The Ugly on Acne

By Thomas Crown

One of the hardest topics for people to discuss is acne. It is embarrassing and a great deal of social discomfort. Acne is something that affects teenagers and adults just the same.

The name Acne Vulgaris is the actual term that describes the shorter version, acne. Nevertheless, it can cause person a great deal of discomfort because of the frustration that comes trying to get rid of it. Acne is one concern for people having skin discomfort; however, a person can also suffer from pimples.

Acne can show up in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, pustules and nodules. All of these vary in terms of severity based upon a number of factors which also depend upon the type of acne that you're suffering from. Of the ones listed above blackheads are the least of our worries while cysts are worth calling home to mom about.

Acne doesn't show any favoritism when it comes to affecting people; however, teenagers are affected more so than others. The primary reason why they are so vulnerable to acne is on account of the fluctuation of their hormone levels but acne can also be brought on by certain foods teenagers are eating. While this troublesome occurrence can be quite annoying to teenagers all over the world; the good news is that, they want have to be bothered with it once they hit their twenties.

The next genre that is affected is women. During or around the time of menstruation, women suffer from an increase in hormonal levels. This can cause breakouts; they do tend to be less frequent as time goes on. Once a woman passes through menopause, the breakout will stop.

The good news is that there is over-the-counter treatment for acne which is designed to attach pimples. A number of these treatment methods come in the form of wipes which can be used on a daily basis for the purpose of treating acne.

Besides the over the counter treatments there are several homemade ways to rid the unsightly pimples and are effective in treating most kinds of acne.

There is a cold cream method that can be made at home. Using homemade acne treatments can often save money by not buying products that do not work.

Although acne can be rather embarrassing to many people who are having issues dealing with it on a regular basis; however, there are remedies if we are smart in our decision making. It doesn't pay to spend your time online looking for treatments when the solution could be right in your kitchen pantry.

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