself. That may include the layout of furnishings, any garden related matters and the like, so that the house is much more of a home to you. Obviously the house belongs to the landlord, subsequently they have the ultimate say, nonetheless, at least you have one to one contact with them. You might also have the ability to negotiate regarding concerns such as summer rent, when you won't be physically located at the actual property.

When you're looking for your perfect university student residence in Canterbury, you can save funds, possibly a lot of cash, when you avoid rental agencies and search for trustworthy private landlords. You may spend additional hours trying to find a privately owned house, however the long-term benefits can vastly be greater than the disadvantages.

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Points To Remember While Building A Modern Office

By Carlo Ruiz

Previously contemporary office designs were considered just a luxury, but now it has become a requirement that a company cannot do without. It is now universally acknowledged that good office design makes the staff highly productive and inspires them to stay in the firm for the long term. Besides the office design also exhibits the corporate culture of the firm.

Openness, flexibility and sustainability are the three underlying principles that you need to remember when constructing a modern office. These objectives cannot be achieved unless a wise choice of office interior design and office system furniture for the new setup is made, and for this some critical factors need to be taken into account.

As the first step, it is necessary to understand what type of tasks will be done inside the office. This together with the floor area available will help you suitably decide on the interior design. While planning the layout you also must consider the present number of staff members and how it is likely to grow in the next few years.

There must be space for cafeterias and conference rooms besides enough space for office desks, chairs and other office system furniture. There must also be recreational zones having chessboards and pool tables, so that employees get a space to unwind after long spells of work. Moreover, the office should be planned in a manner that ensures optimum space usage without being too crowded.

Minimalism is a key feature in an ideal office design, and the decor should have colours that are soothing to the eye and don't cause any distraction when the staff is working. The interiors should also have sufficient light, so that there is not a single dark corner in the office.

Office system furniture these days is fashionable and stylish with a personal touch, which helps in boosting the employees' spirits and creates a good impression on customers. However, ergonomics is a vital factor for selecting office desks and other office furniture, as ill designed furniture poses health risks for the employees.

You can also present an environmentally aware image of your firm by opting for 'green' office design. You will take an active stance against ecological degradation if you choose this kind of furniture, which is typically composed of natural fabrics and recycled materials. To further build on this theme, you can go for energy efficient lights and other electrical devices that reduce energy consumption.

To design such an office, it is essential that you use the expert services of office interior designers so that along with all the functional and aesthetic aspects, safety issues can also be successfully dealt with.

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Looking For Double Glazing Sunderland

By John Mills

When looking for the best double glazing Sunderland, it can help to know a little about the benefits of this process and how to choose the company that will do a great job.

The first item that attracts most homeowners to getting double paned windows is that of heat conservation. The savings often go as high as half off a typical winter heating bill with these windows. What is the factor that makes this heat and money savings possible?

A window that has two panes generates an insulating air space between those two panes. This air is trapped, so the inside window is protected from much of the cold air outside. Heat loss is mainly a result of airflow through windows in the home.

Other benefits of glazing include a reduction in condensation and noise especially traffic noise. Condensation is reduced because of the same reason as the heat conservation: the inside window pane is insulated from the cold by the air space and outside glass pane. Most people also do not think about how environmentally friendly these windows can be; they reduce the amount of harmful emissions released into the air.

As in getting estimates for any service, it is important to get as many quotes as possible to compare when looking for the most trusted and highest quality installers as well. Looking at quality and continued maintenance options should be considered. Look for companies that are authorized. Customer testimonials in the companys ads and website will provide added assurance of quality.

Installation is included in the full purchase price of the windows by the best companies. They should also use windows that come equipped with safety locks. These locks along with the double thickness give added security to the home. Not only is the lock very secure, the panes are much more durable and less prone to breakage than those that are single paned.

Financing that is offered by a good business means that a consumer should also ask about the deposit amount. It is very important to make sure that this price is final; one would definitely not want to find out there are added fees on the day of installation.

When the above benefits knowledge and service search tips are followed by a consumer, then it will be much simpler to know how to find the best double glazing Sunderland. This means less confusion initially and time savings later. Good service and materials means that not only will there be savings in time and effort, but money accumulated will be realized as well.

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Qualities And Attributes Needed To Become An Undertaker

By Jerry Wong

Arranging and organising activities related to funerals are usually taken care of by undertakers, who are also called funeral directors. Mentioned below are some of the essential skills and personal qualities that undertakers should possess to succeed in their job.

As his services may be required at any time of the day, an undertaker must be open to working at odd hours too. He should be ready to spend a lot of time outdoors because of the nature of the task.

An undertaker should be an excellent communicator and a good listener. He should be able to handle and interact with people of all age groups and people having different social and cultural backgrounds. A sensitive and caring attitude will be a great help in this job. But he will need to provide support to the grieving family and should stay strong and emotionally detached so that he can perform his functions well.

Although the job is by nature serious and distressful, the undertakers should bring dignity and serenity to the proceedings instead of more sorrow or sadness through their demeanour.

Knowledge of different religious customs, rituals and beliefs and due respect for these helps undertakers in succeeding in their profession. As various people follow different funeral rites and rituals, it is advantageous to have understanding of these.

Good management and the power to organize affairs are essential skills an undertaker should possess. A number of services will have to be arranged by the undertaker and this will require good communication and managerial ability from the undertaker.

As the undertaker will shoulder the responsibility of obtaining all clearances and following all regulations related to the event, he will have to thoroughly know such procedures and legal formalities. The critical regulations and formalities to be completed to obtain a death certificate or to file valid insurance claims must also be known to him.

Finally, he must necessarily be able to and be qualified to drive vehicles like hearses and limousines during the funeral ceremony.

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Trading Negative Vega Option Strategies

By Johnny M Junior

While the volatility is moving downward and the market is going up, one would think that this is the right time to trade the Iron Condor. The Iron Condor benefits greatly by the volatility moving downward because the Iron Condor is a negative Vega option spread. If you are not sure what the negative Vega is, then you would really benefit by taking your time to visit and watch their free videos on the Option Greeks.

With little effort and/or changes at all, most of us Condor traders have been making money over the last few months. With this kind of income spread, at times, it can really be great! There are those times that we have very few adjustments to make. If the underlying simply trends and stays within a tight price range, then the Condor works well and you can make money in this market almost each day.

This is one time that the stock market will give us the chance to really enjoy our option strategies. When it's not so high maintenance, it is a great way to make a living. It is a great way to be able to make money this way. It is very low stress, and at times you will have a steady income.

I like the much more conservative approach to the Iron Condor that is being taught by San Jose Options. While other courses teach an aggressive approach, you are taking on a higher risk of losing your money. You will have to do a lot more adjustments, more often, and this causes a problem in a market that is moving up and down a lot. This aggressive trading of the Condor method will only lead you to more adjustments, more stress, more headaches and loosing overall.

I have been making an easy 10% on this new way of conservative trading for the last few months, and believe me; I haven't had to make many changes at all. I can put the trade on and let the trade and my money work for me. The way I was trading this option strategy before, I was making several adjustments, but with this new trading technique, the market never hits my adjustment points, not one single time. Let me tell you, I am really enjoying trading with the stock market now.

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7 Ways To Magically Accelerate Your Guitar Learning

By Ellie Richardson

It makes little sense to invest any length of time practicing the guitar if you're already finding it tricky and learning from material that will never get you nearer to your your goals of becoming a better guitar player.

Below are 7 methods so that you can use to train more efficiently and take your own playing to a totally new level:

1) Always stick to a schedule. You did not go to school and just "walk it". No, The fine individuals that taught you had a master plan that they followed to get you through. It's just the same when learning guitar, for you to become an excellent guitarist you need to prepare a plan and stick to it, get good at it, and then adjust it so it challenges you and gets you moving forward very quickly.

2) Never put off practicing. To learn to enjoy the guitar you have got to train, and the more you practice, the more effective you will get, it's that simple. When you begin your strategy, you must dedicate certain times to allow for practice. Never presume you will "do it later" - Mainly because most individuals never will. You need to make it a habit and look forward to practicing guitar the moment you are meant to.

3) Never confine yourself to one genre of music. A rock guitarist can discover an awful lot simply by watching and listening to amazing guitar players within other genres. Simply by studying a few jazz or country licks could truly accelerate your learning curve.

4) You will obviously need a fixed base to rehearse from. While it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, it should be comfortable enough to allow you to practice in the peace and quiet. It at the same time needs to have the correct equipment like a music stand and small light, a metronome, a stool or anything to park your backside on, and a TV set and DVD player if you are learning from a DVD program. Make sure that your Television is switched off, except of course if it is being used to train you from.

5) Modify your training. This isn't boot-camp, and it has to be entertaining. Most people do not get pleasure from studying and learning scales and modes, which means that it's nice to slide in some pleasurable break time, jamming between the more monotonous steps, just be sure to get back on track after a brief rest.

6) Warm up both hands. Many individuals forget about this when learning to play the guitar. However, it is very important. You'll find light hand stretches that you do prior to holding your guitar will limber up your hands and get blood moving to the finger tips.

7) Write about your expertise. One of the best ways to understand guitar is to teach it, since it will challenge what you do already know. Also, consider hooking up with another guitarist every now and then, or how about giving training to someone else? This will make it clear exactly what you do and do not know, and you can fine-tune your own studying after that.

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A Grieving Family Can Derive Immense Support From A Good Funeral Director

By Abby Esteban

Funeral directors act as a pillar of strength when families are distraught with sorrow after the demise of a family member or a near and dear one. They take care of the details of all the preparations that need to be made, leaving the grieving members to cope with their overwrought emotions without having to worry about the intricacies of the service.

The funeral director should take responsibility for a lot of jobs in the funeral procedures beginning with moving the body from the morgue or the residence of the departed to the burial site. The funeral director will have to make arrangements for paperwork of any kind like acquiring death certificates, applying for the essential permits, in addition to making sure that procedures like organ donation are initiated in time.

A good funeral director also acts as a single contact point for all services necessary for the funeral like handling vendors of flowers, music, food etc. He will need to insert essential announcements and obituaries in the local publications and might also require to inform distant family members and friends of the deceased person about the funeral service.

After discussions with the family, the funeral director decides on an appropriate date, place and time for both the memorial service and the final rites. The visitation ceremony in which the family members of the departed are consoled by relatives and friends is also organised by him to a large extent. The funeral director's job ends with the final sealing of the departed person's grave on the day of funeral.

Compassion towards fellow individuals and unswerving commitment to the job are essential qualities which the funeral director must possess in order to successfully complete these tasks. Therefore, you should always use the services of a reputed and credible funeral director with an appropriate license. He must have an established credibility for sincerity and capability so that he can satisfy all necessary requirements without putting you through any further difficulties.

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Jets End Three Game Losing Streak With Win Over Raiders

By Ross Everett

The New York Jets and rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez found a sure fire cure to their recent struggles-a game against the lowly Oakland Raiders. Sanchez passed for--3 yards and a touchdown, plus added a rushing touchdown as New York thumped Oakland 38-0 in the largest regular season shutout win in franchise history. Oakland quarterback JaMarcus Russell continued to struggle, and he passed for just 61 yards with three interceptions before he was benched in favor of Bruce Gradowski.

NFL football betting enthusiasts who took the Jets as -6 road favorites had smooth sailing throughout the game for an easy pointspread cover. The Jets improved to 4-3 against the spread while the Raiders fell to 3-5 against the number.

It was such an effortless game that the only thing that Sanchez had to apologize for was surreptitiously eating a hot dog near the end of the contest:

"I want to apologize for that. I wasn't feeling very good and didn't eat much before the game, so I was feeling a little queasy. Toward the end of the game, I probably should have eaten one of those bars or something, but someone offered a hot dog, so I grabbed it and tried to be discreet about it, but obviously not discreet enough. So I shouldn't have done that, and it won't happen again."

The Jets capitalized on three early Raiders' turnovers and started two of their first three drives inside the five yardline. Sanchez praised the defense for making his job easy:

"It makes it so easy on the offense when your defense is playing like that. Hats off to them, they had a heck of a game to shut that team out. I don't care who we're playing, that's a big-time accomplishment for our team."

Jets' coach Rex Ryan was very pleased with Sanchez's performance:

"Sanchez was great. He was just smart with the football. I think sometimes he could have put the ball on a receiver, but he was making sure the ball wasn't intercepted. It was great to see him respond."

Raiders' defensive lineman Richard Seymour, who boldly predicted the team would make the playoffs despite their slow start, was singing a different tune after the rout:

"I don't think we could have beaten an Oakland high school team today."

Despite Russell's struggles, Oakland coach Tom Cable remains committed to him as the team's starter:

"I thought he was really out of sorts early in the game. I just did not feel like at that point he gave us the best chance to have the success we needed to have offensively and made the move. JaMarcus will continue to be our starter. There is no issue there."

The Raiders will try to bounce back this weekend in a big rivalry game on the road against the San Diego Chargers. Oakland is +16' road underdogs with the total set at 42'. They'll then enjoy a bye week before back to back home games against the Kansas City Chiefs and Cincinnati Bengals. The Jets host Miami this Sunday, with New York a -3' home favorite and the total set at 40'.

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Developing A Green Program For A Chiropractic Clinic

By Michael Richmond

Green Business League is very pleased to welcome Life Source Chiropractic of Omaha, NE as a truly Green business. Dr. Jason Weise is the primary founder of Life Source Chiropractic. His commitment to health can be found on many levels. Providing chiropractic care in the Omaha, NE community is his obvious passion as seen in his mission statement:

"Our mission is to inform our clients, our community and virtually everyone in the world by creating healthiness, happiness, and transparency in people's everyday lives. Life Source Chiropractic knows that each human being has as an inherited capability to heal themselves by using their God-given potential."

Dr. Jason Weise worked with Certified Green Consultant, Joan Hemenway, to conduct an assessment and audit of his office. Using the Gren Point system developed by the Green Business League, Dr. Weise's office scored 106 points which qualified Life Source Chiropractic at the silver level Green business certification. This requires more than a token effort, but a commitment to change that is reflected in the various operations of the office.

Green Practices is the methodology that allows any kind of business to improve its Green IQ by incremental improvements that need not include major remodeling projects. Whether a business rents, leases, or owns the building; there remains a basic duty to improve the way we live in this world.

As most of us eventually realize, our lives are a combination of countless small task that we perform many times over. These small pieces create the mosaic of our lives whether it is our health, our family, our community, or our world. Individual health often requires that we adjust eating, exercise, and behaviors that have proven to be a negative to our lives. Going Green is a healthier behavioral transition as well.

What we do each day can help or hurt our lives, and the people around us. Becoming an active participant in the curative things of life isn't always simple or convenient, but the dividends are valuable and priceless. While some people sit back and wish for a better life and a better world, there are those who are willing to contribute in the process. The environmental topic is a universal problem that requires universal participation.

At Life Source Chiropractic clinic, they give your whole family absolute care and they believe that spinal health preservation should begin during childhood. By providing professional care for problems existing in fast-growing children, like scoliosis, or pigeon toeing. Life Source Chiropractic makes anyone's life and the lives of your children better-off. Frequently the "growing pains" that the majority kids have are early signs of joint alignment problems brought on by fast or uneven growth.

Showing your child that spinal maintenance is important early in their lives is going to yield a healthier lifestyle as they grow and as their bodies change. Life Source Chiropractic also provides complete and gentle relief from injuries that are common throughout the childhood years. Most importantly, they give you a prevention and maintenance plan for your child's spine so it grows strong and healthy. For more information about our youth treatment programs or to schedule a consultation appointment for yourself, call them today at 402-934-4220.

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Easily Find Investors and Financing For Your Business, Guaranteed!

By James Scott

Easily Find And Secure: Angel Investors, Private Investors, Institutional Investors And More! Raising capital for a start-up, corporation in expansion mode or a company in virtually any position presents it's challenges and roadblocks. There has been no period in recent history that can simulate the difficulties that current entrepreneurs and executives are having when trying to achieve the procurement of venture capital. The standards have become more stringent and the cross-collateralization of personal and corporate assets as security for loans has virtually become a mandatory prerequisite for any type of funding, equity or loan based.

When initiating the process of raising capital one should take into consideration the use of a combination of funding options such as but not limited to: traditional venture capital, bank institutional, institutional equity investment, hedge fund lenders, private money lending, angel equity and loan investment, a private placement memorandum as the mechanism for raising capital distributed in shares, international equity based funding, the reality of taking your small business public on the OTCBB and many other concepts of capital raising that can be placed into a simultaneous strategy.

It's a common mistake among entrepreneurs and executives to place all of their attention and time into one singular aspect of the above funding concepts. Instead, you should pick a multi pronged approach and go after multiple genres of financing for your business. Some avenues will yield success, some will not but you are more likely to achieve incremental funding successes as oppose to one gargantuan, be all and end all finance victory.

To achieve funding you'll need to be able to contact multiple finance sources to start the ball rolling. Find online membership database sites that are owned and operated by professionals in the venture capital industry.

There is a big difference between a generalized database of possible lenders and a strategic database of success driven finance solutions. Find the most cutting edge, full range database on the web and join them.

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Portable buildings

By Paul Smith

The 1st thing that comes to mind when thinking about portable buildings is their a rectangular block with a door and window. Portable buildings are often associated with construction sites, special events and any other locations that the term "temporary" might be suitable for.

They can simply be expanded, adding new "modules" to increase office space or reduced or sold when no longer needed. There are countless standard layouts available that can generally be delivered straight away, or they can be customised to suit individual needs . A growing trend is to utilize conveyable buildings to build large office complexes, regularly multi level with internal steps, including sundry internal offices and kitchen / toilet facilities. Conveyable and modular lecture rooms are also climbing in demand as faculties struggle to have new college rooms and buildings finished in time for the expansion in student numbers. They aren't the "old demountable style" but are now designed and built using the latest architectural designs and materials.

They're an appealing option for varsities not only in the aesthetically appealing designs now available but also due to shorter lead time and less interruption to the varsity.
Buildings are made off-site and then taken to the college for installation at a time handy for the high-school customarily the high school holidays. Transportable and modular lecture rooms and buildings also provide significant savings vs everyday construction but the benefits of going modular are definitely more than simply savings in cost.

Standard buildings are often available immediately and more difficult, customized and made buildings can take as little as 6-8 weeks to produce. Another benefit is that modular buildings can simply be upgradeable or re-furbished to boost the building show or change the interior / exterior design.

Flexibility is a key feature of cartable buildings and one that frequently draws people to the concept of beginning a cartable and modular building solution. With the latest in building design and materials, finishes and fitout, conveyable buildings aren't viewed as a square box that looks "portable". They not only offer a fast and cheap space solution but one that's matching to historically made buildings.

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What Users Can Benefit From Windows Reseller Hosting Plan?

By Sushant Risodkar

Reseller Hosting allows the account owner to obtain the privilege of making use of their own hard drive and server space along with bandwidth for the purpose of hosting websites owned by other users. This process is identical to that of a common purchase and sale wherein the reseller decides to buy something from the host wholesaler which he sells to interested users with a profit. When this transaction is complete, a part of the server space, hard drive and also bandwidth is reserved and allotted to the account that is managed by the reseller.

The reseller then has the option of either renting from a hosting company after which he will operate within a dedicated server or he can resell those hosting services that are shared. If the reseller decides to settle for the first option, he will have to rent a server from that company with which he has reseller account. However, if he chooses the second option, he will be allowed to make a deal with his customers according to which a part of the disk space, server space as well as bandwidth will be sold to them.

Usually, reseller web hosting is carried out by a web developer, a web design company or a systems integrator whose additional services involve the process of web hosting.

Those business owners who are looking to start a business can opt for reseller hosting as it is cost efficient.

According to a majority of plans that support reseller hosting, the resellers get the option of creating and developing their own plans as well as creating an independent costing plan.

Those interested in reseller hosting do not need to possess complex knowledge about web hosting with regards to technicalities. According to most plans, it is the responsibility of the data operators to maintain hardware and the development of network infrastructure. On the other hand, the job of maintaining security and configuration lies with the user who owns the dedicated server. The dedicated server is also expected to keep the server up to date.

Resellers get the option of creating and maintaining customer accounts with the help of a web interface. Therefore, for this purpose, the reseller must be familiar with the control panels list. These include:

1-WHM/cPanel which is not available in Windows yet.




5-Cortex Provisioning System which is available in Windows

6. Reseller Hosting


8-Ensim Pro

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Things You Should Consider When Choosing Your Bridal Dress

By Darwin Bell

Everyone's attention is on the bride on a wedding day, hence the bride's appearance and her wedding gown have to be perfect for the event. To make you look picture perfect and draw the attention of the invitees, the right bridal wear has to be chosen, and this should be done keeping some aspects in mind.

The whole ceremony can be spoiled if the bridal dress is badly made or is delayed in arrival from the shop, so the right store has to be chosen for ordering the dress. The location of the store is essential too as you don't want to cover long distances for the various fitting sessions that a dress requires.

A striking colour must be selected for a wedding gown that will make you look even more attractive. Going through a catalogue of a few dresses of different colours will always help. However, style and appearance must not be given priority at the expense of comfort. A cosy and attractive dress will ensure that you can have fun during the occasion while looking good at the same time.

You should always choose a dress that will make you more camera-friendly. If you are settled in Singapore, there would not be any difficulty in contacting a photographer and taking his advice on which colours and textures are suitable for pictures.

There is no paucity of good Singapore wedding photographers in any commercial centre in the country. In fact, they can also be contacted through the internet. Though many wedding photography Singapore firms have excellent track records of performance, yet it is a good idea to consult people who have made use of their services so that you proceed towards hiring the right people for the job. How able and seasoned the photographer is will greatly determine the end result that he will deliver, so if there is any fault on your part in selecting the company, you may have to suffer the consequences later on.

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Preparations For A Hen Night

By Rebecca Hughes

An ideal hen party is to some extent an art. Hen night is a wonderful event of an immense bonding involving friends who hold a party for one of their associates, who is on the subject of getting married.

Initially, think about the type of hen you are arranging the night for. No point in arranging a sail with strippers if you know your hen will shrivel back with awkwardness for the entire night. As far as the site is concerned, innermost destination is always an enhanced thought, so that there are no inconvenience, or confusions regarding guidelines or transportation.

You must prepare a detailed list of the guests to be invited to the party, so that nobody is left out. It is always better to talk to them beforehand to make sure that they are free that night. In this manner, you will be able to confirm their presence on time. Instead of sending the invitations through post, it will be more convenient that you send them an invitation email. This will save a lot of time and hassle.

As far as the timings of hen party are apprehensive, holding it a couple of weeks earlier than the wedding is a good quality proposal. It gives some moment to the bride-to-be before the extraordinary day to unwind and have enjoyment. The night before the wedding ceremony would not be suggested, but make certain that you have well versed everyone long before. If any of your friends is going to put in order the hen event, prefer the one who is more spontaneous.

Because of the exposure of the women to all the things, they have become more particular, and choosy about their events. Therefore, they want to have events that are perfect and a memorable wedding as well as a unique hen night. It can be done in many ways than one to make it a hit according to the wishes of the bride-to-be. You can carry out many activities at the decided venue, such as pampering (spa, beauty activities), games, music, dancing, inviting a stripper, and having some drinks.

There are many activities to perform, according to the selected location, like pampering (spa, beauty activities), games, music, dancing, inviting a stripper and having some drinks.

You must keep a checklist of all the items, and activities of the things needed for the event. You must not forget to bring some gifts and special tokens for the bride that she will always remember. Bring in some scratch cards to add more fun to the party. It allows you to keep something with you that will always remind you of the party.

It would be more mesmerising if you ask every person to bring a pre-decided dish. If someone is excellent at baking, ask him or her to make cupcakes with the name of the bride-to-be on them.

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