Cosmic Ordering: How To Have Your Wishes Fulfilled

By Trevor Johnson

Cosmic Ordering is the belief that human beings can influence events in their lives by sending requests out into the universe. The theory is based on the belief that we all possess certain energies which, when released, attract similar energies, thereby helping us to achieve our goals. While the idea has been popularized in recent times by celebrities such as TV presenter Noel Edmonds, the concept itself is actually as old as the hills.

The theory behind the belief is the universal law that likes attract likes. If you keep a positive attitude, things will turn out positively. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to fall into negativity, you open yourself up to negative energies that will work against you. By harnessing the energies inherent in wishes, Cosmic Ordering seeks to turn them into realities.

To do this, the person making the wish must first make certain that he/she is in the proper frame of mind. All negativity must be put aside. He/she then makes the wish in form of a letter addressed to the Universe, specifying the time period in which it is expected to be fulfilled. Once the request has been made, the person must relinquish all control over their wish, and allow the universe to act upon it.

The first few times that you do this, you should keep your requests small. As you become more familiar with how it works, and see your requests answered, you will gain the confidence to ask for larger things.

The most important thing to remember is to maintain a positive attitude while waiting for your wish to materialize.

Most people keep a log of their requests, indicating the date and time on which they were made. Whenever a request is fulfilled, they cross it off the list, making note of the date and manner in which of its fulfillment. They find that this helps them to keep a positive attitude while waiting for their other requests to be answered. Some people find that visualization to helps them to focus on their requests, and eliminates any lingering doubts that may interfere with the process.

Like many other ancient practices, Cosmic Ordering relies on the positive use of energies to achieve desired results. Whether it be the universal practice of prayer, the Chinese healing art of Qiqong, or just the plain old belief in the power of positive thinking, people have always maintained that humankind has the ability to harness universal energy and put it to use. It is only when we open ourselves to new ideas that we gain insight into the way that the universe works. If you don't dare to try, you will never know what lies just beyond the horizon.

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