Decorating With Vases Throughout The Home

By David Artstone

An empty vase can be a sad sight. It sits there, rising skywards, its open mouth straining for flowery contents. It is only half of a piece, half of an accessory, always wanting and waiting. Yet, there is a simple dignity to the vase too. Stoic, never complaining, it is a beautiful centerpiece in the home, whether it is populated or not.

When decorating with vases it is important to pay attention to this dichotomy of the object. It will exist in conjunction with a flower, as well as on its own, as a centerpiece in its own right. That means that you have to anticipate not only the vase when fully actuated, but also how it will appear in the room when it is simply an empty vase.

For this reason many people use vases as temporary items. When flowers pop into their lives they pull them out of the cabinet, and then the set is complete. Then when the flowers are finished, the vase goes back into hiding.

These temporary vases are usually innocuous things, made of simple glass or ceramic, with little in the way of adornment. Even the fancier ones are merely temporary however, designed to house a flower for an hour and then return to obscurity.

Some people offset the imbalance of an empty vase by merely filling it with artificial flowers, or planets, or even using sticks of incense or bamboo or other natural decorative products. There are also some people who do both, cycling living and artificial pieces in and out as they become available. This allows you to constantly change and rearrange the feel of the room.

More permanent vases are usually made of heavier materials, and contain adornment of some kind. Marble and stone vases usually feature natural patterns, while steal and modern glass vases will usually have strange and exotic shaping.

The vase is an interesting piece in the home. Trying to match your dcor with an item that will change as often as you get new flowers can be a challenge. However there are a wide variety of options allowing you to create the perfect look for your environment.

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