What Are Some Carpet Cleaning Solutions?

By Sarah Shipley

Last Christmas I went to the store and saw the best deal ever on what was the most perfect gift I ever saw. There was no way I could resist, so I ended up buying it for myself. The perfect carpet. It is only when the carpet was delivered to my home I realized what I had gotten myself into. With two kids and a dog, how would I ever maintain this beautiful work of art; after all I am only used to cleaning wooden or tiled surfaces. Frantically I began to ask around to find out what was the best carpet cleaning solution out there.

My kids have ended up staining just about everything they could in the past few years, and I look at the stains as a sort of reminder of everything that I have gone through with them over the years. And it doesn't help that they won't come off either. Not to mention my dog, who will bring every bit of dirt from outside back inside with him. Fortunately my friends and family were able to provide me with a number of carpet cleaning solutions that have preserved my sanity.

The most common, and one of the most effective, ways to clean a rug is through steam cleaning. The makers of carpets will tell you that by and far this is the most effective cleaning method, especially if you have a professional handle it. I have used this method and I must say that I agree. Of all the carpet cleaning solutions this is the best method. The downside is that to have it professionally done will cost a bit much (especially if it's a big carpet) and it takes some time to dry (like one day). But the plus to that is that it will finally be clean, and that you will be able to have it for that much longer.

Your carpet can be cleaned or maintained by vacuuming on a regular basis and the use of different carpet cleaning solutions. Remember I spoke about allergies; well some of these solutions may not be good for an allergy sufferer so you will need to do some research and if possible make contact with your doctor for advice. Also be careful about these types of carpet cleaning solutions. I have seen countless advertisements where they promise to make your carpet look like new, only to try them and get disappointing results. In this case read consumer reviews before purchasing these solutions.

It is of the utmost importance that you choose the best carpet cleaning solutions you can find, and a big part of that is doing a little looking around and research. Don't let advertising campaigns get you. And be sure that any solution you choose is easy for you and your family to work around while it is in effect.

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