Watch Missed Degrassi Episodes

By Felicia Stewart

Degrassi TV show created a new perspective on TV shows especially for teenagers. Degrassi is all about teen's living in and around De Grassi street of Toronto. The Degrassi show is really something exceptional in the history of TV shows and the heights attained by Degrassi series was untouchable by any of the TV shows. After the success of The Kids of Degrassi, audience forced the makers do a sequel. So they came up with Degrassi junior high and Degrassi high. The latest and ongoing show is Degrassi- The next Generation.

The first show, kids of Degrassi was a big hit. Following this success several changes were made in the sequels. In order to fulfill the expectations of the audience Degrassi was made in a better way. The shooting of the Degrassi high and Degrassi junior high was moved to bigger schools.

The series was one of the most popular teen series in the early 1990's and was sometimes compared to another show which was aired in America called the Beverly Hills 90210. But the biggest difference was that the Degrassi was about teenagers and the cast was teenagers of around the same age however, Beverly Hills 90210 which was also about teenagers but used a cast of adults who pretended to act and dress like teenagers.

The series was marked with a number of controversies in Canada because of the amount of sexuality and foul language that was shown on the TV show. However, a couple of years later when the show was aired in the US it was free of all such scenes that the Canadian public had noticed.

Degrasssi: The next Generation was made by Stephan Stohn and Schyuler. After the completion of Degrassi high school no shows were made for the following 10 years. Finally Degrassi: The next generation ended the thrust of Degrassi lovers and everyone accepted the title The next generation, because Degrassi moved to the current generation.

The new series dealt with more current issues such as online predators, drinking, drugs, suicide, rape, murder, school shooting, gangs and other issues that are faced by the 21st century teenager. This series has seen a lot more success and has gone onto make 9 seasons which is still currently running.

This is not just a fantasy series to excite the audience; it speaks about the hurdles that every teenager of the current generation faces in his life. So it gains popularity among adults too as they get to know about the real world of their kids. This is a show that everyone has to watch and it will definitely teach them something worthy. Teens who have missed this show have missed one teen friend indeed. So if you have missed your teen friend, watch it online at free of cost.

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