Get Back With Your Ex - 3 Mistakes To Avoid

By Mark Walters

It's common during a breakup for one of the two involved to not want it to happen and as a result they want to get back with their ex.

Unfortunately, the majority of people who want this fail to achieve it. Why do they fail? Because they almost always make at least one of the 3 mistakes that are guaranteed to mess up any efforts you can make to get ex back into a relationship.

1) They try to constantly contact the ex. This can be under any guise or circumstance. It might be to 'talk about things' or to try returning any old items. Don't do it. This simply makes your appear needy and this is not an attractive quality.

2) They deteriorate physically, mentally and socially. So many people in break ups allow themselves to fall apart. They stop going out and they stop caring about how they look; all they care about is the pain. Letting this happen to you just gives your ex another reason not to get back with you. Instead show yourself to be strong and independent.

3) They try playing mind games. Contrary to popular belief, jealousy rarely works as a method to get your ex back together with you. Head games turn people away from relationships and trying to make your ex jealous is doomed to fail and push them away, not bring them back, so don't try them.

So, now you know what mistakes to avoid, you can start working towards winning your ex back. The best way to do that is dependent on what has taken place between you before, but be confident that you can achieve your goal as many, many people are successful in getting back with their ex.

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