Understanding The Remote Viewing Methods

By Adam G Lake

Remote viewing methods and techniques will vary. However, remote viewing is an innate ability to see or view a particular object by simply using the power of the human mind. It is somewhat likened to having an out of body experience or astral travel. Even so, they are not really the very same things. They are your natural psychic and extra sensory abilities of perception that you can develop into a skill.

Actually, being able to remote view is a natural occurrence. Everyone has the innate ability to do remote viewing, yet as time passes, many individuals do forget that they ever could do such a thing. Remote viewing is the ability to sense or see something that is not in the same location as you are.

Remote viewing and its methods seem to many to be something entirely new age when all along it is just like many other issues that are considered paranormal as they are actually older than the time of the first breath of the first human.

Remote Viewing by Any Other Name Is Still Remote Viewing

Take for example someone receiving some sort of psychic signal which does not have another individual as its origin; we would term this person a clairvoyant. When there are two people sending messages directly from one mind to another, we call this telepathy. Similarly, when a parent just senses that their children need help even though they may thousands of miles away, we often chalk it up to parental instincts.

The point of it all is to be open minded enough to enhance your senses of perception. You can also enhance your mind, body and soul in various other ways by being receptive to new ideas that maybe older than time and space as we know them to be.

What are some of these remote viewing methods?

Learning to remote view begins with getting into the proper mental state. You'll need to have already practiced your inherent psychic abilities or learned some meditation and visualization techniques to reach the state of relaxation needed for remote viewing.

Meditation and guided visualizations can be effective remote viewing methods; these techniques help you to focus your mind on the person, place or thing you'd like to be able to view. Like developing any skill, this does take some practice, so be patient and stick with your efforts to learn.

You can make use of other forms of helpful aids when you are trying to learn how to alter your state of consciousness and increase your psychic development and skills such as various media types. For instance, there are various books and sound technology tapes and recording that are most useful for learning how to remote view.

You'll probably want to try out several different remote viewing methods to see which work the best for you. What works perfectly for one person may not at all for you and vice versa.

Trust yourself and go with your instincts. Especially at first you might have images come to you which don't make sense - be patient; these images may come together later on. You'll also find that the images you receive while remote viewing will become clearer the more you practice.

As with other types of training, no matter the field, it is beneficial to begin small and work upon the steps and precepts as you progress from one lesson to another. Therefore, you might want to begin by selecting about six or more simple and clear images. You can draw, make or purchase cards or photographs for this.

Place these graphics in an envelope and seal. Then you can use them to practice and test your abilities. Make sure you record your practice and testing sessions in your remote viewing journal.

Be patient and keep with your efforts. No one is able to remote view perfectly at first. As long as you stick with it and practice regularly, you'll progressively improve and soon you'll be remote viewing with the best of them.

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