Rug Usages - Best Practices

By Abbie Osborne-Wilson

A strong cup of coffee, an unfinished book held firmly in your hands; you enter your study which is full of books, a huge window, a comfortable seat and a cold floor. A cold floor? It just doesn't work! You need a rug to complete the picture. Even if you have all the other accessories, the right drapes, furniture, lamps, paintings, the look and feel of a room lacks a certain something without a rug.

Rugs are great means to beautify a room and to match all the other existing decorative items. They add character and a semblance of the mood you want to convey. It's all about strategic placing, buddy. Putting your rug in the right place can do its magic trick. Read on and learn a thing or two on how to maximize proper placement.

There are actually no steadfast rules on how to really place rugs. It all boils down to which looks best for the room. However, there are certain ways to achieve maximum results.

The usual placement for a rug is under a centered coffee table or a sofa - keep it two or three inches behind the front legs. Unless it is a very large rug, the back legs of a sofa are usually placed on the floor, rather than on the rug.

Before you buy your tug, measure the space in question. Draw out an outline of the room, and mark the rug in it. It is important to choose the right size for a particular room.

Use a rug size which allows 8 inches of the floor to be exposed around it. Centralize your rug properly.

For furniture like the dining set, a large rug is necessary to have a coordinated look. It should have twenty-four inches of space past the table's edges. This gives room for the chairs to fit in as well.

A rug sized 4 X 6 feet, 5 X 8 feet, or 5 to 7 feet with a round or hexagonal shape is good for defining a seating area in a large room. Arrange the chairs in such a manner so that you don't have more than two feet of rug behind the chairs.

Before purchasing a large rug, don't ever disregard measurements. Don't underestimate its importance no matter how boring it may sound. Consider the space or areas to be covered. Will there be enough to get in and out the door without any problem of uneven surface? Will there be an allowance as not to get friction from an electrical output? You can't just cut and scrap a rug (think about the money spent!) but you can modify through proper placement. Thus, familiarizing yourself with the space is crucial.

My rugs are now adorning rooms in my apartment and I love how they look. I admire too my friend's rugs and how they enhance her place. Placing rugs correctly can truly help you achieve your dream of having the perfect house.

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