7 Effective Ways To Retain Your Domestic Helpers

By Alice Sy

There are more than a few things to remember if you plan on being the ideal employer to your highly dependable domestic helper. By being one, you will surely be able to keep your household help more loyal and devoted to her assigned duties at home. Of course you can always hire helpers as often as you can, but the truly reliable ones are few and far between.

If you are looking for means to keep your domestic helper motivated and happy, you have to begin by instigating a warm reception. Your household help will notice early on if he or she is in fact being welcomed to the home or not.

Since your helper also has her set of needs and personal goals, you have to be able to provide a decent monthly or weekly pay and clearly defined periodic bonuses and cash advances, if any. This will help your helper to form realistic expectations from the start, and to avoid any misconceptions about the paying process and other assumed benefits.

Good motivation also starts in providing your domestic helper with her own personal space inside your household. If you want to keep her satisfied and motivated, she should be comfortable where she is. This is important for your housemaid to take care of your home as dutifully as she would to her own.

In order to avoid any false assumptions and strained relationships, it is essential for you and your house help to maintain excellent communication with each other. This will allow you to anticipate any problems and to seek solutions to any concerns the earliest possible time. It is also ideal if you request the rest of your family to communicate with your domestic help more often.

Giving holiday bonuses to your household help will allow her to feel more appreciated and more accepted. This will also serve as a motivational tool for your helper to accomplish the family duties more faithfully and steadfastly.

Satisfaction from your helper also means that she is able to retain her own life and her own enjoyments in spite of serving your family and the entire household. A free toiletry set, a paid ticket to a show, or a short vacation will make your house help feel even more important and well thought of.

Looking out for the motivation and satisfaction of your house helper is essential if you don?t want to go around looking for new maids every few months or so. Little things can already go a long way if you want your domestic helper to stay for longer.

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