Is Your Dating Life Dead? Here's Why

By Astrid Engels

Okay, so it is Saturday night, and instead of having a flirting good time with a gorgeous date you are sitting at home browsing internet dating profiles. And cursing your luck, or rather the lack of it. Not to mention the whole moping around thing, kind of like when you wanted that little hot new outfit but could not afford it.

Sound like someone you know? Okay, yeah, it is you. And you know what? It is time to cut it out. Moping around about the fact that you are not being wined and dined solves nothing. It is time for an attitude adjustment, but do not worry, it is probably an easy fix. Read on for some tips to get you back on your way to make-out town.

Single Situation #1: You Are Waiting instead of Dating

If you are reading this article on a Saturday night, home alone, that means you are at home, alone, on a weekend night. Not so much of a good thing. Just because you do not have a date does not mean you cannot have a good time. Besides, you cannot meet people if you are stuck in all by yourself.

You need to dress for social success, just like you dress for career success. In other words, dress for the social present you want because no one wants to be with someone who is boring. Time to get your butt up from the couch, put on something hot, and get out there! Let your friends be your date and someone is bound to notice that you are the pick of the party. Who knows, the next time you go out, you might be able to dress up for someone specific.

Single Situation #2: Hard to Get is not just Playtime

It is all well and good to adapt your survival skills for the modern dating jungle; sometimes just a little social strategizing and emotional game playing is not only allowed, it is advisable. There is nothing wrong with consciously deciding to not be an easy, over-eager mess of a person. I would actually strongly advise against not being that.

However, if you have been playing the hard-to-get role for long enough, and strictly enough, there is a chance that it stops being a game and starts being who you are; you want to be coy, not aloof and disinterested.

Okay, so you do not throw yourself at every person who shows you some attention. That is playing it cool. On the other hand, if you are consistently acting uninterested, then guess what? People will actually think that you REALLY are not interested at all. And the game will be over before it even has a chance to begin.

Single Scene 3: You Already Know it All

Yes, I am talking about you. Five minutes of conversation with someone and you think you have it all figured out. You could write a book on the innermost psychological workings of men. You are so sure of your superior knowledge of the male mind that you reject dates left right and center because you already "know" that they are not for you.

Well allow me to burst your bubble. You do not know it all. Your supposed people reading skills are most likely what are keeping you from becoming genuinely interested in anyone; and anyone from becoming interested in you. You are fond of claiming that all the good one are taken, but that is only because you dismiss everyone before they've had a chance to win you over.

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