How A Beautiful Trophy Can Make An Average Athlete Into A Winner

By Connor Sullivan

When I was a child, I saw trophies and was impressed. I thought there was some kind of official authority that certified the trophies and ensured that only worthy people received them. Then one day I drove past a trophy store and learned the truth. Anyone can buy custom trophies or custom plaques and have whatever they want engraved on them. I was disappointed but, really no less impressed by a tall, gold trophy, especially if it is topped by a winged creature.

But the significance of a trophy goes beyond the look of it on a shelf. To see how a trophy can affect someone's life, let's look at the life of Joe. When Joe was a boy, he lived an outdoor life in a small town in Northern Michigan. He and his cousin tramped the woods. They hunted and fished and did work on the uncle's farm. They playedsports in their small-town high school.

World War II changed his life, allowing him to attend college and start a career in the big city. Life in the suburbs was sedate compared to life in the woods. Exercise could have consisted of the weekly lawn mowing, and he could have gotten out of shape at a young age and had an early heart attack. Instead, he joined his company's recreation association and began playing many sports. This association was fostered competition by awarding trophies to the winners. This opportunity to win trophies got his blood rushing. He rediscovered his athleticism and excelled in every sport that he tried. Soon, the trophiesbegan to accumulate. He earned trophies in basketball, fishing, shooting, bowling, and even decathlon, among other sports. He went out and bought a special wire shelf, which he hung on the living room wall. His wife didn't think it fit her elegant dcor, but she was a good sport and vicariously shared his pride in his achievements. His children also shared this pride in their father. It made him a hero in their eyes.

Fifteen hears later when they moved up to a more affluent suburb and a beautiful colonial house, the rack of trophies came with and found a new wall to hang on in the family room. More trophies joined the group as he continued to be active. However, by now the trophies were for less strenuous sports such as golf. But he was still motivated by the desire to win.

Eventually, he reached an age when younger men were able to surpass his skill. The trophies still hung on the wall, and his kids still admired their dad's skill. When he approached 80, it became time to move into a retirement community. The new apartment wasn't very big. The wife was ready to redecorate and said the trophies had to stay behind. When the children came to visit, they were disappointed to see that the trophies that represented so many years of sports excellence were thrown away.

So, even though trophies aren't awarded by a trophy authority, they are still important symbols in the lives for the people who win them.

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