Yes, It Really Is Possible To Learn Telepathy!

By Richard P Minks

Telepathy is a form of communication which does not use the five standard senses. Instead of getting your thoughts across through speech or visually, telepathic communication works through a direct mind-to-mind link. It's a useful skill which every man and woman innately possesses and with practice, you too can communicate this way.

You've already used your natural telepathic abilities, although you may not have recognized it as such. One example is the common experience of thinking of a person who you haven't had any contact from in a long time; and then getting a letter, phone call or email from this person shortly after, sometimes even at the same time that you're thinking of them!

This wasn't a coincidence. What happened is that you or the other person initiated some sort of telepathic contact and there was an exchange of thoughts or feelings which one of you sent and the other received.

This person was already meaning to get in touch and the telepathic link gave you a notice that they were thinking of you and that they were going to contact you. Of course, this can also work the other way around; which is why you may call someone you haven't spoken with in a while and have them tell you that they had just been thinking about you.

Despite being very common, most people are doubtful of the existence of telepathy or that learning telepathy is something which they can do. A lot of us are held back by religious indoctrination which teaches us that these kinds of abilities are certainly the work of evil forces. Others are reserving judgment, doubting telepathy unless and until it is scientifically proven and accepted as fact.

Still other people think that there is no reason to learn telepathy. After all, if it was so important, why wouldn't everyone practice it from a young age? This is the wrong way to think about it. We have to learn to use all of our other senses and just because our culture doesn't place a high value on psychic ability doesn't mean that learning telepathy is not worthwhile " it can be very useful, just as learning to communicate verbally is.

Spoken language and telepathy fit together to make a whole. Neither can communicate the entire range of human experience and emotional states by themselves, but when you know how to use both, you can enhance your interpersonal relationships and live a richer life.

There are a lot of pluses to learning telepathy. This is quite literally a sixth sense which allows you to more fully experience the world and enjoy richer interpersonal relationships. It takes practice, but so does picking up any new skill.

You'll need to have a partner to get the best results from your efforts to learn telepathy. Choose a close friend who shares your interest in developing this skill; the positive reinforcement you will give each other will be invaluable.

You'll want to practice with your partner while in separate rooms or even with the two of you at your respective homes. This way you'll be unable to read body language or any other kind of visual cues. Relax and free your mind of stress and worry. After your practice sessions, call each other to compare notes.

You'll take turns being the sender and receiver. First, visualize your partner clearly and imagine something connecting the two of you. Many choose to visualize a beam of light, but even the image of cans on a string can be helpful " just pick something which is easy for you to focus on.

Use this link to send a thought or an image. Send simple signals to begin with which are clear and easy to understand; but complex enough that it would be hard to guess.

Call your partner after you send your signal to compare notes. Find out what they have received and assess how successful your telepathic transmission has been. You should both them take a brief rest and then try again, with your partner now being the sender.

This takes practice and time to develop, so limit your transmission attempts to 15 minutes and rest in between; telepathy can be mentally exhausting when you're not accustomed to it and you want to prevent yourself from getting frustrated if you don't succeed right away.

Learning telepathy takes practice, patience, persistence and positivity. Don't give up and you'll start being able to use your telepathic abilities soon enough and a whole new world will be open to you.

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