Advancements In Brochure Printing

By Jason Clark

As marketing tools, brochures have never failed to register an impact on clients' minds. They can be distributed like leaflets or posted at customers' addresses, or can simply be stacked in retail outlets for clients to pick them up. The need to have brochures printed has led to the growth of a segment of the printing services business, which specially caters to brochures. There have been many revolutionary transformations in brochure printing in recent years and the internet along with digital techniques is ushering many of them.

Previously, computers were hardly involved in the brochure printing process, which took many days, involved in working with film negatives or plate-making machines and needed multiple test prints, adjustments etc. Even in design, the customers could not provide detailed suggestions and the printers usually shouldered the design job, working with a restricted set of pre decided formats.

Now, however, brochures are designed, sent across to the printer, and edited on computers, mostly by the customer himself, and the end product is supplied to the client within a much shorter timeframe. Technology has advanced far enough to make round the clock printing possible, allowing any quantity of prints to be delivered to the client within a day's time.

A critical feature of brochure printing is that it entails important elements like layout, content, and use of graphics. With the introduction of digital technology, printing companies have begun to provide a clutch of advantages to the clients in this area, like high quality colour printing, multiple choices in complicated formats and designs, and smart packages on content-building.

Clients nowadays most of the times prefer full-colour brochures and digital brochures amongst the newest varieties of brochures provided by printing services companies. These are generally appropriate for brochures which will be in use from medium to long-term. Any content for short-term bulk use is best promoted through the use of eye catching, colourful, but concise brochures, which have only a limited print run. To develop such brochures, the best method to go for is off-set printing, as a good number of prints can be obtained in a short time span, though it takes a little more time for all the pre-printing tasks in this technique.

Additional services are now provided by many printing service providers besides the quality enhancements in the prints. Direct mailing, distribution and brochure development are some of these extra services.

The internet has radically changed the scenario, with customers now using websites of printing firms and placing online orders after choosing designs and colour schemes from the comfort of their desk. Hence, brochure printing has changed a lot in a comparatively short time, and the rate of advancements is showing no signs of slowing down.

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