Subconscious mind: The Most Powerful Thing In The Universe

By Elliot Cox

Every one knows a bit a about the subconscious mind. There are many who blame all their wrongdoings on this part of our brain. However, do you really known the real power of the subconscious mind? This is one of the most potent weapons in the universe which can either help you or destroy you. It won't be wrong to say that the situation you are in today or the type of life you are living is all a result of the subconscious mind. Let's understand the true nature of the subconscious mind and how it shapes up our lives.

We all admit to the existence of the subconscious mind despite the constant endeavors of some professionals. Our thoughts and actions are directed by this control board. When faced with some tough challenges, it becomes our guiding voice. Every individual's subconscious mind is as unique as a finger print. Even twins have an inner voice which is uniquely their own.

We all know the voice of our inner mind. There may have been times when you were trying to risk everything for a whim and it helped you to realize the truth. There may have been times it may have prompted you to take a decision which may have proved beneficial in the long run. However, there are times when the inner voice tells you that you are not good enough, beautiful enough or even don't have a good enough figure. Actually subconscious is nothing but you deepest beliefs and thoughts which reside deep inside.

The kind of life you are leading is a direct result of your subconscious feelings and attitude. This means that you can actually make your life beautiful by reprogramming your subconscious mind. When you reprogram your inner most feelings you actually start attracting the life you want. So the best part about this process is that the power to change your subconscious thoughts and attitude and eventually your life is completely in your hands.

You can change your deepest thoughts by affirmations. These are nothing but positive beliefs that are constantly repeated by you through out the day. These are better than the more expensive sublimal messaging scripts. All you need is to know is the thing you want to change about yourself, choose the appropriate affirmations and repeat them till they become a reality.

For example, you want to lose weight. Instead of thinking you are fat, repeat to yourself that you are your perfect weight. On a piece of paper you can write down the same phrase and carry it in your pocket, you can tap it to the mirror, make a ring tone out of it, and make it a screensaver at work. The point is to repeat the message enough that the subconscious mind picks up on the fact that this is what you think and what it needs to be thinking.

With this example, you will start to notice that you will become your ideal weight. If you use affirmations to increase money, you will in fact have more money. You can apply this to anything in your life. It is possible. Perhaps you don't believe me.

To demonstrate how your subconscious mind controls your life, here is an example which all of us have experienced in some point in our lives. Most of the times if we happen to wake up late due to a malfunctioning alarm or some other reason, we often wake up in a bad mood. On waking up our thought is 'Oh, no, this day is going to be difficult!' As a result, you spill your coffee, burn your dress and may be even have a flat tire on your way to the office. This makes your think again and you say 'it's certainly one of those difficult days'. Your day becomes even more difficult with numerous impediments and there may even be a point in a day when you think 'how worse can it get' and then you realize loads!

Skeptics may call it a coincidence but truly speaking coincidences are nothing but misnomers. Every thing that happens to us is attracted to us by out thoughts and subconscious mind which just manifests things which we think about.

People have realized the true power of subconscious mind with the help of books and movies like 'The Secret'. The 'law of attraction' is now a familiar term with every one. It simply means that your life is nothing but a reality created by your own subconscious beliefs.

This has also been confirmed by quantum physics and experiments have proved that even the subatomic particles vibration is connected with the mind set of the observer. Ancient religions have been talking about this for centuries.

So if we do create our own reality with our subconscious mind, then with practice we can choose what kind of reality we experience! Some of the richest people in the world throughout history have realized this fact and have manifested incredible wealth by consistently visualizing clearly exactly what they want and communicating this to their subconscious mind.

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Simplicity: What It Means In Web Designs

By Adrian Lewis

Simple web designs give a lot of benefits not just to the clients and users but also to designers as well. In this article we will give a rundown of the benefits and advantages of simplified web designs and how you can attain them.

1. Navigation.

Simple websites only includes important information. This makes navigation relatively easy. The key here is to be consistent. You need to put navigation elements in the same place on each page whenever possible. There must be a one main navigation menu. As much as possible do not use drop downs for navigation.

2. Simple web pages loads faster.

When you are designing, make it a rule that you make your file as small as possible. This is of course because of the fact that smaller files loads faster. With simple designs, you will likely be using simple style sheets and less number of HTTP requests.

3. Easy to scan website pages.

When visitors come across a certain website, scanning is the first thing that they do. They scan through the pages and look for something that they need, and when they don't find anything they will immediately hit back and move on. Thus as a designer, it is a must that you know how to create layouts that clearly presents what your site is all about. As a general rule, present your contents keeping in mind that visitors will scan it in "F" or "E" pattern.

4. Simple code is easier to debug.

When building your site, make sure that you simplify your code right from the very start. Simple codes are easier to debug, thus saving time for the designer.

5. Do not put unnecessary decorative elements.

Though it is still a case to case basis, make sure that you do not put decorative elements that do not serve any purpose. Though your field is designing, the cliche "simple is beautiful" still applies to websites.

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Abundance Prosperity for Success-Driven Individuals

By Liam Chen

We live in a world that is plentiful in every way that we can imagine, a world that is lacking with nothing. But still every success-driven individual wants to know the secret of attracting abundance and prosperity in their life. It seems that almost everyone is too hectic focusing on what they don't have instead of actively attracting what they want.

We can never attain something if we left everything unsaid and undone. There's no reason for you to be successful if you are too lazy to do a thing. Success-driven individuals truly deserve every recognition since they worked hard for it.

You need to stop being negative to achieve everything. Somehow, you can't seem to get these negative aspects out of your mind. You are worried about your daily expenses but you hate your job and your salary.

Abundance and prosperity in life and business will come easily as long as you possess the necessary attributes that will attract positive changes into your life. When it comes to your personal life, never stop dreaming and believing in your skills. Always remember that you must work hard to attain success and you must not rely to others just to have some comfort.

Start to think about the opportunities. Instead of dwelling on what you don't have, focus on what you do have and be grateful for it. A great way to do this is to create a list of all blessings you have received in your life. This is a pretty helpful exercise in attracting abundance prosperity because it permits you to be able to recognize what you have. By this you are alluring more great opportunities your way.

A coward heart will always have the least of everything for he is afraid to give what it takes to reach his dreams. Abundance and prosperity comes to those who are hungry for it. Never stop dreaming for it will bring you to different places where success awaits you. Believe in your dreams and act on it.

Both in personal and business perspective never be afraid to take the opportunities for it will slip your way once. Be careful with every decision that you make since in some cases you don't have the right to change your mind. Be ready to face consequences as well.

Here are some principles of gaining abundance and prosperity in life. First, stop complaining, blaming and worrying about money. It is a process of focusing on the past and fear of the future. In fact, worry actually keeps money away by making a negative field.

Second, eliminate the need to be right about receiving and generating money. Often people have obstruction s when considering options for generating and receiving money.

Good habits towards life and work will help you attain abundance prosperity in no time. Don't be afraid to grab each opportunity and always set your best foot forward. Be true to yourself and go for what you truly aim and not just because you want to fill your parents dream for you. There's nothing wrong to take and listen to their advice but in the end it must be your decision that will be heard.

And lastly, take rightful action when off principle. As you allow these principles into your heat, you may observe some times when you are out of the lane or have not paid proper concentration to one or many of the principles. Permit them to be employ as valuable learning tools.

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Take My Company Public" - OTCBB - OTC Bulletin Board

By James Scott

So many companies dream of going public both as a growth and exit strategy but unfortunately few succeed with this process. The third party audit, sponsoring of the S1 and 211 by a market maker and SEC comments stage is just one of the obstacles involved with taking a company public. The attempt at going public and actually achieving a symbol are two entirely different things and if you are lucky enough to achieve a symbol there's a completely separate area of expertise needed to keep your stock trading and to preserve a company's longevity in the marketplace.

Here are some things you need to keep in mind when gearing up to take your company public. Forget everything that you've read and heard and pay attention to what you're about to read because this is the straight forward, objective reality of the process. First, do not hire an attorney to take you public as they will take you on a long drawn out process to get as many billable hours as possible, instead, hire a consulting firm whose sole business model is to take companies public and take advantage of the relationships that they have with attorneys. This is the first rule: hire a consulting firm that offers a complete A to Z turn-key solution for taking a company through the process of going public, achieving a symbol and preserving the trade with a solid, ongoing post public investor relations strategy.

Next, when you've decided on a consulting firm evaluate their team, don't ask for references to call to research their track record, better yet, ask for symbols of previous clients and links to the Edgar database to check out current deals in the comments stage. The proof is in the empirical track record, not potentially fraudulent phone references that are easily engineered and BS.

Now look at their team. Make sure that the consulting group has a solid legal team, market makers, investor relations team, auditing group and someone well versed in the comments stage response as this can be one of the major hang-ups in achieving your symbol in a timely manner. Also, most important, they absolutely MUST have a solid group of investors to fund the process for equity and to sell their shares into the marketplace post public to create a market for your stock as well as a network of market makers familiar with your deal to piggyback off of the sponsoring market maker's 211.

About one month away from symbol achievement you'll want to meet with your consultants to get a solid IR strategy together for a big offering dbut. You will want to set up a strategy for 30 day IR intensives every other month with general corporate publicity strategies in between. I suggest changing your IR firm each quarter to keep it fresh and open up your trade to a new network of investors.

One special note to consider is that when you are raising your initial round of capital from seed investors, the fastest way to do this is to have a fist full of contracts and purchase orders in hand to strengthen your position and publicize this reality with an arsenal of press releases. Its 100 times easier to raise capital if you are showing seed investors a handful of 'soon to be' cash than to solicit them empty handed.

Obviously there are a multitude of other issues that you need to take into consideration when going public so find a consulting firm that can help you make it happen. Don't try to venture out into these waters on your own as you'll be diving into shark infested waters and you'll almost certainly fail.

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Take My Company Public and Use Securities For Loan

By James Scott

Many entrepreneurs and executives want to move forward with the process of going public merely for the ability to raise capital through the sale of stock. They usually don't think of the strategies necessary to keep the momentum going such as how much equity to give up initially, how much equity to sell ongoing, how to capitalize off of the use of the securities as collateral for loans and lines of credit and so on.

One of the most profound strategies companies can use to retain company equity while capitalizing off of their public entity is to put up portions of their securities as temporary collateral for loans and to use securities to grow through acquisition of strategic alliances.

Stock should be looked at as cash and designated for appropriate purchasing strategies. Stock monetized through collateralized lending can work wonders as long as the exit strategy is in place and secure. Your attorney should be well versed in this activity and audit the contract for convertible aspects which could strip the transaction of its advantageous nature.

Debt that converts to equity means giving up a huge bartering chip for future transactions. Don't give up equity unless you have to. There are scores of companies that will lend against your securities without having to give up long term equity. Use this strategy wisely and you'll never have a problem getting capital.

Also, using stock to purchase strategic partners is more relevant now than ever. Purchasing a company with stock that can be monetized over time is an incredible way to grow through acquisition. Going public on the OTCBB is a quick and easy way to start using the countless capabilities for capitalization with a public entity. Going public simply to raise capital with your market maker or broker dealer would be selling yourself short. Take advantage of the countless ways your securities can work for you.

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Astral Travel, The Universe And You!

By Joe M Burns

When you have those dreams of flight, this is very similar to the experience of astral travel. The feeling of being airborne is much like the way that your astral body travels through the astral plane. All you need to do is focus on the place you want to be or on the things which you want and your astral body is there in the blink of an eye. When your physical body and mind are at rest, your astral body is free to roam the universe.

Although we may astral travel while we are asleep, it should not be mistaken for dreaming. Dreaming is quite different, since it happens entirely within your brain as it goes over what has happened that day, placing things into context and allowing you to get past them and awake rested the next day. Your dreams may or may not be remembered after you awake, which is an important difference between astral travel and dreaming.

When you remember your dreams in every vivid detail, these are most likely not dreams at all but were experiences with astral travel. It's a good idea to get into the habit of keeping a journal of these experiences. The things you write down may not make much sense at first, but over time will form a contextual background which makes their meaning clear.

Just as dreams allow your mind to process your day, astral travel refreshes the spirit. The experiences you have and the benefits you'll see as a result of astral travel are unique to you. This makes keeping an astral travel journal a good idea, since comparing your results to those of someone else is of little value.

While many of the beneficial effects of astral travel vary, one which is universal is an improved self awareness and a sense of where you fit into the larger universe. Having this knowledge brings inner peace and well being. In most people, memory and general alertness are also heightened since astral projection uses parts of the brain which often go undeveloped there are very real benefits of astral travel for your intellect as well as your spirit, it seems.

In many people, astral travel leads to the surfacing of other latent psychic abilities. After gaining some experience with astral travel, a lot of people claim to have developed telepathy and the ability to sense spirits near them.

Astral travel lets you see things and go places you never would be able to otherwise; including inside your own psyche; and the reward is that psychic abilities and mental acuity begin to bloom.

There are many who had once been skeptical about astral travel; but once experiencing it for themselves, they have a different take on things. The way that astral travel expands your view of the universe and increases many of your natural abilities is simply impossible to ignore.

Other than these benefits, it should be remembered that there is also fun to be had! Astral travel allows you to do things and go places which are outside of your ordinary life; it's something like a vacation for your astral body.

Really, it's amazing that everyone doesn't use astral travel. However, most people mistakenly believe that this is an ability which can be used only by a very lucky few. In fact, the opposite is true: anyone can astral travel; it's only a question of making the choice to develop this natural ability.

You have almost certainly had the experience of astral projection before, although it is possible you were unaware that this is what you were doing.

You should begin by simply allowing yourself to naturally have astral travel and writing down your experiences. After doing this for a while, you'll be able to begin trying to make astral travel happen consciously. It takes practice, but the benefits of learning to do so, as well as the experience itself are a great reward for your efforts.

All it takes is practice and there are many great resources which can help you prepare for astral travel. With a little time and effort, you can enjoy inner peace, self awareness and all of the other great things which learning to astral travel can do to improve your life.

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Bronchitis Lung

By Rickey Henolap

It can be an easy assumption the power to take a breath is easy and an instinctive. Breathing should make up an inherent act; however, it can be challenging for some individuals. Respiratory distress can range from moderate conditions in which a person on occasion experiences minor breathing problems, to more compelling levels of breathing distress.

In addition to viral causes, acute bronchitis can be caused by chemical irritants. These include tobacco smoke, solvents, and gastric reflux. Smoking predisposes people to acute bronchitis. One way to prevent it is to quit smoking. This helps to decrease the amount of tar in the lungs and loosen up the bronchial passages.

There are some herbal remedies that can be used, to treat your bronchitis. Use eucalyptus, bay or garlic leaves in hot water. Boil some water, drop one or all the leaves I named (to speed up the healing process) in the boiling water, let the leaves get tender and allow water to steam up, pour it in a bowl, position a towel directly over your head and the bowl to inhale the vapors. The vapors you will be inhaling will soothed your persisting cough. You can also use the remainder of the liquid to make an herbal tea.

Bronchitis provokes a sharp, nonproductive cough or, more unremarkably, one that discharges mucus, in addition to fever, chest and back discomfort. An individual with bronchitis has a tendency to gain ailments with exercise due to diminished oxygen in the blood and lung infections. There is an all-natural bronchitis cure that presents a safe and risk-free solution for those who suffer from respiratory disease.

Do antibiotics work for either kind of bronchitis lung? No. Almost all cases of bronchitis are viral infections so antibiotics do not do anything to help cure bronchitis. Antibiotics are commonly still prescribed for bronchitis even though they can actually do more harm than good. Rest and low activity are recommended to alleviate symptoms. Usually treating the symptoms is all that can be done to help a person feel better untill the immune system can fight it off. It is very important to treat bronchitis lung as it can develp into pneumonia.

There is a product on the market that is a natural remedy for bronchitis its called Bronovil. It has been clinically tested to be safe and effective in improving the health of your immune system, it clears that relentless cough, ease the discomfort and pain you experience from inflamed lungs and swelling of the breathing tube Bronovil makes it so you can breathe and feel normal again, without the drowsy side effects. Its a natural alternative to using harmful prescription antibiotics that tend to be useless in ridden you of bronchitis.

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8 Top Careers For Online Information Technology Degree Graduates

By Mary Jackson

With an online IT degree, you can apply for great jobs in the IT or computer arena like testing the newest software and learning the latest programs. After graduation, here is a partial list of some of the most sought after occupations:

Interface designer Systems analyst Database administrator Software Support Software engineer Computer engineer Computer programmer Network Administrator

Each of these careers is rewarding and necessary as more and more companies are in need of those who can use this technology to further their businesses.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, over half of all computer programmers have at least a bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Information Technology. This means that earning a computer science degree or IT Degree online will increase your chances of finding your dream job.

What education will you receive with an online IT degree?

A career in Computer Security, informational technology, or any of the other dream careers mentioned, can be attained with an online degree. The quality of education is exactly the same. However, you can still be gainfully employed and maintain a family life. Forget going to class, study when most convenient, and do not fight for a parking space. Attend classes online from the comforts of home.

With online IT studies, you can take classes in the fields of:

Hardware and software design Software development Troubleshooting Networking Data Security Database management Web design Develop security plans

As companies continue to grow and advance in the technological age, specialized departments are often necessary keep the businesses up and running, including maintaining open lines of communication with consumers and employees. Companies geared toward manufacturing and computers need talented individuals with expertise in developing new software and hardware to keep up with consumer needs and desires. With so many options, IT students will need to discover their niche of particular interest.

Choosing the right online IT degree

First, a career decision needs to be made. Find out which IT positions are responsible for most of the hiring. For example, the need for computer programmers seems to be on the decline since 2006. Conversely, the need for computer support and information security is increasing.

Once again referring to the most recent edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the coming years should continue to see a rise in the need for support personnel by approximately 13%. When deciding on the best career options, make certain the online college of choice is accredited, determine your technological strengths and interests, decide whether to get a degree encompassing many areas of technology or hone in on one area of expertise. Finally, make sure to select a program most likely to ensure employment right out of college.

An online IT degree can help establish a career in one of the most vital areas in the job market today. Generally, good students will have many employment options and offers following graduation. Even if you choose an occupation less popular than some, the chances o landing that dream job will increase greatly, if you have a degree in Computer Science

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Treating Acute Bronchitis at Home

By Rickey Henolap

It can be an easy assumption the power to take a breath is easy and an instinctive. Breathing should make up an inherent act; however, it can be challenging for some individuals. Respiratory distress can range from moderate conditions in which a person on occasion experiences minor breathing problems, to more compelling levels of breathing distress.

One of the home care ideas for bronchitis fever is a mentholated chest rub, a vaporizer to keep the air you are breathing moist, a pain and fever reducer, plenty of liquids like hot teas for the comfort factor. This works in probably about twenty percent of the cases as they are most likely mild and will go away in a week or so. Rest, sleeping on an incline with your head and chest higher than your feet may help as well.

Substantiating a complete bronchitis cure that relieves bothersome coughs with strong, clinically-tested botanicals, this bronchitis cure equals a natural antibiotic that contains no harmful chemicals and does not conceal symptoms. This therapeutic treatment relieves and soothes, fortifies the immune system and does away with aches and pain without feelings of drowsiness. It clears the lungs by reducing mucous secretion in order to breathe easier, prevents advancing lung infections, and contains flavonoids that have potent anti-inflammatory attributes.

The present, conventional treatment of bronchitis is with antibiotics. This treatment has been found to be of little effect. Antibiotics are effective in reducing bacteria. Bronchitis is caused by viral infections in 90% of all cases, not bacteria. As a result of the actual causes of bronchitis not being addressed, the condition advances and causes more lung damage and deterioration. Also, with overuse of antibiotics, there is great probability that the bacteria will become resistant and the antibiotics will become ineffective as the bacteria adapts and strengthens.

A bronchitis sufferer can take several steps to alleviate his symptoms that do not involve the use of drugs. Using a humidifier helps keep the inflammation down. Taking over the counter medications to control the cough may help a sufferer sleep at night. If the bronchitis cause is an environmental pollutant such as cigarette smoke or household cleaners. A person who thinks any of these might be his bronchitis cause should avoid the items that inflame his condition.

Offering a gentle and safe herbal plant mixture, this bronchitis cure stimulates the immune system and triggers the bactericidal effect that empower the bodys own defense to protect against bronchitis. Additionally, this bronchitis cure accelerates recovery. It represses mucous secretion wherever microorganisms reproduce and keeps bacteria from infiltrating cell membrane and overspreading contagion. Bronovil constitutes rapid inclusion into the blood flowing through the cardiovascular system and takes off working effectively straightaway. Signs of relief can exhibit inside the first 8 hours. Bronovil embodies the natural alternatives without unpleasant side effects.

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Clemson Stuns Miami With Overtime Touchdown

By Ross Everett

The Clemson Tigers used a touchdown pass on their first possession of overtime to upset the Miami Hurricanes 40-37 on Saturday night to cap a back and forth game. Miami kicked a field goal on their first possession of overtime to take the lead, but Clemson responded with a seldom used play on third and 11 to get the victory as quarterback Kyle Parker completed a 27 yard touchdown pass to Jacoby Ford.

College football betting devotees who backed Clemson as +4 road underdogs eventually cashed their tickets, but they definitely earned their money in a game that saw twelve lead changes and two ties. Clemson improved to 5-2 against the spread with the cover, while Miami dropped to 4-3 against the money.

After the game, Jacoby Ford explained the logic for his suggesting the surprise play in the huddle:

"We knew this game was going to come down to who made more plays. And we did."

Miami has a history of winning when their offense is clicking-this loss was only the second in 115 games when the Hurricanes score 37 or more points dating back to'85.

For his part, Clemson coach Dabo Swinney is glad this one is over:

"I have a birthday next month and I think I'm going to turn 50 instead of 40. We had to put on Superman capes. We made plenty of mistakes that could have lost us the game, but they played with poise and confidence. We just kept battling."

CJ Spiller was also a big factor for the Tigers as he set a school record with 310 all purpose yards including a 90 yard kickoff return for a touchdown. He also added 81 yards rushing and 104 yards receiving with a 56 yard touchdown catch.

Clemson QB Parker suggested that last week's win over Wake Forrest was a turning point for his team:

"I think last week we realized that we could be really good and this week we acted on it. I thought we really got some explosive plays and we played well."

Miami's quarterback Jason Harris sounded a different tone in his postgame comments:

"This has to be my toughest loss here. We fought so hard throughout the game as a team and didn't come out with the victory. We let Clemson outwork us, we turned the ball over too much -- little things that made us get to this point."

Clemson will host FCS foe Coastal Carolina next Saturday before resuming ACC play the following week at home against Florida State. Miami plays two of their next three on the road, starting next weekend at Wake Forest. They'll face the University of Virginia at home the next week before traveling to Chapel Hill for a game against North Carolina on November--.

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7 Effective Ways To Retain Your Domestic Helpers

By Alice Sy

There are more than a few things to remember if you plan on being the ideal employer to your highly dependable domestic helper. By being one, you will surely be able to keep your household help more loyal and devoted to her assigned duties at home. Of course you can always hire helpers as often as you can, but the truly reliable ones are few and far between.

If you are looking for means to keep your domestic helper motivated and happy, you have to begin by instigating a warm reception. Your household help will notice early on if he or she is in fact being welcomed to the home or not.

Since your helper also has her set of needs and personal goals, you have to be able to provide a decent monthly or weekly pay and clearly defined periodic bonuses and cash advances, if any. This will help your helper to form realistic expectations from the start, and to avoid any misconceptions about the paying process and other assumed benefits.

Good motivation also starts in providing your domestic helper with her own personal space inside your household. If you want to keep her satisfied and motivated, she should be comfortable where she is. This is important for your housemaid to take care of your home as dutifully as she would to her own.

In order to avoid any false assumptions and strained relationships, it is essential for you and your house help to maintain excellent communication with each other. This will allow you to anticipate any problems and to seek solutions to any concerns the earliest possible time. It is also ideal if you request the rest of your family to communicate with your domestic help more often.

Giving holiday bonuses to your household help will allow her to feel more appreciated and more accepted. This will also serve as a motivational tool for your helper to accomplish the family duties more faithfully and steadfastly.

Satisfaction from your helper also means that she is able to retain her own life and her own enjoyments in spite of serving your family and the entire household. A free toiletry set, a paid ticket to a show, or a short vacation will make your house help feel even more important and well thought of.

Looking out for the motivation and satisfaction of your house helper is essential if you don?t want to go around looking for new maids every few months or so. Little things can already go a long way if you want your domestic helper to stay for longer.

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Exterior Painting And Decorating In The Spring

By Nathan William Holding

Are you thinking of exterior painting and decorating this spring like most people? Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it properly, that is, both decorating and painting. While there are some people that know exactly what they are doing, others are a little overwhelmed by the various steps involved and the choices. Proper procedures and decisions are both required for a successful result, without wasting money.

Beginning with the preparation, you should be prepared for a lot of effort. The better you sand down the paint that is already existing the better your results will be.

To simplify matters, it would be best to either rent or purchase a power tool. It can really save time. However, if the job is very big, it might be in your favor to buy it rather than rent it, economically speaking.

You will also come across some areas that have peeled paint. These areas need to have the paint scraped off and then sanded down. Once all this is done, washing the surface is very important. Its probably best to use a pressure washer. This way, all the particles from sanding and pieces of paint that are stuck to the surface will be washed away. Its important to work from the top down. Afterward, allow the area to dry thoroughly.

Its best to use a good-quality primer. This will ensure that the paint will adhere properly and make it last longer. In addition to that, its also a good way to save money. Primer is cheaper than top coat or undercoat paint is. Wood is very porous, therefore it will absorb the paint very quickly. Then you will need to add more and more paint. However, a primer will avoid you from wasting the paint.

Its also important that you follow the manufacturers recomendations when priming and painting. After thats completed, you must seal the paint. This will keep your paint job looking newer and lasting longer by keeping moisture away from the wood. The last thing you want to do is have to do this job on a yearly basis. If youre not doing it right, you will have a lot of problems every year.

Its good practice to look around your home and the wooden areas of it on a regular basis. That means every spring and fall. If you see something that is slightly off, such as peeling paint or bubbling, you can resolve it quickly. If you ignore it, it will only get worse.

Regardless of what the job may be, maintaining something is always recommended to fixing something on a bigger scale. For instance, an oil change on your car will avoid damage to your engine. Neglecting to change the oil on a regular basis will only cause you bigger problems down the line. The same is true for your home. Wood that is left unprotected will lead to huge damages in warping, to the point where it will have to be replaced.

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Over The Counter Bulletin Board: How To Find a Consultant That Can Make The Process Fast and Easy

By James Scott

So many companies dream of going public to raise massive amounts of capital, as set up for an exit strategy, to make acquisitions with stock and for many other reasons. While your intentions may be pure and with genuine motives, you're entering shark infested waters of boiler rooms, crooked attorneys and underbelly consultants who have made careers off of taking well intentioned executives just like you for a 24 month rollercoaster ride while they take every penny you have as your company shrivels up like week old road kill.

Just and honest consultants in the 'public offering' industry are as rare as the illusive white elephant. This industry exists in a cesspool surrounded by rose gardens; from afar it looks amazing and an image of a dreamland but get up and close and the sludge and odor are enough to make you run and hide. So what do you look for in a consultant? The best consulting firms are the 'boutique firms' with minimal overhead that keep a low profile and are made up of 3 or 4 'partner' consultants.

These firms typically have the experience of working with the large consulting groups but for one reason or another have decided to leave and go out on their own. The great thing is, these small groups typically have massive contacts and process your entire public offering in-house. Offering a complete turn-key solution that is managed in-house offers a huge advantage because there is accountability and you can actually build a relationship with the people that are making your dream of a public offering come true.

These 'boutique' consultants will usually stay onboard as growth consultants for the life of the company in exchange for modest fees and a pre-IPO or pre-OTCBB equity position. The large firms will hack you out at the knees and gouge you with fees while they take massive amounts of equity in your company which takes away your bartering chip when you need to offer more stock to the public to raise capital.

The small firms will also work one on one with you to show you how to use your stock to grow through acquisition and other nifty ways to use stock to grow. Seek out the boutique consulting firm and save the attorney for spot audits. Hold on to your cash. Why pay outrageous fees to lawyers when you can pay 60% less with a small consulting firm that will add all the bells and whistles for free and actually get your stock trading, usually in half the time?

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8 Best Jobs You Can Do With An Online Information Technology Degree

By Mary Jackson

Why not have an awesome career doing something you already love? For example, do you enjoy testing the newest software products on the market? Do you like to work with computers and learn new programs? Then, you need an online IT degree. After graduation, here are some of the fantastic jobs needing talented people like you: Interface designer, Systems analyst, Database administrator, Software Support Software engineer, Computer engineer, Computer programmer,Network Administrator.

With businesses becoming more reliant on technology, employers are looking for individuals who possess the skills to keep them competitive. One of the best resources for checking out job statistics is the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook. According to the 2008-09 edition, 50% of computer programmers hold at least a B.S. Degree in Computer Science or similar area of expertise. With an online IT degree, you will have more opportunities to have the occupation most people only dream about.

What will you learn through an Online Computer Degree Program?

A computer science online degree will prepare you for a career in IT, Computer Security or any of the above positions in the same way as a traditional classroom degree. But instead of having to go to class, rearrange your work schedule, or disturb other areas of your life, you can take classes online, study at your convenience and not have to worry about the added costs of parking or leaving work early to attend classes. When you take online courses, you can expect to learn any of the following and more: Hardware and software design, Software development, Troubleshooting, Networking Data Security, Database management, Web design, Develop security plans.

As companies continue to grow and advance in the technological age, specialized departments are often necessary keep the businesses up and running, including maintaining open lines of communication with consumers and employees. Companies geared toward manufacturing and computers need talented individuals with expertise in developing new software and hardware to keep up with consumer needs and desires. With so many options, IT students will need to discover their niche of particular interest.

Choosing the right online IT degree

First, a career decision needs to be made. Find out which IT positions are responsible for most of the hiring. For example, the need for computer programmers seems to be on the decline since 2006. Conversely, the need for computer support and information security is increasing.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, the need for support personnel is expected to increase 13% in the next few years. The key is to find a career likely to provide a lucrative position right out of college. A degree in Computer Science that utilizes your unique talents is best. Alternatively, a generally degree will leave the doors open to a number of computer related careers. Whatever you decide, make sure the college or university has the appropriate accreditation credentials for a quality education.

Earning a degree in computer science or one of the many disciplines listed above can help you advance your career in one of the hottest fields today. There are many opportunities for employment once you graduate. While some fields as not a plentiful as others, your chances of finding employment are increased if you have a college degree in Computer Science or IT.

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BMI Collection Agencies Turn To Ring Tones To Collect Royalties

By Mallory Megan

It appears as though the music industry has found a new strategy to cash in on royalties. As music lovers are well aware, at first these companies tried to sue individual users for illegally downloading music. But it is painfully clear that this approach to recover from major financial loss has destroyed their image in the public eye.

Rather than lowering the cost of albums in order to compete with free music circulating through the internet, record companies have turned to collection agencies who are now suing cellphone companies over royalties from ring tones. They contested that ring tones counted as public performances and therefore cell phone companies should be obligated to pay performance fees. The courts quickly shot this down.

Despite this unfruitful endeavour to collect on royalties, Broadcast Music Inc is now suing T-Mobile over ring back tones, alleging that the mobile carrier is selling them without licensing agreements. Unlike ring tones, which play publically when someone calls, ring back tones are only heard specifically by the person calling. Instead of hearing a cellphone dialing, the caller will hear a song that was chosen by the cell owner.

Music lovers are quick to point out the contradictory nature of this lawsuit. If ringtones that can be heard by anyone around a cellphone that is being called, do not equate to a public performance, it seems absurd to sue the mobile carriers over a ringback tone that can be heard only by the caller. Record companies seem to be grasping at straws as they suffer from huge financial losses.

It does not seem that the idea of lowering the cost of CDs and DVDs has occurred to the record companies. There are still a large number of music lovers out there who would rather collect and own the media, but with prices constantly rising, downloading music for free seems more and more tempting. CDs are generally priced at seventeen dollars.

Specific bands have been skirting the issue of music downloading through unique tactics. Radiohead, an alternative rock band, established a website where fans can download the music for free, or for a donation. Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor has followed suit. With record companies' unsuccessful lawsuits and declining public image, it seems as though thinking outside of the box and fair pricing may be more effective than bullying money out of mobile carriers and individual users.

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Internet Network Marketing ~ Big Business Comes To The Internet

By Anne Theriault

In the 1990's, when the Internet was just beginning, it was almost unheard of to try to establish a successful business online unless you already owned a large business or were an Internet shopping/retail site. A lot of transformations have occurred since that time which has allowed Network Marketers to create successful Internet Network Marketing businesses in Cyberspace.

The last four years has seen a great increase in Online network marketing. Old MLM methods including parties and meetings at homes and hotels, listening to motivational audio tapes and bugging your circle of influence, are quickly being replaced by fervent Network Marketers who have turned to cyberspace to build their MLM. Network marketers are becoming acutely aware that success with Internet Network Marketing is a real possibility and can be very lucrative.

Simple and effective Internet Network Marketing training programs have been written by successful Internet Network Marketers. These programs were written to help you shift you struggling, wallet bankrupting, energy diminishing MLM to the Internet.

Allow me to show you a few facts.

According to the Census Bureau, as of today, there are 6.8 billion people in the world.

1.7 billion people on our planet, are Internet users, According to Internet World Stats.

In the last 10 years (2000-2009), Use of the Internet grew 380%.

Allow me to ask you a very simple question...

Where would you prefer to create your Network Marketing business?

Your hometown, USA (est. pop.1-10,000) 2. Internet (est. pop. 6.8 billion)?

I'm not real great at math or statistics, but it's quite conceivable from the numbers above...if your MLM is not on the Internet, you are probably wasting valuable time and are missing out on a great piece of the Internet financial pie.

If you are serious about your MLM Career, groundbreaking and cutting edge simple network marketing training programs are readily available through the Internet and will help you catapult your Network Marketing business to greater heights.

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Learn How To Develop Clairvoyance

By Declan Dunn

Clairvoyance is something you've no doubt heard about before; it's a word you may commonly see in ads for psychics. However, anyone at all can develop clairvoyance. It's an ability which every one of us naturally possesses, but you need to put in some effort to develop it to its full potential. Like learning any kind of new skill, you need to practice to become an expert at it.

In case you're not quite sure what clairvoyance is, it's a psychic ability which allows you to know things before they happen or things which your five physical senses alone could not tell you. If you take the necessary time, you can develop clairvoyance and use this talent for yourself.

If you'd like to develop clairvoyance, you have a lot to gain. Being able to use your clairvoyant abilities will give you a new perspective on life and even give you inner peace and happiness. You'll discover a level of mental clarity and creative resources you didn't know you had. The only downside to exercising your clairvoyant talents is that you have to be more vigilant about protecting yourself from negative energy.

Developing clairvoyance makes you more receptive to energy both positive and negative, so you'll need to be careful about avoiding negative energy from people, places and things. While there's no way to stay away from these energies entirely, you need to use positive energy to dispel the negative. In fact, developing clairvoyance will make you better prepared to combat negative energies and the influence they can have.

Try these methods to help you quickly develop clairvoyance:

Rid your home of negative energies: Get rid of anything in your home which you feel negative energies emanating from. Banish them from your life, whatever they are. You need to surround yourself with positive energy to develop clairvoyance. Burn these items to clear away all of the negative energies and be rid of them for good.

Meditation: Make 30 minutes every day for meditation. Choose somewhere quiet where you can sit or walk and clear your head. This allows you to catch your breath and think somewhere away from the pressures of your daily routine.

Meditation is great for releasing stress as well. You will find it difficult to develop clairvoyance if your mind is cluttered with unnecessary thoughts. You need this time, and all that matters is that you are alone and completely at peace when you are doing it. Combine this time with some deep breathing techniques and you will be completely relaxed afterwards.

Learn to trust your feelings and your instincts: When you're in touch with these aspects of your personality, it will be much easier for you to develop clairvoyance. Let your instincts be your guide. If something feels like the right move, then it more than likely is the next step you need to take on the path to unlocking your psychic talents.

Trust your hunches. Do not doubt yourself. Having low self-esteem is not going to help either. You must be confident in your thoughts and feelings if you want to be able to develop your clairvoyant abilities. Doubting your instincts will just damage your capabilities. You may be nervous about it, but just go with it.

Let go and let your feelings and instincts take you where they will. Children are often thought to be much more clairvoyant than adults are because of their no-worries and carefree attitudes. When they feel something is not right, they do not hold back, they express those feelings every time. We should all practice letting go of our rigid and negative personality traits and worries and just let go. You will be surprised at where your hunches and feelings will guide you.

Every single person already possesses psychic talents including clairvoyance. These are things which are latent in all of us and with the right kind of preparation and training, they will come to the fore and you will benefit from these natural talents.

Using affirmations and hypnosis can be helpful in developing clairvoyance. You can see a professional hypnotherapist or use self-hypnosis with the assistance of clairvoyance development recordings. These recordings can communicate with your subconscious mind; which is where your psychic abilities reside. When your subconscious gets the signal to unlock your potential, you'll soon start seeing results.

It is also important to make sure that your chakra energy centers are regularly cleansed and balanced. The third eye chakra and crown chakra centers in particular are responsible for our intuitive and psychic powers. It is essential that you maintain the balance of these energy centers if you wish to develop clairvoyance.

Anyone at all can develop clairvoyance if they are willing to believe in themselves and practice. Just eliminate negative energies from your environment, learn to relax deeply through regular meditation and keep your chakras in balance and cleansed and before long, you'll find that you have developed clairvoyance and that your other natural psychic abilities will start to surface.

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An Introduction To Search Engine Optimisation Companies

By Patrick Roody

Search engine optimisation companies have one simple goal. This is to make your website get more traffic. Obviously, the more traffic you have to your website, the more revenue can get from pay per click advertising and the more potential customers you will have. You need to have as many visitors use you can possibly get to your site and get the highest possible ranking in the search engine results.

The amount of money you can make from your website is directly relevant to the amount of visitors you have to it. It doesn't matter whether your website is an online shop, or promoting affiliate products or simply a hobby website where you hope to make some money from pay per click advertising revenue. Search engine optimisation is always essential unless you have no interest in getting many visitors to your site and it is purely non profit.

You will undoubtedly need help in this respect for a number of reasons. Firstly, SEO takes more time than anything else to do with setting up a business. Even if you are an expert web designer and have designed a website from scratch, SEO and marketing your website in general will take far more time than everything else put together. While it is not overly difficult in many respects, it is indeed time consuming.

When you have been using the search engines, you have probably not often gone beyond the first page of results. You have probably clicked on the links at the top of the page and ended up going to the website in question. This is what you need to get people to do when it comes to your website.

All the content of your website needs to be optimised for the search engines by using the correct density of keywords and also choosing the right sort of keywords. Certain keywords are considered more profitable than others while others might have far too much competition for you to even get involved in.

Back links are also very important since the more back links that your website has to it, the higher the rankings will go in the search engines, which is of course the key to getting in the top of the results. Search engine ratings are given in PR 1 to 10. In fact, a website that is only just been launched will always start of the PR 0 and depending on what your aims are, you should be aiming for at least PR three or PR four. In order to do this, your site needs to be search engine optimised.

Of course, you are probably consider doing the whole job yourself. This is often a big mistake since many people underestimate search engine optimisation. They think that it is just a simple matter of doing a little bit of article submission, putting if you keywords here and there and that's about it. The reality is quite different however.

Search engine optimisation takes far more time than any other aspect of starting your home business and getting it off the ground. Though it is not particularly difficult, it takes far more time than you probably have, time which are by far better invested in joining more affiliate programs and setting a multiple streams of income.

You can give us your details and we will be happy to give you some help. Firstly, we can analyse your website for free, which will hopefully give you a much better idea of what is required in order to boost your sales by boosting your amount of visitors.

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The Record Regarding Sash Windows

By Tayyab Khan

Sash window history is fascinating for one interested in the progress of civilization. This brief article will only touch the highlights, as it is a subject that could almost fill a book. Developed with the idea of making a frame with glass panels, which could be opened, and operated with pulleys, springs and balances it was an instant success. Some of the older homes of the 18th century still have this type of window.

The actual idea for this window is in dispute. It has been attributed to Holland, France and England but the actual origin is not known. However, when it was introduced it became very popular, especially with the more affluent people.

The first use of these windows, according to research, occurred in England in the 17th century. Considered a high status symbol they were in demand by royalty and wealthy people. A window which could not be opened, called a lead-light window was in use prior to this time. The new window became even more expensive, and thus more valued, when a window tax was introduced from 1600 to the 1880s.

To enhance these windows various adornments were worked around the windows frames. Some of these are still in place with historically preserved buildings in Europe. They were considered the height of fashion and very desirable. In the 18th century, classic glazing was brought onto the scene. This consisted of placing six panes over six panes and was commonly used in Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian houses.

World War II brought forth the idea of mass production. This idea advanced to the window industry. With the presentation of steel casements and windows that did not require any pulley or other attachments, sash windows lost their popularity and were discarded.

Much of the work of sash windows required handwork and, for that reason, it was not cost effective to continue producing them in large quantities. In addition, the cost of materials became too expensive to be able to make a profit with this venture when people were not making any purchases.

In recent years, efforts have been made to restore many old buildings to their original state. This has meant replacing things such as sash windows. The value of conserving history in its original state as much as possible is being realized as a necessary part of keeping track of civilization. As a result, the history of sash windows continues.

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Does Past Life Hypnosis Really Work?

By James McCubbing

If you are someone who has interest in things related to the soul and the spirit, you will find that past life hypnosis might be something that you need to take a look at.

Several religions and philosophies believe that the lives that we are living at this moment are not the only ones that we will have, and there is a belief in the idea of a past life and that we have lived other lives and will continue on this cycle.

Some people have images of the lives that they have lived before, and other people believe that they remember whole segments of their previous lives. Many people remember using hypnosis with a past life regression.

One belief that many people have is that the memories of these past lives are locked within us, and that they can have a lot to tell us about the people we are and the needs that we have in this life.

There are also other philosophies that say that we should not be able to remember these past lives and that if you do, it is a sign of issues that need to be resolved. Take some time and consider how you feel about either of these philosophies.

Do you wonder why you have thoughts that are not yours, or do you ever remember incidents that have never happened to you? This might be your imagination working overtime, nonetheless, there are things that feel rather real and are not easy to dismiss.

Past life hypnosis can be a great help in cases like these. With the guidance of an esteemed past life hypnotist, you will go into a deeply suggestible state where you will be able to open up your subconscious and the things that it is trying to relate to you.

Events that were well buried can fast come to life and you will discover that you can recall incidents more clearly and with a larger degree of completion. You may also be able to remember the theme of your previous life, or even specific details, depending on how clearly you recollect the facts. Some people see that they can even recognize people from their past lives, which are in their current lives too.

You may ask, why would someone want to go through past life hypnosis? For some individuals, past life hypnosis is a thing of curiosity. They want to know if they are imagining the events that their brain shows them, or if is just their imagination.

For other people, there are lessons that their past lives are trying to remind them. Whether it is to be more compassionate, to live life to the fullest or to respect the people around them, there are lessons that are being hinted at, and the more clearly they can be heard, the better!

If you are in a position where you are curious about past lives, or you think there are lessons that you need to recall, then think about how past life hypnosis may help you!

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Things To Do When Hiring A Wedding Band

By Lee Collings

Planning a wedding and reception is no easy task. There is a lot to do and there is a lot of stress that comes with the job. An important aspect of the reception is the music so this is not something that you are going to want to over look.

There are different ways to bring music into your reception but the two most common ways would be to use a DJ or a wedding band. The wedding band is usually the more popular choice between the two and it is something that you will want to give a lot of thought.

The first thing that you should do when you are looking for a wedding band is to try to catch them performing. In general most bands typically have public gigs outside of private events so check with them on these so that you can try to take in a performance. Additionally, you may also want to ask them if they have a demo CD or preferably a video for you to take a look at. This will give you an idea of whether this band is a good fit for your wedding reception.

If the wedding band that you are looking into has a website, you will want to start your research there. They should have some photos, musical tracks and videos for you to look at. These will help you decide whether or not the band is professional enough for you.

You might luck out even further and find some testimonials on their website. This will clue you in as to how well their previous customers enjoyed their music and performance. If you happen to stumble on the bands repertoire, make sure that you are taking a look at that as well.

Try and find a band whose music is likely to appeal to a lot of different people. For example something like progressive jazz music or heavy rock may be a bit specialized for the type of people who are likely to be at your wedding. Something like 70's soul or disco music appeals to most ages.

Of course the price of hiring your wedding band is a big part of the decision making process. Be sure that you have had that conversation with the band manager, and once you have ironed out the pricing be sure that it is outlined within your contract. It is also very standard that you will need to put in a non refundable deposit when you submit your contract so that the date of your event can be secured.

About a week before your wedding you will want to call the wedding band to confirm the details of your event. You will want to be sure that their wardrobe is going to be appropriate for your event as well as that they know what time they can arrive to set up.

You also want to make sure that you are providing the band with a meal since they have most likely traveled and they are spending a lot of time playing music for you and your guests. In addition, if you provide the band with an outline of the receptions events, everything will run much smoother.

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10 Rules To Know When Choosing Online Distance Education Colleges

By Mary Jackson

Accreditation - this is perhaps the most important of the rules. Accreditation confirms that the college meets certain educational standards that are set by the accrediting education agencies. If you earn credits from an accredited online distance education college, chances are you can transfer them to another accredited institution of your choice. Your chances for acquiring a new job or getting a promotion are greatly enhanced if your degree is accredited.

Degree mills and fake colleges - today the internet is flooded with fraud and fake accrediting institutions that give "accreditation" to any willing organization at a fee. Be safe and stay on the look-out for such institutions when you're choosing your online distance education college. There are always "tell-tale" signs of institutions that are not legitimately accredited. If in doubt, check with the United Stated Department of Education or CHEA to find out if the college you are interested in is accredited.

To ensure that the degree program your are considering is aligned with your long-term educational goals, especially if you think you'll need to advance your degree (for example from bachelors to MBA), it'll benefit you to check if the online distance education institution you'd want to attend for your MBA accepts transfer credits from another online institution.

Just like in a traditional classroom, class size is important. You want to be in a class where your voice can be heard. So check the class size of the college you're considering.

Find out if the faculty hold any credentials and if they are qualified to teach the program you want to enroll in. If you can dig further to find out what degrees they hold and if they are experienced in teaching online students, this will save you the distress of finding out later that your instructor is a fellow un-qualified student with no education skills.

Find out if it easy to contact your instructor or administration should you have questions or need help. The level of support offered to students varies considerably from college to college. Choose one in line with your needs and expectations.

One of the great things about online distance education programs is that you can begin almost anytime. Thus you shouldn't let anyone rush you into starting your program until you feel ready to put the time and effort it will require for you to succeed.

Check out if your program will be offered entirely online or if it will require residency at some point in the course. Some online courses have site projects and require residency so let this not come as a surprise to you.

Most online colleges offer financial aid and tuition assistance. You'll be pleased to discover how much financial help you have available inform of loans, scholarships, financial aid and other federal loans. Some institutions even have tuition payment plans and employer-reimbursement programs. Find out if your college of interest offers such programs.

Take your time to research your best degree option and college out there. Don't settle for less than you deserve. Unlike there before when online programs were limited, now there are enormous options and colleges to choose from as most traditional colleges are already offering some programs online.

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Are You Ignoring Your Subconscious Mind?

By Geoff Vincent

Most people are already aware of the concept of having a 'subconscious' mind as well as a 'conscious' mind. On the other hand, not many people actually realize just how powerful the subconscious mind can be. In fact, it is without a doubt one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal, but you need to bear in mind that while your subconscious mind can be your best friend, it can also be your worst enemy, since it's the subconscious mind that essentially controls the life you live. So, what exactly is the subconscious mind, and why is it important that we pay attention to it?

Even though many professionals insist on arguing the point, the human race has by all accounts acknowledged the fact that the subconscious mind does indeed exist. Basically, the subconscious mind is like a mind within your mind. It is the part of you which controls and directs your actions and also your thoughts. It's that little voice in the back of your head that you always hear when you're faced with a difficult situation. The way in which a person's subconscious mind communicates with them differs from one person to the next, meaning that no two people have the same type of subconscious mind. Even if you have an identical twin and you were both raised in the same environment, under the same conditions, you will both have a different inner voice.

If you take a minute to think about it, you'll realize that you've often heard your inner mind communicating with you. For example, you could have been on the brink of making an extremely important decision when something in your mind told you to back off. Hopefully, if you did back off, it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately though, that self same inner voice can also be a hindrance, in that it can often tell you that you cannot do something, when in fact there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to. It could for example manage to convince you that you're simply not good enough, or that you're not very attractive. As such, we can see that the subconscious mind is in essence what you think of yourself deep down.

Of course, if those thoughts which come from deep within are negative, then there's not much chance that you will ever be able to enjoy the type of life you long for. On a more positive note; it is possible to change the way a subconscious mind thinks, and in so doing, you can successfully changed the way you live your life so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

One common practice which many people use nowadays is a method known as 'affirmations', in which you repeat positive statements to yourself throughout the course of the day. The good thing about this method is that it's not necessary for you to spend a load of money on subliminal messaging scripts because it is something you can do at home by yourself.

If for example you with would like to get fit, then instead of focusing on the fact that you're out of shape, you should focus on how good it feels to be in shape. You need to write something along these lines down on a piece of paper which you can carry around with you in case you start doubting yourself. In order for this method to have maximum affect, you should even go as far as pasting a note of it in various parts of your home so that you see it as often as possible. The aim is for you to repeat this to yourself as much as possible each day so that your subconscious eventually comes around to your way of thinking.

In this example, you will soon start becoming fit, but if you used affirmations for some other purpose such as to make money, then you'll also discover your bank account will soon begin improving.

In case you're wondering if your subconscious mind really does have an impact on your life, let's look at the following scenario. You have an important meeting in the morning but unfortunately you forget to set your alarm. You wake up late and immediately begin panicking, and as a result, you soon start believing that the day is not going to go your way. To make matters worse, when you get into your car, you discover the battery is flat and that the car won't start. After getting someone to help you, you set off on your way but you end up getting caught in the traffic. Even when you do eventually make it to the meeting, everything seems to go wrong. By now you firmly believe that your day cannot get any worse than it's already is but the bad news is that it continues throughout the rest of the day.

Now, if you're like so many others, you'll simply put it all down to coincidence but the only problem is, there is no such thing as coincidence. Instead, everything happens for a reason. In fact, it's usually your subconscious mind which is the reason.

In recent times books such as 'The Secret' have tried extremely hard to explain this phenomena in scientific terms which is why it is now known as the 'Law of Attraction', which states that a person's subconscious mind not only responds and reacts to real life situations, but that it actually plays a part in creating such situations.

Even though some people may consider this to sound a little crazy, quantum physics is however in agreement with this theory. In fact, it has already been proven that matter is linked intrinsically to the mind of the observer. Interestingly enough, many religions have been preaching this long before science came along and proved it.

What you need to bear in mind is that because you can create your own reality with your subconscious mind, it is possible to create a reality of your choice. In fact, some of the wealthiest people in history have become wealthy simply because they have consistently believed and visualized themselves acquiring a vast amount of wealth.

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Dream Control - Is It Possible?

By David Heoung

Many of us think of our dreams as something which is largely beyond our control; they happen while we are asleep, after all and whether they are pleasant dreams or nightmares, we shrug and assume there is nothing to be done to direct the course of our dreams. However, it is entirely possible to have dream control thorough the technique known as lucid dreaming.

But, what does the term truly mean and how does it work, and what, if any, are the benefits, and is it really possible for anyone to achieve this means of making our nightly journeys into the world of dreaming our own continual series of fascinating adventures? Read on for the answers to these common questions about the art of dream control.

What Is Dream Control?

Dream control, which is the ability granted to us by the technique of lucid dreaming is having the knowledge that you are dreaming even while in the middle of a dream. While you are sound asleep, your mind can be aware of the fact that you are dreaming, letting you be in control of the events which transpire in your dreams.

People who suffer from nightmares frequently can find relief with dream control. Once they learn to use this powerful technique, they can banish their nightmares and get the restful sleep they need.

Common Techniques For Inducing Lucid Dreaming

Binaural audio is a very effective method of inducing lucid dreaming. Binaural audio consists of two slightly different frequencies simultaneously; this brings about the necessary state of relaxation and the synchronization of the brain waves needed for lucid dreaming to occur; namely, REM sleep.

Before this use of modern technology was discovered and available on CDs or DVDs for the purpose of dream control, self hypnosis and meditation were the most widely used techniques for lucid dreaming, although many people report finding it too difficult to achieve this state using these two particular means of dream control.

Besides these methods, there are many other techniques which have been employed by experts in the field. Regardless of how one trains their mind to start using dream control, the idea in every case is to let the dreamer come to the awareness that they are dreaming and start to take control of their dreams.

This kind of metal training begins, of course while we are still fully awake. The aim is to give yourself a cue; either an action or a word which when performed in your dream, will serve as your signal that you are dreaming; which lets you start exerting dream control.

It's often a simple matter of telling yourself, just before going to sleep, that you will be dreaming soon and in that dream you will remember to do or say something specific, and when that happens, you will instantly realize that it is a dream.

This form of dream control is called mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (or MILD for short), a technique developed by researcher Dr. Stephen LaBerge. Once reminded, you are then in control of your dream. You can then decide what happens in your dream, with your imagination being the only limiting factor.

A dream diary can also help you to get started with lucid dreaming. Immediately after you wake up, write down each and every detail that you remember from your dreams. After doing this for a while, you'll train your mind to remember your dreams; this is the first step to dream control and soon you'll start having lucid dreams!

Tame monsters in your nightmares, 'visit' any location you wish, explore imagined worlds that you envision within your own mind, speak to anyone you like, and basically be free of all worldly constraints and limits. With dream control, all of this is possible, in essence, giving us the power to be the ruler of our own nightly fantasy worlds where we are in complete control of everything that transpires.

However, there can be too much of the good thing which is lucid dreaming. Dreams can tell us important things, according to psychologists. So while you should unlock your full potential to have lucid dreaming experiences, make sure to give yourself some time off now and then to have natural dreams.

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Knowing How You Can Download And Convert Youtube Videos

By Peter Nguyen

YouTube is a fantastic source of entertainment. It is full of hilarious videos depicting small snippets of people's day-to-day lives that helped engender a sense of community among its users yet until now it has been very difficult to download these videos to your personal computer and gadgets for your off-line viewing pleasure. Luckily software engineers have devised a way to download videos from YouTube free of charge in such an easy way that we can soon expect to see a mass download to start taking place.

Probably the best way to go about downloading these videos is to use a third-party website or software solution that allows you to not only download the flash videos but also convert these ideas into a format that is more usable across different systems. Flash video is great for what it is, but unless you are planning on always watching the video over the Internet you'll want to convert the video into something that can be played on traditional computer and media players and even in some cases able to be played on DVD and mp3 players.

The simple answer to the question is yes, you absolutely can. The trick is download and convert the files from YouTube to MP3 or to any other format so that you can enjoy them whenever you want versus having to go to their site every time you want to view and listen to the song.

There are many free downloadable application softwares in the internet that offers youtube download and conversion. Some may have more bells and whistles than others, you just need the correct software. After downloading, you then install the application software before you can start using it. Just follow a few steps and you will be on your way to start the downloading and conversion process.

Essentially all these software products do is download the video from YouTube to your hard drive and then transcode it into a video format that your computer can use. It's essentially a one click process that downloads the flash video and converts it into something that can be played on whatever media player you happen to be using. With all the entertainment choices available on the Internet it is no wonder that these programs are becoming so popular these days.

The given options to download and convert youtube videos to any format though useful also have limitations. If you are using the application software, given the fact that it is free, but requires your time since you will download and install the software into your computer. Some downloaded softwares may contain spywares and malwares that capable of infecting your computer system. However these conversion software can download and convert multiple videos at the same time very much useful when you have many files to be downloaded and be converted.

Using the website as a tool for conversion, gives you fast and easy downloading of your favorite youtube videos without the hussle of following steps for installation. The only drawback is that it can download and convert only one video at a time compared to the application software which can process more than one file at a time. So if you have only few videos to download and converted then website conversion might be suitable for you.

After you have read this article, It's now time for you to start downloading your favorite YouTube videos and convert it to any media files you want. Enjoy playing it on your computer, iPod, iPhone, Zune players, Samsung, blackberry, Nokia N & E Series, Sony PSP and most other formats.

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The Important Role Of Cathode Lighting Suppliers Today

By Connor R Sullivan

Cathode lighting is always very vital for many reasons. This is primarily as there's such a high demand for various types of lighting systems all over the world which also makes it so incredibly essential among other things.

This is always the simplest way in which fiber optic lighting supplier finds a whole range of work which might be looked into. Various kinds of options might be looked into which also helps in a greater understanding of what is involved in the whole process of getting the perfect types of lighting supplies and more.

A cold cathode lighting provider has also assumed a lot of importance primarily because it really helps in getting an extensive range of deals which also helps in finding out more concerning the different options available when it comes to different types of lightning supplies. It always helps to opt for an extensive range of wonderful light supplies which may certainly go a long way in providing a variety of excellent deals.

This is always the simplest way in which different options could be looked into when it comes to an extensive range of deals and many more. It is certain to help in getting different kinds of offers which can make sure that the cathode supplier works very well.

The right kind of cold cathode lighting producer always makes sure that amazing offers are provided to the different kinds of people who are continuously looking for an entire range of lighting choices and a whole lot more.

It becomes very useful to keep in mind all such factors which might be extremely helpful and that is the primary reason why most of these various types of suppliers require to make sure that they're doing lots of work. This is always the best way in which a whole range of factors can actually be assured for more particulars on what's relevant for an extensive supply of great kinds of deals on lightning supplies.

Excellent kinds of lighting supplies also ensure better deals that may go a long way in providing appropriate lighting systems which always help in great types of deals that always work well. This also ensures exciting deals and a whole lot more which needs proper looking into. Once these details are properly looked into, great deals and offers also are likely to become available which require proper looking into and this makes the entire process a whole lot simpler and results in some excellent deals.

Superb types of other details also come into account when it comes to fiber optic lighting suppliers who have a pretty tough job of taking lots of relevant information into consideration which becomes quite useful for many reasons.

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