Are You Considering A Stair Lift Chair?

By Paul Hamilton

If you are considering having a stair lift chair installed in your own house you might be forgiven for thinking that it might affect an upheaval, but naught would be further from the truth.

The supplying company will fix it to a quantity of steps only, which whilst this is absolutely reliable it means that it can be removed exactly as straightforwardly.

Perhaps you don't want one long term and have determined merely to hire for a period, maybe some person in the household was powerless to go up the steps for a while, or maybe you had someone staying with you for a bit who couldn't go up the flight of stairs. This type of situation means it will be much better to rent than to buy.

You can get a price online, you should just require to take a few dimensions and make your mind up whether the lift was to function on the left or right hand surface of the stairs. Clearly accurate measurements will be required, don't just guess, then you might have a quotation in no time at all.

At the very least if you acquire maybe one or two quotes in this manner it allows you to have a better picture of what you are facing, pricewise.

One of the dimensions will be the width of the stairs, a 27" to 29"" wide stairway is a necessity to allow for a 6' tall grown person to use the lift.

One really beneficial function is that these stair lift chairs typically contain sensors which could recognize anything in the way on the tracks.

For safety there are optional styles which have a key so that no more than the passenger. is capable of activate it, no youngsters using it for sport etc.

A number of stair lift chairs have a power powered chair which, whenever you get to the top, will swivel to permit you to leave the seat with no trouble, either to sit down in a wheelchair or merely to arise. There should be a safety control which would disallow the lift moving when the chair is not in the appropriate place.

You can usually pick out your seat covering color to fit in with your own house decor and most have chairs, armrests etc. that flip up out of the way. You should have a remote control to call or send the stair lift chair and you may have a preference of the controls being on either right or left arm support.

There are several models which appear to me to be enormously good value considering that unbelievably they could add anywhere up to 10% value to your residence!

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