Astral Travel, The Universe And You!

By Joe M Burns

When you have those dreams of flight, this is very similar to the experience of astral travel. The feeling of being airborne is much like the way that your astral body travels through the astral plane. All you need to do is focus on the place you want to be or on the things which you want and your astral body is there in the blink of an eye. When your physical body and mind are at rest, your astral body is free to roam the universe.

Although we may astral travel while we are asleep, it should not be mistaken for dreaming. Dreaming is quite different, since it happens entirely within your brain as it goes over what has happened that day, placing things into context and allowing you to get past them and awake rested the next day. Your dreams may or may not be remembered after you awake, which is an important difference between astral travel and dreaming.

When you remember your dreams in every vivid detail, these are most likely not dreams at all but were experiences with astral travel. It's a good idea to get into the habit of keeping a journal of these experiences. The things you write down may not make much sense at first, but over time will form a contextual background which makes their meaning clear.

Just as dreams allow your mind to process your day, astral travel refreshes the spirit. The experiences you have and the benefits you'll see as a result of astral travel are unique to you. This makes keeping an astral travel journal a good idea, since comparing your results to those of someone else is of little value.

While many of the beneficial effects of astral travel vary, one which is universal is an improved self awareness and a sense of where you fit into the larger universe. Having this knowledge brings inner peace and well being. In most people, memory and general alertness are also heightened since astral projection uses parts of the brain which often go undeveloped there are very real benefits of astral travel for your intellect as well as your spirit, it seems.

In many people, astral travel leads to the surfacing of other latent psychic abilities. After gaining some experience with astral travel, a lot of people claim to have developed telepathy and the ability to sense spirits near them.

Astral travel lets you see things and go places you never would be able to otherwise; including inside your own psyche; and the reward is that psychic abilities and mental acuity begin to bloom.

There are many who had once been skeptical about astral travel; but once experiencing it for themselves, they have a different take on things. The way that astral travel expands your view of the universe and increases many of your natural abilities is simply impossible to ignore.

Other than these benefits, it should be remembered that there is also fun to be had! Astral travel allows you to do things and go places which are outside of your ordinary life; it's something like a vacation for your astral body.

Really, it's amazing that everyone doesn't use astral travel. However, most people mistakenly believe that this is an ability which can be used only by a very lucky few. In fact, the opposite is true: anyone can astral travel; it's only a question of making the choice to develop this natural ability.

You have almost certainly had the experience of astral projection before, although it is possible you were unaware that this is what you were doing.

You should begin by simply allowing yourself to naturally have astral travel and writing down your experiences. After doing this for a while, you'll be able to begin trying to make astral travel happen consciously. It takes practice, but the benefits of learning to do so, as well as the experience itself are a great reward for your efforts.

All it takes is practice and there are many great resources which can help you prepare for astral travel. With a little time and effort, you can enjoy inner peace, self awareness and all of the other great things which learning to astral travel can do to improve your life.

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