UPVC Doors Are Simply Better

By Martin Troughton

There are many very good reasons why UPVC doors have gained popularity over recent years. They are not only a lot safer, but they are even more environmentally friendly, as well as more economically viable. A door may seem the same as any other door, but UPVC doors have proven that they are better. This is a time when saving energy and money is king. Having a door that will save you money is a very good thing.

UPVC is by far the most durable type of door that is used in modern home construction. When they are designed, it is with durability and longevity as the goal. As they age, they look better than their competition. They will last at least as long as vinyl siding, which is very similar in makeup. Experts claim that these doors can last over 40 years with normal use.

Maintenance is a breeze with UPVC. A pressure washer is about all one needs to keep this state of the art type of door looking new. If wooden doors are not maintained with expensive chemicals, they will not stay looking good. Doors made from UPVC do not have such needs. They will neither corrode like metal nor rot like wood.

These doors are even safer than others. Did you know that the burn causing intense heat is not what normally kills in home fires? Our insides are far more fragile than our outsides. No, what kills people in house fires is smoke, or carbon monoxide inhalation. Wooden doors, just like anything else made of wood, readily burns, but UPVC does not, which means that if your home were to catch on fire, the situation would not be exacerbated by anything UPVC.

Doors with UPVC are even extremely environmentally friendly. There are actually a few different ways in which they help the environment. For one thing, they are made up of something that is literally all over the earth in volume. This resource is everywhere. Over half of the building material of UPVC consists of salt. This means that a UPVC door will use less than half the non-renewable resources as an inferior door.

UPVC is economically friendly as well. Not only are they often less expensive than their wooden counterparts, but because they are far lighter, they are also less expensive to move. In fact, most UPVC doors begin life hollow. By the end of their manufacturing, they are filled with insulating material, which definitely has an impact the electric bill by minimizing heat exchange between the home and the outside air. Regardless of if it is holding warm air in or out, UPVC does it better. Even the seals, where the door meets the door frame, are more robust than can be fitted on a standard, less technologically advanced door. UPVC can also be recycled.

There are no real downsides to UPVC. It's no wonder that UPVC has become the top choice of remodelers and home builders alike in many countries.

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