Qualities And Attributes Needed To Become An Undertaker

By Jerry Wong

Arranging and organising activities related to funerals are usually taken care of by undertakers, who are also called funeral directors. Mentioned below are some of the essential skills and personal qualities that undertakers should possess to succeed in their job.

As his services may be required at any time of the day, an undertaker must be open to working at odd hours too. He should be ready to spend a lot of time outdoors because of the nature of the task.

An undertaker should be an excellent communicator and a good listener. He should be able to handle and interact with people of all age groups and people having different social and cultural backgrounds. A sensitive and caring attitude will be a great help in this job. But he will need to provide support to the grieving family and should stay strong and emotionally detached so that he can perform his functions well.

Although the job is by nature serious and distressful, the undertakers should bring dignity and serenity to the proceedings instead of more sorrow or sadness through their demeanour.

Knowledge of different religious customs, rituals and beliefs and due respect for these helps undertakers in succeeding in their profession. As various people follow different funeral rites and rituals, it is advantageous to have understanding of these.

Good management and the power to organize affairs are essential skills an undertaker should possess. A number of services will have to be arranged by the undertaker and this will require good communication and managerial ability from the undertaker.

As the undertaker will shoulder the responsibility of obtaining all clearances and following all regulations related to the event, he will have to thoroughly know such procedures and legal formalities. The critical regulations and formalities to be completed to obtain a death certificate or to file valid insurance claims must also be known to him.

Finally, he must necessarily be able to and be qualified to drive vehicles like hearses and limousines during the funeral ceremony.

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