Webinars, A Great Prospecting Device For REALTORS

By Andie Green

A chief promotion research business recently published their small firm handbook to lead and client demand generation. Though all of the content in this description is not essentially applicable to the real estate industry, there are many lessons that can be applied by real estate real estate agents and brokers to promptly accelerate their revenues.

One of the crucial conclusions of the report was that aside from community networking, utilizing live webinars are one of the a large amount effective ways to draw leads on-line. This information is cool for hungry real estate agents since while not challenging, the technology for webinar is very underutilized in the real estate space. As a effect, there is a massive opportunity for demarcation for the REALTOR that involves webinar in their bag of accessories.

As a place of delineation, video and webinar are good, but how would you apply them as a real estate professional? Well, for those of you that host district meetings to teach you community and in turn gather leads, going online may present an easy way to reach a much broader section of your community. For those real estate agents that don't make use of this process of lead generation, developing a brief webinar to promote a specific section of consumers or sellers in your vicinity may allow you to connect with many prospective clients that you would otherwise not be able to touch. In addition, by using the webinar as a lead capture tool, you can significantly reduce your overall cost per lead as online marketing costs a fraction of direct post or district farming.

So how would you go about creating and selling a webinar, and how would it fit into your other lead generation actions?

To provide an explicit example, suppose that you presently serve an district where values are depressed, but property is being sold by short sales. What you could do is produce a thirty minute PowerPoint display that goes over the short sale method, what the steps are to create a short sale package, and the relative risks to credit and capital sellers may face.

Next, you would choose a webinar service on which to present the webinar. I recommend GoToMeeting. Nonetheless, if you are looking for low cost, DimDim is free. Schedule your webinar and begin selling the event. Be sure that you add the link to the invitation to your website, and have your web page manager add the invitation to your home page. If you have a list of contacts you are already sustaining, invite them to the event.

When you have created the webinar, or at least finalized the topic, contact a few community businesses and see if they will place flyers advertising the webinar in exchange for you offering coupons or other discounts for their service on either the thank you page of your webinar registration. The ideal situation is if your community businesses can provide something of merit that you can give away to webinar attendees as it adds usefulness to your presentation and cross promotes other businesses in the community.

In addition, either produce door hangers or a direct post piece that goes out to the neighborhood that you are presently farming inviting homeowners to the event. This portion of the promotion may sound expensive, but keep in mind that if you can catch their digital information, your cost for drip marketing goes down exponentially. Nearly all of your prospects are in the market to sell at this very moment, but almost all of them will be trying to sell sooner or later. If you capture their information now, you can make use of online marketing gear to remain top of mind until they are ready to sell.

Send numerous emails inviting prospects to attend your presentation, and remind those who registered to show up.

On the day of the presentation, be sure to login early and address any bugs in the system. Go through your presentation and address any questions that may arise through online chat or email. At the conclusion of the presentation, have a clear and concise offer and call to action so that your prospects know what the next steps are to treat your services.

Lastly, be sure that you build a follow up email for those who attended as well as those who did not. Include your call to action and an offer that will help your prospects take the next steps to contact you in both of these and remind each person where online they may view the archived video.

A few days later, send out your newsletter letting each person in your email list know that your recent webinar was a success. Include a review of the topic discussed, a link to the archive, and an overview of what you offered in the presentation. By going through this process, you will most likely attract a number of new clients as well as hundreds of new prospects that you can court until they are ready to buy or sell.

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