Gallbladder Cleanse

By Clark Higgans

One of the most important organs in your body is the gallbladder. The gallbladder aids in digestion and also stores bile.

If you eat unhealthy foods such as pizza and burgers, the oils and fats from these foods end up in the gallbladder. After awhile, the fats and oils form gallstones.

If the process of gallbladder stones continues accumulating, you could face health problems down the road. At that point, many people resort to surgery to clear out the gallbladder stones.

However, surgery is not cheap and is quite invasive. So people have been to turning to more natural and home remedies to clear up the gallbladder.

A good natural remedy that you may want to try is the gallbladder cleanse. This procedure is very cheap to do and is non invasive.

If you want to try the gallbladder cleanse you should talk to you doctor first to get the OK from him. Otherwise you may end up having complications while doing the gallbladder cleanse.

All the necessary components of doing the gallbladder cleanse can be found at any supermarket. You will need apple juice, olive oil, Epsom salt, and lemons.

During the first six days of the gallbladder cleanse, you have to drink a several cups of apple juice everyday. This loosens up the gallstones so that they can pass through your system easier.

On the seventh day right before bedtime, mix a third of lemon juice with two-thirds of olive oil in a cup. Drink the entire concoction and go to bed.

In the morning mix some warm water with Epsom salt in a cup and drink down this mixture. This natural laxative will help you excrete waste along with the gallstones.

If you have the time, you may want to do the gallbladder cleanse several times a year. This helps in keeping your body toxin free and unclogged.

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