Student Residences Located In Canterbury - Four Reasons To Rent With A Private Landlord

By Perry Stonning

There are advantages as well as disadvantages whether you make use of a letting agency or go direct to a private landlord as part of your quest for a student residence. Below are 4 reasons to lease a privately owned property, that should help you in your hunt:

1. The total rent should always be reduced for equivalent housing

In just about any business area an agency would make its income from charging a percentage for getting and sending business to some business or person. This is the same within the rental market and because of this your rent may well end up being higher when making use of an agency compared to the rates you'll usually pay out with a private landlord. This is really a comparison preferably made on a 'like for like' basis, where the houses would most likely be of the equivalent quality.

2. Zero administration service fees to pay out

Rental companies will impose an administration charge for processing your case, whilst you should not be billed an administration payment by the actual landlord for organising the tenancy in the property she or he are the owners of. This carries the likelihood of saving you a lot of cash, maybe 100s of pounds.

3. Create a much better relationship with the landlord

Whenever working with an agency, you are ultimately a name in a file along with part of the procedure. When you deal specifically with the landlord, you are much more likely to build a connection with them, mainly because you may see them in person and talk to them on the phone. This tends to make a much better tenant/landlord rapport as well as trust between both people.

4. Landlords may be much more open to your own ideas

Generally speaking, independent landlords can be a lot more flexible in dealing together with you plus any suggestions you might have with regards to your tenancy along with the residence itself. That may include the layout of furnishings, any garden related matters and the like, so that the house is much more of a home to you. Obviously the house belongs to the landlord, subsequently they have the ultimate say, nonetheless, at least you have one to one contact with them. You might also have the ability to negotiate regarding concerns such as summer rent, when you won't be physically located at the actual property.

When you're looking for your perfect university student residence in Canterbury, you can save funds, possibly a lot of cash, when you avoid rental agencies and search for trustworthy private landlords. You may spend additional hours trying to find a privately owned house, however the long-term benefits can vastly be greater than the disadvantages.

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